When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 139 - Show Me How Much You Want It (R18 Part One)

I wrinkle my nose at my devious husband.

"You are the worst, you know that?" I tease, but my voice quickly dies in my throat as he brings his fingers over the shadow of my heart, lingering there, his breath fanning over my skin.

"The worst huh?" he chuckles darkly, pressing his wet lips against the skin of my neck. "Let's see how long it takes for you to be screaming my name."

His mouth moves up to trail a fleeting array of kisses along my jaw, sending ardent shivers blazing down my spine. Meanwhile his hands, his devious, beautiful hands work their way down to the lace ties of my dress, his fingers working meticulously against the binding, as though it were something he has done much too often before. And sure enough my heart races as he slips down my dress, body arching a little to allow him to slip it past the voluptuous curves of my body, all too willing to be free of the confines of my beautiful wedding dress. Perhaps the vampiric lifestyle of wearing little clothes would suit me better, after all. 

That is to say, hardly wearing anything at all. I'm sure Soren would enjoy that greatly.

"You are right, I would enjoy that," Soren muses brashly, unafraid of mentioning that he has been getting into my head- although at this point I have long expired the time of caring. There are no more lies hidden between us, not any more, so why should I care? 

He thumbs over my cheek, pausing momentarily to assess my curves and pale features, illuminated fleetingly by the light of the moon. He smiles softly.

"You have a beautiful body, darling. You truly are a blessing to this world."

"And to you," I snicker, batting him away slightly, causing a growl to erupt from the back of the Prince's throat. His eyes simmer with molten ruby.

"And to me." He agrees.

Then the dress, like all the other clothes, is quickly discarded, thrown onto the floor into the heaving mess of lace and frills that pile up against the gloom. The Scarlet Prince grins at the sight of my naked body before him, seemingly pleased to find no undergarments as his fingers trail down the sides of my restrained body with an eager yet somehow affectionate wanton, a handsome smile playing on the delicate features of his face. My breath hitches in my throat.

He is hardly being fair, having me spread out beneath him like the course of his next meal, writhing and sighing, and desperately wanting to place my lips on his body. But the coils of restraints around my arms pin me down, forcing me into submission. This is a bind I cannot get out of, and Soren certainly has done his job well.

"And now? What am I to you, still a teddy bear?" he whispers in a voice so low I almost miss it, spreading my legs to place himself between them as his mouth trails down to the swell of my breasts. He is careful to touch my body in all the right places, fleeting whispers of his caress trailing down my body, never fully lasting.

I want more,  so much more.

"A-," I cut myself off with a low groan as Soren twists my nipple gently between his thumb and forefinger sending a shockwave of pleasure quivering through me. Back arching up from the bed, I bite my lip to prevent any more sounds from coming out. Bastard. My nipples harden impossibly further between his fingers, pink and perky against the slight chill of our surroundings, the pleasure inside me building.

Still, I want more.

"What was that Serena darling? I didn't quite catch that," comes Soren's voice in a sweet, erotic caress, fingers pinching a bit more roughly this time as my body strains against its bindings. I am desperate for his hands on my body, to press myself against him and grant the pleasurable bliss of our bodies meeting as one, a bliss I so greatly crave.

But Soren, my wonderful Soren, seems rather content on playing dirty games. He truly is the perfect vampire.

"From all those sounds you are making, one might deduce you like being tied up," he says suggestively, twirling a singular digit around the peak of my breast, not quite touching the nipple. I bite my lip, bite it hard.

I debate for a second trying to move my body, to see if I might get his finger to brush against my nipple just one more time. But the Prince, obviously predicting my intentions, pulls himself away sharply.

"Tease," I whisper irritably, and to that he chuckles darkly, leaning low to whisper against my ear:

"I know you love it."

And there would be no point in denying it, of course. He knows every thought, every feeling that goes through my mind, my heart- that much is evident in the confident swagger of his voice, the boldness of his hands as they flick over my breasts, everything. Besides, rejecting such claims would only serve to rile him up more.

In that manner of thinking, perhaps I should have.

"Stop being unfair, Soren, you know what I want," I whine impatiently, straining against the bonds around my wrist with the same futile agony as before. A twinkling spark alights in Soren's eyes, perhaps at the sight of my body wreathing beneath him, or perhaps something else entirely, but whatever the reason, I suddenly found myself being lifted upright as Soren scoops his hands behind my back. I am brought precariously to my knees, straddling his lap, the heat rising off our bodies causing me to blush.

"Is this better for you, darling?" he coos, his hands sliding down the planes of my body, over each curve and creamy white portion of skin. My body tingles at his touch, mulled over with shockwaves of pleasure and unequalled frustration, nipples aching with the sudden emptiness that is replaced by the cold of the midnight air.

I give him a slow, half pout.

"Mm, not quite, you are missing something," I instruct, holding out my bound hands towards him, looking at him expectantly. Soren gives me a smug smile, and for just a second I think he might not remove them at all, before he utters:

"As you wish, little dove."

The restraints against my wrists vanish, allowing Soren to take one into his hands, rubbing a thumb delicately over the slight redness caused by my fighting against the binds. He brings his lips tenderly to my wrists, tongue flickering over the skin, testing its warmth, feeling for the throb of my veins beneath the skin and smirking all the while, as though the sight of my distress and arousal is very much pleasing to him. 

With each flick of his tongue, the redness of my skin fades, dissipating back out into its usual colour. Once he is done with my first hand, he moves onto the other, leaving a string of open mouthed kisses in his wake.

"Tell me what you want, my dove," he says sweetly, but with an undeniable undertone of lust. "My goddess, my angel, my dazzling mate. Tell me what you want and I shall make it so,"

My face flushes a little at the boldness of his words.

"I-" I stop myself short, suddenly losing my nerve. But Soren, the beautiful, wicked Soren, takes one look into my heart and knows exactly what it is that lies there. 

"What a naughty little dove," he growls, his voice husky with the deep seductive tones of maddening lust, causing my body to wreath with the sheer pleasure of it. But that pleasure is nothing in comparison to what comes next. 

Throwing my back down against the bed, wavy hair wild around his face, eyes gleaming nefariously, he lowers his head down, taking my bare leg in his hands as his fingertips smooth across my skin, up and down, dangerously close to the heat that is pooling between my legs. Delicately, he places his lips on my inner thigh, kissing upwards until he is only several inches from the top of my leg, his tongue licking out against my skin, softening it in preparation for what comes next. 

"Don't worry about holding back your moans, darling. There is only me here, and you know how much I love to hear them. Now, brace yourself. I am going to make you feel the most amazing you have ever felt."

As soon as his fangs slide into my thigh, my body is overwhelmed with pleasure. My skin glows, radiating a fraction of that sheer joy out from my body, sensational quivers of lusty pleasure running through my, outwards from the point of where his fangs reside inside me. The gentle pulling sensation of blood being drawn from my body is certainly not one of discomfort, rather, only serves to heighten the sensitivity of my body, causing me to wreath against him. But Soren holds me firm, his hand wrapped around my leg, the other on my torso, his eyes lowered with pleasure.

He draws away for a moment, lapping up the blood that spills from me with his tongue, swirling over the skin, warm and delightful. My body quivers for more, the vampire toxins running havoc through my body, but Soren isn't done teasing yet. Leaning over me, Soren places his lips on mine, his mouth fragrant with the taste of my own blood as he opens up his lips against me, letting his tongue slip into my mouth. His fingers trail up my thighs, up, up until they reach the pooling heat between my legs, wet and warm and entirely aroused. Soren smirks.

"Show me just how much you want it," he whispers, pulling away from our kiss, a devious look playing on his face.. "Show me just how much you want my fingers inside you."

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