When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 131 - A Taste For Blood

"What?" I reply, quite unsure how to respond to this out of the blue comment. Soren shakes his head solemnly.

"Your heartbeat has changed," he repeats earnestly, fingers trailing down the bare skin of my chest to linger over my heart, as if his presence there might somehow give him answers. His brows synch together in a perplexed confusion. "It's much... slower. And it would seem," he says, walking his fingers up to patter on my collar bones, leaning his pointed ear towards my chest to strain to catch to the steady thrum of my heart. The beats are loud against the sturdy confines of my chest. His ram's horns press roughly against my skin, listening. 

"Well, I suppose this was the natural progression, but it seems the functioning of your body has become much more efficient. Alarmingly so, in fact, and yet... you lack many vampiric qualities. I expect my blood may have even carried over its regenerative properties to your body, but I never expected an immortal to have a beating heart. While it is not impossible, it definitely is remarkably unusual," he affirms with a joking laugh as he pulls himself back, flashing his fangs with a sly and sultry semblance as he waves a teasing finger in my direction. I wrinkle my nose at him.

"And whose fault is it that my body is now oh so efficient?" I smirk, catching his hand in mine as I bring it to my face. I let my cheek rest against the palm of his hand in a manner so contented that in that moment, I might have let myself drift into a blissful slumber, enveloped in the warm depths of the previously sun soaked water and the amorous embrace of my mate.

I wish this moment between us could last forever. Although perhaps now being immortal, maybe it really can.

"Mm do you hate me now?" he murmurs, tilting his head slightly to give me a solitary pout. After a seconds hesitation, he proceeds to bring his thumb to brush over the swell of my lower lip, as if endeavouring to draw up that pretty redness from my skin to fade flushed over my face. My cheeks warm as I lean into his touch.

"Originally, I thought I might. You knew the risks that giving me your blood came with, you had no idea what would become of me, and on top of that you knew I was an angel, and yet you did it anyway. There was no telling what would become of me, say I had gone wild, driven to bloodlust? I would not be me, not be sane. I would be a monster, and there would be nothing you could do about it!" I say, raising my arms up in the air despairingly, but after a moment's consideration, I lower them again, puffing a sigh from the side of my cheek. No, that is not a fair thing to say. Sighing, I continue.

"But, well, you did single handedly save my life. And I guess having an immortals blood in my veins isn't so bad- I certainly feel more powerful. Plus these horns are growing on me. So I guess I kind of do owe you something," I chuckle a little in spite of myself, lifting my gaze to meet his with an adoring smile. "Thank you,"

"I suppose my reign as the wicked Scarlet prince still bears strong," he muses, bringing his spare hand to play around my waist, tickling my skin with his slender fingers that slip occasionally down to the hem of my trousers- a devilish act which he acknowledges with a flaunting grin. So much for not being naughty.

"I think you look lovely as you are, my darling. Though, there is something that I believe you still have yet to show me," he says, shooting me a knowing look as his brings his fingers up to dance over my lips. My face flushes as his thumb presses more firmly against my lips, requesting silently for me to open my mouth.

"Let me see them, darling," he growls softly, voice sinking into the compellingly sweet notes of honeyed allure. The rush his voice sends through me upon the reaching of his voice in my ears is so great that my jaw goes slack on the instant. He purrs his approval.

"Good girl,"

Gently, and with the steady caution of not wanting to push me to much, he runs the pad of his thumb over the points of my top teeth, feeling out the knifed points of my new canines with an eager curiosity. His face is fixed, as though he is an architect mulling over the finer points of his own handiwork. He murmurs his approval, his eyes lowered as he explores the new growth of my body. Then, without a second warning, he presses his thumb into the tip of one such canine, puncturing the pale flesh with a slight wince at the effort. In an instant, his body tenses, his eyes fluttering shut. A shaky sigh wracks his body as vampire venom intercepts the blood in his veins.

The aroma of blood hits me before the taste. 

It is surprising how quickly one can find themselves changed by the cruel hands of fate and the merciless spinning of time. Blood which I once found revolting, gagged at the sight of and scorned the creatures of diets were of solely and indefinitely the latter, now spills over me in a mixture of pleasant sweetness and peculiar temptation, like a fine wine, sweetened and aged with honey. Out of instinct my hands clasp around his wrist, eyes fluttering shut as I let my lips close over his thumb, tongue darting out against the skin to lap up the droplets that have begun to pool against his tender skin. It tastes like heaven.

"There's a good girl," he purrs lowly, a slight smirk creeping into the corners of his mouth. It occurs to me that his actions were very much entirely deliberate, but at this point I do not care. I pull away, letting myself gasp for breath as I drop his hand, letting it sink against the water. My chest heaves.

"Fantastic," I retort jokingly, wiping my mouth with the back of his hand. "As well as fangs and horns, now I enjoy the taste of blood. I sure hope you are happy with your little creation."

Soren's eyes swirl a dangerous red. He brings a sensuous hand to curl around my cheek.

"Yes, I am very happy with you,"

"If I didn't know any better, I would say you are enjoying this."

Soren merely shrugs.

"I will say that the way you feed is quite the sight to behold,"

Lightly, I whack the side of his arm.


Then, without warning, his face softens a little, as if the old nature of his fraudulent self had suddenly up and vanished.

"Why, thank you," he whispers, drawing my body up against his, pressing our abdomens against each other. His fingers grip tightly around my lower back, sending chills running up and down my spine. I wave him off a little, curling my fingertips around the back of his hair, winding into the mussy curls. Then I press my lips against his, kissing him softly, the faint tang of blood lingering on my lips. Between kisses, Soren murmurs.

"You are quite the rarity, you know- whoever heard of an angel as devilish as you? Quite literally too."

"You have created an abomination," I half joke, leaning my forehead up against his. "An angel with a taste for blood is not a creature that should exist in the world."

Soren shakes his head wistfully, his nose nuzzling into mine as his fingers draw low and soothing circles around my waist, as if endeavouring to quell us both into a lulled state of unawares. His warm breath tickles my skin.

"Your transformation is incomplete, the only blood you will like is my own. It is a mechanism that vampire blood puts forth to ensure a complete transformation of its host; that the vampire's blood will be the only blood the victim can tolerate until the transformation is complete. That way, they will always consume enough blood to be turned fully. But your body is stuck midway, and no amount of blood more will change you any further- your body has become immune, so to speak."

"You are lucky your blood tastes good, otherwise I might not have forgiven you for that one." I snicker, but much to my despair, Soren looks crestfallen. He issues a lamenting sigh.

"I know you will never truly forgive me for what I have done to you- for what might have happened, and I will not forgive myself either. But I was going to lose you Serena, I had no choice. Do not think I made that decision with ease, for I did not." The rest of his sentence trails off into oblivion. Despairingly, he brings a hand up to rub his face, an expression so pained, so entirely mortal, taking over him, that for the first time in a long while, my heart throbs in sympathy. 

"Hey, hey, shh, it's okay Soren, I am joking, don't worry," I murmur, bringing my fingers up to enclose around his hand, pressing up against the cool skin of his hand. "And I guess being a bit less of fragile is only ever a good thing.. I suppose I should thank you- a more efficient body, a strange marking, and only at the low cost of having fangs, horns and a taste for your blood… I suppose that could have gone a lot, lot worse."

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