As the first member of the Running Man team he met after receiving the mission, Qiao Sheng's eyes lit up instantly when he looked at Zhou Cong.

Zhou Cong, who knew nothing, looked around and walked towards Qiao Sheng: "Brother Sheng, why are you here? Didn't you go to the 5th floor to find Brother Feng?"

Qiao Sheng pretended to be annoyed and said: "As soon as Liao Feng saw me, he ran into the safety passage. When I caught up with him, I didn't know which floor he had gone down to."

Zhou Cong didn't doubt it at all, but comforted Qiao Sheng: "It's okay, it's okay, I will definitely find it later."

As the two talked and walked, Qiao Sheng fell behind Zhou Cong and asked him: "What about you, Cong, have you seen other guests?"

"No. I searched the whole floor and couldn't find them."

At this time, Zhou Cong's whole back was shining in front of Qiao Sheng, and his hand was already on the gun in his pocket.

Because the air conditioning in the hospital was turned on very well, everyone wore thin coats, and Qiao Sheng's water gun was placed in his trouser pocket, which could not be noticed without careful observation.

He even rolled up the bracelet to his forearm, so if someone pulled his sleeve, he wouldn't have to worry about being exposed.

Just as Qiao Sheng took out the water gun, Zhou Cong suddenly turned around and said, "Brother Sheng, where do you think the guests will hide?"

Qiao Sheng immediately put his other hand into his shirt pocket, pretending nothing happened, but his heart felt like it was about to jump out of his throat, but he still said naturally, "I don't know, there is no clue at all, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack."

"That's right."

Zhou Cong turned around again, while Qiao Sheng put his hand in his pocket, followed carefully for a few meters, quickly took out the gun and shot at Zhou Cong's name tag, and then quickly put it back into his pocket.

But at the moment when the name tag changed color, Zhou Cong suddenly turned around, touched his neck and said strangely, "Hey, what is this, water?"

His eyes met Qiao Sheng's in mid-air, and Qiao Sheng thought he was going to be discovered, and he cried out in his heart that it was bad.

Who knew Zhou Cong would laugh and say to him: "Brother Sheng, be careful, there is a little water leak on my roof."

"Oh, it's okay, I'll go down and talk to the program team, don't let the hospital open and still have water leaks." Qiao Sheng followed Zhou Cong's words and found an excuse to leave.

As soon as he turned to a deserted place, Qiao Sheng immediately patted his chest and said with lingering fear: "This spy is really doing it. I'm going to have a heart attack."

"But it's really exciting!"

After saying that, Qiao Sheng walked to another floor with an excited smile.

A few minutes later, the broadcast of Zhou Cong's elimination resounded throughout the hospital.

"Zhou Cong is eliminated!"

"Zhou Cong is eliminated!"

"Zhou Cong is eliminated!"

The elimination broadcast sounded three times in total. Zhou Cong, who was shrinking in the room on the second floor, heard it and immediately felt like a deflated ball.

He said with a sad face: "I didn't do anything, why was I eliminated?"

Until he was carried to the elimination area by the men in black, Zhou Cong still didn't understand the reason for his elimination.

He kept asking the two men in black: "Brother, do you know why I was eliminated? Is it just a radio audition?"

Unfortunately, the men in black can't talk, and because they can't talk, they are miserable.

Zhou Cong was relentless. During the five minutes from the place where he was eliminated to the elimination area, he was alone there talking to himself.

The two well-trained men in black were almost unable to hold back.

The news of Zhou Cong's elimination triggered a chain of panic among the other members. While Zhou Cong was eliminated so quickly, they were all worried about whether they would be the next one.

The first one to be unable to sit still was Yu Xi. She felt a little scared when she was looking for him alone. When the broadcast of Zhou Cong's elimination was played, she panicked even more.

At this time, the task of finding the guest had been forgotten by Yu Xi. Her first thought was to find Wang Liang or Qiao Sheng.

In her opinion, Wang Liang has strength and Qiao Sheng has brains. No matter which of the two is found, it will bring a strong sense of security.

Of course, it would be even better if both of them could be found.

"Woman, your name is greed." Yu Xi laughed and complained about herself in her heart, but her feet kept walking towards other floors.

On the third floor, Qiao Sheng met Qian Guang, who looked panicked.

As soon as he saw Qiao Sheng, he ran over and grabbed his arms as if he saw a savior: "Qiao Sheng, when Zhou Cong was eliminated just now, I happened to see it through the glass window upstairs!"

Qiao Sheng immediately looked surprised and asked: "You saw Zhou Cong? Then did you see who eliminated Zhou Cong?"

Qian Guang said with fear in his tone: "That's the problem. I didn't see the person who eliminated Zhou Cong at all! His name tag was attached to his back and was not torn off."

"Didn't see anyone?" Qiao Sheng frowned and said:"That's a problem!"

Qian Guang asked in confusion, "Why do you say that?"

Qiao Sheng explained, "Today's task is to find the guest, so it must be the guest who eliminated Zhou Cong, and you didn't see him, which means the way the guests eliminated us was not to tear off the name tag."

"Eliminated without tearing off the name tag?" Qian Guang thought, "What would that be?"

Qiao Sheng smiled and said, "There are many ways, such as finding a doll with our name tag in the hospital, tearing it off and the corresponding person will be eliminated, or finding the pinyin of the name, and spelling it into a name can be eliminated..."

Qiao Sheng and Qian Guang listed many similar elimination methods, but they didn't mention elimination by getting the name tag wet.

Qian Guang suddenly realized it after listening, and then he and Qiao Sheng separated to tell the news to others.

Qiao Sheng wanted to use the method of dealing with Zhou Cong on Qian Guang again, but Qian Guang was now a frightened bird, looking back every two steps on the road, as if Zhou Cong's elimination made him suffer from paranoia.

After following him for about ten meters, Qian Guang looked back again and saw Qiao Sheng still following him. He looked at him with a strange look and asked, "Qiao Sheng, why are you following me all the time? Didn't we agree to act separately?"

Qiao Sheng pointed to the elevator not far away: "Oh, I'll go over there and take the escalator."

"Ah? The escalator is over there? Then I went the wrong way. I want to take the elevator in the other direction." Qian Guang escaped by accident.

It was also after the two of them left in two directions that Qiao Sheng put Qian Guang in the last place in the elimination order.

Because Qiao Sheng thought about it and found that he was very useful.

Originally, Qiao Sheng just wanted to solve the game one by one for today, but after seeing the startled Qian Guang and his words, he had a plan in his mind.

A plan that would allow him to get out and solve everyone in a very calm way.

Looking at Qian Guang who was going away, Qiao Sheng muttered in a low voice: "Sorry, Brother Guang."

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