Qiao Sheng's trick drew cheers from the whole room.

All the members had already run over and shouted around him, no one cared whether Liao Haiyang won or not.

Liao Haiyang put away the tissue and smiled bitterly. Qiao Sheng had worked so hard, and if he continued to blow, he would look a little silly.

After a while of noise, everyone stood up again.

According to the ranking of the points in the three rounds of games, Qiao Sheng got the clue.

After whispering with Xie Haoran for a while, he nodded and returned to his position.

Qian Guang said at this time: "I already have a candidate for the criminal in my mind."

After attracting everyone's curious eyes, he said loudly: "After three rounds of games, the top three people with the highest points are the most suspicious. Because they all want to win, so that they can get the information about the criminal themselves, so as not to expose themselves."

"So, Qiao Sheng, Qu Hong and Brother Yang are the three most suspicious people."

Qian Guang's words made sense, but he was immediately refuted by Qiao Sheng.

"Brother Guang, I don't think so. Maybe the criminal wants to take advantage of your mentality and let himself deliberately take the blame to clear his suspicion?"

Qiao Sheng smiled and pointed at Qian Guang and Wang Liang and said, "I think you two are more suspicious."

"Hehe, Qiao Sheng, you still want to hide." Qian Guang smiled and said, "If you want to say that you are not the criminal, do you dare to announce the clues of the criminal?"

Qiao Sheng shook his head: "I can't announce the clues of the criminal."

Qian Guang clapped his hands: "Yes, of course you can't announce it, because you are the criminal!"

"Wrong!" Qiao Sheng smiled and shook his head: "I can't announce it because I want information that is beneficial to me."

Qian Guang was stunned: "You didn't ask for the criminal's information?"

Qiao Sheng said helplessly: "I am not a criminal, why do I need the criminal's information?"

The words were reasonable and well-founded. Qian Guang temporarily put aside his suspicion of Qiao Sheng and turned to suspect Liao Haiyang and Qu Hong.

The three people were talking there, and then they remembered that Wang Liang had been making trouble since the beginning of the game, so they pulled him in as well. The four of them were arguing with each other.

It was Xie Haoran who spoke up again to calm the four people down.

Alas, if I wasn't in this show, there would be a fight sooner or later.

After Xie Haoran finished complaining in his heart, he began to announce the rules of the second round of the game.

"The second round of the game is to cross the single-plank bridge, and it is still a personal points ranking battle. You wait here and come out one by one to accept the challenge."

After Xie Haoran finished saying this, he walked out with some staff, leaving only everyone to follow and take photos.

"Hey, Qiao Sheng." Qian Guang elbowed Qiao Sheng and asked, "Do you know what Director Xie is doing? It's so mysterious."

Other people also looked over.

Qiao Sheng really didn't know what it was, so he could only guess: "I don't know either, but judging from the name of the game, it's probably something like walking on a single-plank bridge."

"But why do they have to challenge us one by one to walk on a single-plank bridge?" Huang Yushu asked in confusion.

"I guess they watched the first round of the game and were afraid that we would be in danger if we messed up nearby." When Qian Guang said this, his eyes were on Wang Liang.

Everyone else nodded and thought it made sense, but only Qiao Sheng was thinking, is it really a dangerous single-plank bridge?

Before everyone discussed for long, the staff came in and asked Zhou Cong, the first one, to go out and challenge.

Zhou Cong followed out with a smile, and said confidently before leaving: "It's just a single-plank bridge. There are many in our village. I'm sure I can walk over it."

After that, the hatch separated him from the people inside into two worlds.

"Huh, are we docked?" Zhou Cong was confused after seeing the scenery outside, but soon looked down at the signal of the staff.

I saw a wooden board about one meter wide, with both ends placed on the dock and the boat.

As the river water rose and fell, the wooden board also swayed slightly with the boat.

Zhou Cong was not confused or excited at this time, but was afraid.

Yes, he was afraid. He did not see any single-plank bridge on the shore, but only saw several big brothers carrying cameras filming him on the shore.

If his guess was correct, then the so-called single-plank bridge was what he saw.

But he did not give up and still asked the question.

"Didn't you say there was a single-plank bridge competition? Where is the single-plank bridge?"

The staff did not speak, but just pointed down, and then smiled and took him to a room.

With the help of the staff, Zhou Cong put on a life jacket and two layers of goggles. In a state where he could not see anything, he was led by the staff to the single-plank bridge.

The gentle river breeze blew across Zhou Cong's face, and the river water splashed on the shore.

Zhou Cong was so scared at this time that he felt extremely cold when the wind blew over him, and the river water splashed on the shore.The shore was howling like a death cry, which was terrifying.

Xie Haoran's voice came from beside him: "Zhou Cong, you should have seen our single-plank bridge just now, right?"

Zhou Cong nodded, and then trembled: "Director Xie, you won't really let me walk on that bridge?"

Xie Haoran smiled and said: "Our game is called Crossing the Single-plank Bridge, do you want to walk?"

Xie Haoran's words wiped out the last bit of luck in Zhou Cong's heart. He slowly raised his hand to take off the blindfold, but was stopped by the staff.

"You can't take off the blindfold in this game. If you take it off, you will be eliminated."

Zhou Cong's heart was like a drop in an ice cellar: "Thank you... Director Xie, this wooden bridge is so wide, and there are no guardrails on both sides. You still don't allow me to take off the blindfold. It's too... too dangerous, isn't it?"

"It's okay, don't be afraid, there are ropes on the bridge, and we have taken protective measures. There are divers on standby below, and nothing will happen."

Xie Haoran's words did not have the slightest comforting effect, but made Zhou Cong more scared.

When he looked down before, he roughly estimated that the distance between the wooden board and the river surface below was about ten meters.

This distance seems very short, but in fact, it is almost the height of four or five floors.

It's like when we watch a diving competition, in the ten-meter high platform event, every athlete looks very easy to jump.

But when you really come to the swimming pool, stand on the ten-meter high diving platform and look down, almost everyone will walk back with trembling legs.

Zhou Cong's legs began to tremble when he thought of the trembling wooden board.

Under the guidance of the staff, Zhou Cong moved to the so-called single-plank bridge with difficulty.

After stepping on the edge of the boat, the staff put his hand on a rope as thick as a thumb.

Holding the rope mentioned by Xie Haoran, Zhou Cong did not feel safe at all.

The river wind around him became stronger at some point, blowing the rope to shake constantly. Zhou Cong held the rope and felt that he would fall at any time.

"Director Xie, do you have to walk over? Can I sit and crawl over?"

Zhou Cong's voice trembled, and he seemed so helpless in the silent night sky.

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