When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 130 - A Midnight Swim

For a while we sit there, in each others embrace, soaking in the peculiar warmth of each others presence. I suppose it makes sense, really, that warmth. In becoming a hybrid my blood is much colder than it was before, my body stuck in purgatory between life and death. I never thought I would experience a time where Soren's body would be warm to the touch, but after resting against his chest, his arms slung protectively around me, I decide it is not such a bad thing after all.

"What are you thinking, little dove?" Soren coos, his head resting atop my own as he brings his hand to caress my silken locks. I stir against him.

"I'm thinking that I still can't believe you thought letting me take your blood was a remotely good idea. As much as I am enjoying the newfound power I have been granted, it is still all quite a horrific mess. I'm a mess," I laugh jokingly, pulling myself back to cross my arms over myself, partially to spite him, and partially to shield myself against the wintery veins of wind that shackle my body in its cold and unrelenting grasp. He takes my wrists into his hands, binding me to him.

"And you supposed I would let you die instead?" he whispers sadly, his fingers tightening around me with a desperate urgency. I frown lightly. It is not often that I have seen such a melancholy look upon his face, in fact it is rather unheard of from the Scarlet Prince. A part of me feels awful for even mentioning the subject, content instead to just rest my head back against his head and forget about the whole ordeal.

But unsaid problems are not unsolved ones.

"Maybe letting me die would have been better. I fail to see how making me an immortal angel with vampiric qualities, not to mention with your blood in my system would solve any problems."

Soren's fingers loosen momentarily on my wrists, and he lets my hands drop. His lip quivers.

"Don't speak like that, darling" he insists, voice quivering a little. A trembling darkness stretches out from his form, empty and full of sorrow. "Please, I could not bare it if you died."

My heart pangs in my chest. I swallow.

"Sorry," I mutter softly, "I did not mean too... I mean, well, I suppose if it had been you dying, I would have done the same for you too."

A gentle smile pulls at Soren's lips.

"At least you are alive, darling," he whispers, his voice little more than a husky growl as he lowers his head down to linger close to my neck, his breath fanning out against my skin, sending a sensuous array of shivers slipping down my spine. I pull my unwilling body back to look at him, giving him a narrowed glance. A smirk tugs at my lips.

"Actually, I think you will find I am dead."

He chuckles darkly, the smooth, honeyed laugh of a creature so well versed in flirtations and the seductive appeal that he could not help to be alluring even if he tried. 

"Half dead. But you are here, and you are mine. And that is all I ask."

Then his focus shifts to something on my shoulder, a faint graze of blood stained over my skin, the leftover remnants from the gashes on my back, now replaced with a smooth expanse of creamy white skin, as though my back had never been torn open in the first place. But the blood is still there, soaked over my skin like a permanent scar to remind me of my failings. To Soren's credit, he does not lunge for me like any other vampire at the slight of blood would. Only a dull flicker of red passes through his eyes as he rises, taking my hand in his as he draws me up with him.

"Come, the night it warm, let me bathe you clean," he offers, gesture towards the pristine waters of the lake beside us, so clear and crystalline that the depths can be seen with a strange, watery clarity, shimmering with the faint ripples of disruption from the creatures that inhabit it.

I used to go swimming in the lakes within our clan borders when I was younger, striving to be free from the scorching heat of the midday sun and find a blissful cool in the watery shallows. It was due to this that the lakes on such days were often packed with Folk, nymphs and dryads, angels and even a stray pixie would wonder down to the lakes to take themselves a well deserved dip in their icy waters. Anyone with half a brain would be down there, and so quite obviously, it was often insanely crowded. But Ithuriel and I had found a smaller, rather more secluded lake to spend our days, content to bask in its waters while the glorious golden light of the sun came trickling onto our backs. The council never did find us there, but were awfully upset when we arrived home, burnt from the sun and giggling like drunkards.

But here there is no council to scold me. Only Soren, and this lake.

In spite of myself, I offer him a grin.

"Alright, if you promise to behave,"

Soren gives me a classically handsome smirk.

"You have my word, my Queen," he assures, causing my body swells with pride at the words. Soren takes one look at the delicate red blush on my face and gives me a beautiful smile, hooking his hand around my waist to draw me against him as he places his lips affectionately on top of my head.

"My Queen," he repeats, and my body glows with a hot flush. "My beautiful Queen."

Then, he scoops me up into his arms and wades into the lake.

"Soren- your clothes!" I exclaim as he wades deeper and deeper until nearly waist high in water, soaking both our clothes that now cling wetly against our bodies, the tips of my wings submerged into the depths of the water. He lets me down slowly to stand upon the sandy bottom, gaining his balance. Nervously, I tip from side to side, splaying my hands out before me. The weight of the water on my wings drags them down, a heavy burden that I had gotten so used to not carrying. It feels almost unnatural now- the thought of which doesn't sit well in my stomach.

There was a time where not having wings had felt unnatural, but now it seems its the other way around.

Noticing my obvious lack of balance, Soren loops his hand around my waist to steady me.

"I have plenty more clothes in my room, and you asked me to behave, and so I shall, probably," he reminds me as he motions a finger for me to turn around,  carefully tearing off the ripped and ruined shirt from my back. Swiftly he balls up the remains and with one quick throw, discards them on the side of the bank. "Besides, your wings already ruined this one," I blush a little.


"No no," he insists, "I'm teasing. Come," he says softly, guiding me towards the edge of the bank and patting the nearest spot of grass, indicating me to lean there, which I do so with unsteady caution. "Spread your wings for me, there are still blood stains on your back that need washing off. But," he says, tracing a slender finger lightly over my skin. "You have healed beautifully."

I give him a slightly disgruntled growl. 

"I suppose, no thanks to you,"

I don't need to turn around to envision the sad smile that presses itself onto Soren's face. Feeling the weight of his silence pressing upon me, I utter at last.

"Sorry, that was mean of me."

Soren shakes his head insistently.

"No, no. You have every right to be mad, it's okay."

"Mm," is all I mutter, not entirely sure how to respond.

Instead, I lean my head down against my arms, my body half submerged in water, letting him wash over my back. I shudder as he scoops up the cold liquid in his hands and douses it over my back, rubbing away blood stains gently with the pads of his thumbs. A little murmur escapes my lips at the motion of his hands on my body, enjoying the sensations that shivers over my body at his touch.

The feathers of my wings catch against the warm breeze of the night as I splay them out behind me, allowing Soren to stand between them to wash away the marks on my dirtied skin. It feels nice- to have a touch that is not so intimate as it is soft, and I sigh inwardly as I allow his hands to run over the tense nodules of my back, easing out the stress in my shoulders. There are times where his body brushes up against my wings, causing me to shiver slightly. Although his promise not to be naughty lingers in the air between us, I can't help but think that he might be doing it deliberately, just to test the waters.

At last Soren draws his body against mine, wrapping his arms around my waist to draw me against his abdomen. Sighing, he lets his head rest against the junction of my shoulder and neck, warm breath tickling my skin. My heart and my wings flutter with exhilaration.

"You're so beautiful," he whispers against my neck, his face nuzzling against me with a tender searching, breath fanning over my skin in cold and cloudy plumes.

"You keep saying," I grin with a roll of my eyes, bringing a hand back to stroke his hair lovingly.

"And you keep denying it," he shoots back, then he turns me back around to face him, leaning my back against the side of the grassy bank. A curious look overcomes his features.

"Your heart," he says suddenly.. "It's changed."

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