When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 138 - Terrifying Or Just A Teddy Bear?

With the sheer effort it takes for my brain to focus on anything other than the roguish circling of his slender digits up and down my thigh, I am surprised at myself for managing to get any words out at all. But the words I do manage to get out are sarcastic and witty, the perfect response to a hedonistic vampire.

"Yes, I am sure you could hardly live with yourself if you missed granting me that opportunity."

A low snarl rips from his throat, his eyes flickering red. I grin once more.

"Don't pretend you wouldn't disappointed either," he says lowly, his voice little more than a murmur in the fresh night air. I shrug casually, pretending with my best look of nonchalance not to care at all.

But from hearing my heart pound rapidly in my chest, its pace only quickening, I doubt Soren believes that for a single second. 

"So," I murmur casually now, prizing myself from his grip to let myself waltz around the room, dancing by myself under the golden hue of the twinkling lights, soaking in the mystical luminescence like a cat under the sun. My limbs- a tad more slender than they once were, perhaps the after effect of a vampires bite, or more simply the vivid fancies on my imagination, seem to float through the air with a weightless motion as I move. I seem to carry less of that stark rigidity that graces most mortal beings, instead replaced with a flaunting smoothness, like that of a soft wind on a spring's morning. It is a feeling much to be enjoyed, savoured.

In my sad bereavements in Soren's garden, I had barely let myself think over the perks of having an immortal beauty's blood in my system, but here in this room those perks seem all too evident. 

"So indeed," Soren muses humorously upon seeing my sentence has no conclusion, floating over as he captures my hand with a low laugh. The vampire Prince pulls my hand up into the air as he twirls me on the spot, dress flaring up like a black flame around me, a sly look on his face.

"Aside from that bed, which I will get to in a minute, where are we exactly?" I ask curiously as Soren continues to spin me elegantly around the room, circling around the grand bed in the middle like moths around a flame.  The freshness of the cool air kisses at my cheek, over to two of us as we dance, spilling over me and washing over my exposed portions of my body with a revitalising softness.

The Scarlet Prince gives me a sideways grin, as though anticipating the question, side stepping around the room as he pulls me along with him in the endless entanglement of long limbs and dancing feet.

"Well, where do you think we are?" He asks, pulling me close to him, my face flushing at the motion, an action that never gets old.

"I am not sure," I confess doubtfully. "At first glance I would say we were somewhere in the palace, but now I am not sure I believe that any more. The palace is cold, full of vampires. And here I can have my wings, so I hardly doubt we are there."

Soren nods his head, remaining silent for a few moments as we continue to dance, if only to draw in my presence.

His lips are wet, cheeks slightly flushed despite the ghostly parlour of his skin. At first glance one might call him beautiful, dashing even, the ideal lover, as he holds me close to him, inclined to maintain this steady, conservative foxtrot around the room that somehow carries an air of dignified class. Others may call him a monster, the glistening fangs and devilish horns seem to say as much. But I know different- this splendid creature is neither one, nor the other, yet both at the same time. A daydream and a nightmare to those who intend to go against him. 

But he is mine, and I am his. And that is all I could ever ask.

"I am glad you agree, darling," Soren smiles, slowing us down as he offers me a devilish grin, eyes flashing a stormy red at the admittance that he has been delving through my mind. I wrinkle my nose in a slight irritation but somehow, miraculously, find myself not caring all the same. "But yes, you are right. We are not in the Palace, in fact we are a long way from any vampires at all. This is my private estate in Melsadef, a gift from the Queen of the Celestial Faeries- I believe her name was Kagura, about 100 years ago after I ascended to rule as a Prince. The Queen cast a permanent portal spell here and to my study in the palace, to allow me to get away when the pressures of my kingdom get too much. I could never really tell whether this was a gift in earnest or an attempt to gain my hand in marriage. She was ever so fond of me, perhaps she thought to win me over. Her heart pined for me for many years, though she found a mate in one of my companions, actually, a vampire named Xavier," he notes absently, his voice giving nothing away as to whether or not such feelings were ever reciprocated.

This time, I do frown a little and something that might be jealousy pangs in me. Silly really, even if anything did go on, it is some 100 years ago- far longer than I have even been alive. Yet still I cannot push aside the nagging tones of irritation.

Maybe that is my mating link playing up on me, exaggerating my feelings. Or maybe I am just a little bit too possessive. I bite the inside of my cheek, willing myself into silence.

Melsadef is far east of Sezeria, a wild land of uncharted magic, revelry and midnight poisons. It's a place of faeries and pixies, impish tricks and charming courtiers whose tricks are almost as dastardly as they are ethereally beautiful. Faeries are tricky creatures, silver tongued and witty- yet not in the terrifying way a vampire might lure you into a false sense of wonderful allure, but with enough devious prowess to charm you into thinking a handful of worms was suddenly the most wonderful meal you have ever seen.

Their ways are sly and cunning-though often harmless as with enough knowledge of their mannerism and exploitations of their rather large loopholes, it is easy enough to avoid running into more complicated matters. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for a vampire. Vampires take as they like, regardless of the consequences, feeling it their utmost duty to glutton upon moral flesh and blood and pleasure every soft body into a sensual bliss. A vampire's glamour has no loopholes, constrained solely to the will of its maker. Perhaps that is what makes them so terrifying. 

"I am terrifying now, am I?" Soren chuckles darkly, eyes gleaming with a lusty red, as though seeing the exact thoughts that are running through my head and finding himself most amused by them. I roll my eyes.

"Hardly," I tease, knowing full well that he is, in fact, truly terrifying at times, but not willing to give him the satisfaction of the ego boost enough to voice it. "You are about as terrifying as a teddy bear,"

Suddenly, something shifts in Soren's face.

"Is that so?" he growls now, lowering his eyes at me as he suddenly brings to a halt all of his movements, a faint smirk twitching devilishly at the side of his mouth. One minute I am standing, swaying in his arms, the next thing I know my back is colliding against the bed, sinking against the crimson sheets, the feathery plumes of my dress scattering around my form like a bed of flowers. Fallen rose petals from the garlands lift up from the bed with the impact of my collision. Breathing heavily, I strain to move, to get myself up from the pillowy confines, but something latches around my wrists: a thick coiling tendril of darkness, binding my down like the grip of a mouse in the tail of a cobra.

I can't move.

Soren shrugs off his jacket as he prowls towards me, hips swaying, eyes flashing maniacally with slivers of flaming crimson amongst the sultry tones of honeyed amber. His voice reverberates in his throat, forming a low, husky growl.

"How about now?" he coos devilishly, reaching the side of the bed, long fingers now working to unbutton the frills of his ornate black shirt with the flawless grace of a perfect vampire Prince. I squirm a little, but maintain a mocking sneer.

"You are still a teddy bear," I grin, wiggling my eyebrows cheekily, watching with a captivated trance as he discards his shirt to the ground at all, leaving the beautifully embroidered fabric in a crumpled heap on the ground. The coils of darkness tighten against my skin. Soren brings himself over me, body enclosing over my own as he places a hand either side of my head, wintry skin glistening against the half light of the golden twinkles above our heads and the slivers of moonlight that streak through into the room. His mussy hair hangs down past his face, past his long pointed ears and the singular cross earring that sways in unison with the light rise and fall of his chest. He brings his face daringly close to mine.

"And now?" he asks again, letting his breath deliberately tickle against my cheek. My heart races inside my chest, in response to which Soren offers me a sultry smirk. Hedonistic bastard, I think, but then add smugly to myself, my hedonistic bastard.

"Still a teddy bear," I tease, debating sticking out my tongue at him, only to be cut short as his lips capture my neck in his mouth, wet tongue surprisingly warm as it washes over my skin, fangs grazing my neck. At this point I cannot tell if its all for show, or if he truly has a point to prove.

"If I didn't know any better, I would say you are sulking over the fact I called you a teddy bear."

"No," he corrects, "I just enjoy hearing your little heart race for me."

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