Qiao Sheng undoubtedly won the first place.

Before the second round of the game started, Wang Liang and Qian Guang quarreled over the rules again.

Wang Liang said righteously: "Director Xie, I think there should be one more rule in the rules, that is, you cannot touch other people's tissues."

Qian Guang said angrily: "Wang Liang, what do you mean? In the first round, you crumpled up my tissue and threw it away. Now it's my turn to take revenge, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I am doing this for the fairness of the program!"

Wang Liang said this righteously, without any embarrassment.

Xie Haoran was waiting for Qian Guang to refute, but he heard him agree and said "OK!"

However, Qian Guang turned to Xie Haoran and said: "But Director Xie, Qiao Sheng's method can't be used either. He is just cheating!"

"Brother Guang, you guys quarrel your own way, why do you drag me into it?" Qiao Sheng was unhappy.

Qian Guang pretended to be angry and said, "If everyone follows your method, no one will fall down. The show will have to be recorded until next year."

Qiao Sheng thought about it and it was right. If everyone follows this method, how ugly the show will be in the end.

Eight people were covered with tissues and blowing air there. Those who knew it knew it was a variety show, and those who didn't thought it was a zombie movie.

Finally, Xie Haoran announced that cheating in the first round would not be allowed in the second round, otherwise they would be eliminated directly.

Everyone stood up again.

With the lessons of the first round, everyone learned their lesson and stood very far apart this time.

Especially Wang Liang, in order to avoid Qian Guang's revenge, he stayed far away from him.

The second round of the game started with Xie Haoran's whistle.

At the beginning, Qian Guang threw the tissue up and immediately ran towards Wang Liang.

After quickly coming to Wang Liang's side, he reached out and covered Wang Liang's mouth, and then blew Wang Liang's tissue away in one breath.

Wang Liang broke away from Qian Guang and tried to save him, but the tissue had already floated to the crowd of staff.

The ground was full of electrical wires and equipment. Wang Liang squeezed through with difficulty, but could only watch the tissue fall to the ground in front of him.

He turned his head to look at Qian Guang, who was already twisting his butt and mocking him.

"I didn't touch the tissue. The rules announced by Director Xie didn't say that you can't blow other people's tissues."

Wang Liang shot himself in the foot, and he had to swallow this loss.

Zhou Cong, who was standing by, was stunned.

His tissue fell to the ground faster than Wang Liang's, just because when Qian Guang ran past him, the wind brought by his running deflected the direction of the tissue.

At this time, Zhou Cong was in a state of enlightenment because of the mutual attack between the two.

It turns out that the game can be played like this!

When he came to his senses, his eyes were burning and shining, and he couldn't wait to let Xie Haoran start the third round of the game.

Zhou Cong felt that he had grasped the essence of the game.

In the second round, Qiao Sheng did not cheat and played normally, winning the third place and six points.

After two rounds of points, Qiao Sheng and Liao Haiyang tied for first place, while Qian Guang and Wang Liang ranked at the bottom.

However, for the two of them, the game was no longer important. What was important was how to destroy each other's gaming experience.

Sure enough, as soon as the whistle for the third round of the game sounded, Wang Liang and Qian Guang threw the tissues directly, ran towards each other, and then hugged and wrestled together.

The fight was definitely not a real fight. The two hugged each other and fell to the ground.

Qian Guang was afraid of Wang Liang's floor moves. In order to prevent being locked, he simply wrapped around him like an octopus.

Others were busy blowing tissues and had no time to pay attention to them.

The two could not separate and could not fight, so they just stalemate on the ground.

Zhou Cong felt that he had learned a lot from Wang Liang and Qian Guang, and he directly applied it in actual combat. While blowing the tissue, he deliberately moved closer to Qu Hong.

With the interference of his buttocks, Qu Hong's tissue fell to the ground soon as expected.

Qu Hong stood by and looked at Zhou Cong angrily, waiting until his tissue fell to the ground.

Just when he was about to blame him, he was greeted by Zhou Cong's innocent face.

"What's wrong, brother Hong?"

Qu Hong didn't know what to say for a moment.

Say he did it on purpose, he looked confused.

Say he was wronged, he had been bending his buttocks for so long, it was impossible that he didn't feel anything.

Zhou Cong, who had achieved the effect of his trick for the first time, showed a triumphant smile behind Qu Hong.

This scene was seen by Qian Guang and Wang Liang.

"Hey, Zhou Cong is a quick learner, he has already mastered it." Qian Guang poked Wang Liang with his elbow.

"That's right, don't you see who he usually hangs out with?" Wang Liang was also very satisfied with Zhou Cong's performance.

"That's right, Qiao Sheng is so smart, the younger brother he recruits can't be that stupid."

Wang Liang stared at Qian Guang with his eyes wide open: "It's me! He usually hangs out with me!"

Qian Guang glanced at him disdainfully and said, "You?"

"Hey, Qiao Sheng, you can't do this, it's a foul!"

Yu Xi's voice of reminder suddenly came from the court.

Qian Guang and Wang Liang looked at it and were immediately amused, and then slapped their heads again, wondering why they didn't think of this method at the beginning!

Only Qiao Sheng and Liao Haiyang were still standing strong on the court at this time.

Yu Xi exclaimed and reminded because Qiao Sheng stretched out his foot at the moment when the tissue he had been blowing was about to fall to the ground!

The tissue landed steadily on the instep of Qiao Sheng's foot, and everyone saw this scene following Yu Xi's voice.

Just when Xie Haoran was thinking about whether there was this rule in the game rules, Qiao Sheng spoke.

"Sister Xi, the rules only say that the tissue should not fall to the ground, but it doesn't say that it will be eliminated if it falls on the feet. "

Qiao Sheng's stepping out just now was a completely subconscious reaction. This remark was completely thought of by him in a hurry.

Otherwise, he could have let the tissue fall on his shoulder at the beginning.

Everyone looked at Xie Haoran, waiting for his answer. Xie Haoran thought for a while and said, "This won't work. If you can't blow up the tissue within five seconds, you will be eliminated."

Six eyes converged on Qiao Sheng again.

"Five seconds?" Qiao Sheng smiled bitterly, "It's a bit short, Director Xie!"

"Don't delay, I'm counting down!" As Qian Guang finished speaking, the six people began to count down together.




When counting to three, Qiao Sheng withdrew his eyes from Liao Haiyang and his heart began to beat violently.

I have only succeeded in this trick when practicing, I don't know if it will work.

"Two! "

At the moment when the number two was called out, Qiao Sheng slightly arched his back, swung his hands in a circle, swung his right leg, and did a one-legged front flip on the spot!

Everyone present was stunned, and the "one" that was supposed to be called out was stuck in his throat.

Qiao Sheng stood up from the ground and blew at the paper towel that was slowly falling from the air, and then there was a violent cheer at the scene.

Not only the guests and members, but also the staff who were filming.

If you don't want to be eliminated, you can blame it again, it doesn't matter, why did you make such a big deal!

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