When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 146 - Breakfast Takes A Turn (R18 Part One)

Soren laughs out loud at my remark.

"Fascinating? What's so fascinating about my age? Does it not scare you- that I have seen many creatures live and die, and even been the cause of some of that death. Does is not terrify you that I have seen hundred decades pass, and yet you have just barely lived two?"

Gingerly, I shrug as Soren pulls up his chair to watch me closer, and eager expression on his face. His fingers tap against the table, awaiting for my answer. But despite the hurried tapping of his fingers, I find myself in no rush, taking my time to chew over my meal and letting its warmth saturate my bones.

"Well, to be honest, I don't really care. There are a lot more peculiar things out there- for instance that I am the reincarnation of a soul who has lived potentially thousands of lifetimes. But if you think telling me your age is going to scare me off, you are dead wrong."

At this, Soren's eyes gleam in delight.

"You are quite the curious creature, my little dove! I tell you that I am an ancient creature of the night and you barely bat an eye. But if I ask you about just having bacon as a meal, all at once suddenly that becomes the most important thing in the world. Very curious indeed" he chuckles, running his fingers through his silky hair before leaning his cheek to rest on his palm to look at me with a sweet adoration. I cover my mouth as I chew on another strand of bacon, trying my best to get used to the excessively long canines in my mouth and their function with eating. Maybe he does have a point about my volatile nature, but even so, I am hardly the most tumultuous between the two of us.

"Well, you married me, Soren," I say, flashing him the ring on my finger with a smug smile. "Regretting it yet?" I snicker, swallowing down my food before wiggling my eyebrows at the handsome vampire in front of me, taunting him. Soren rolls his eyes dramatically.

"As if I ever would cease to love a creature as charming as you."

"Well I don't know, you might do" I retort, shovelling some more food into my mouth, the growling of my stomach continuing to drone on inside me, demanding the emptiness within me to be promptly filled. But the taste of fresh bacon and eggs is a luxury I have not been presented with for a rather long time- at least not since we were back in Illistrae, thus it is a sensation I am not willing to offer up so quickly, even if my stomach demands it. I ponder as I chew, realising that I haven't had fresh food since the day we left, that between us, neither Ithuriel or I have had the nerve to go to the dining rooms, or raid the kitchens. Actually, I stand corrected. Ithuriel went once- only once- to the kitchens, but getting the tip of your tail cut off by a vampire who has an uncanny aim with a meat cleaver isn't exactly a compelling reason to saunter down back there. I myself had always been too bent on avoiding the likes of Soren and Azrael to even take that into consideration. Though now it is only Azrael I am insistent on avoiding.

"Serena darling," Soren murmurs slowly, picking off a knife from the rack in the middle of the table and spinning it between his fingers. Continuing to shovel food into my mouth, I look up.

"Mm,"  I mumble through a mouthful of food, swallowing hard. Soren chuckles lightly.

"You understand, that when a vampire falls in love- truly falls in love, that love is eternal?"

I murmur my response.

"Yes, I suppose."

Gently, Soren smiles.

"Then do not say such awful things like I will not love you, because no matter what happens, my heart is forever and eternally yours."

At his words, a faint flush arises on my cheeks, at once finding myself overwhelmed and without words. I stutter for a moment, before falling back down into silence, letting the hot red blush work its way around my body.

Feeling an awkward silence rise between us, I quickly make the effort to change the topic of conversation.

"Don't you want some food too?" I ask, offering him a piece with a quick gesture of my fork, avoiding looking at his eyes for fear of blushing further. Soren smirks deviously.

"Only if you feed it to me, darling."

I give him a long look, moving a hand to my mouth to stifle my smile. It seems some things about Soren never change- his disposition as a teasing, flirtatious so and so being one of those things.

"I bet you would just love that," I say teasingly, but the faint blush under my skin is as apparent as the sun is to the birds in the morning. Suddenly, I feel a hand on my thigh underneath the table, smoothing over my skin with gentle and fleeting movements. My blush darkens.

Nevertheless, I manage to skewer a sliver of bacon on the end of my fork, holding it out to him, my hand shaking slightly from the nerves I didn't realise I had.

"Here," I mutter quietly, "Just-"

Soren slides the morsel of bacon in his mouth before I can even register what is happening. His eyes meet mine as he pulls away from the fork, brushing his lips off with the pad of his thumbs, chewing slowly, eyes glittering faintly under the golden half glow of the room. His tongue flickers out against his lips, licking away the saltine taste. I lower my eyes at him.

"You had to make it sexual didn't you."

"I don't know what you are talking about," Soren protests, but the smirk that plays on the corner of his lips is evident enough of his intentions. I roll my eyes despairingly. Sure.

Just as I am putting down my knife and fork, pushing aside the half finished breakfast with a grateful yet apologetic smile, Soren disappears from the other end of the table, vanishing into thin air and the swirling shadows cast by the flicker of overhead lights. For a second there is only emptiness, a brief moment of time unburdened by the characteristically cheeky smirk of my new husband. The next thing I know I am being lifted out of my seat.

"Hey!" I protest as Soren draws his arms around me from behind, pressing me against him as his lips slide down my neck with a series of wet, open mouthed kisses. Desperately, I bite the inside of my cheek to stifle my groan.

"You smell delicious," he murmurs against my skin, sucking on a particularly sensitive patch just before the junction of my neck and my shoulders, skimming his sharpened fangs over it and chuckling darkly to himself when I whimper with fervid anticipation. "Like lilies and lust and arousal."

Through the fuzziness of my mind, I manage to bring myself to answer.

"Well didn't you turn quick- what's got you so aroused?"

"You," he growls against me, his voice sending tremors running through my body down to... My eyes roll back. How on earth he manages to make me feel good by doing so very little is beyond me. But I suppose if there is one thing a vampire is notoriously good at- aside from sucking blood- it would be creating arousal.

Soren presses me further into his solid form, letting me feel the massive erection that pokes me from behind, threatening to poke through his trousers.

Smirking, I let myself grind up against him. Slowly, maddening, just enough to get a lusty groan to slip past his lips. Payback.

"Oh yeah?"

Soren growls low in my ear.

"You got wet from just seeing me eat, watching me slide my tongue over my lips. You really are a naughty little dove. And don't deny it, I can smell your arousal. I wonder, if I just…"

Soren's hand trails devilishly down my body, sliding down, down, lingering at the hem of my trousers, before diving right inside. Feeling his hands slip underneath my panties, I notice my legs begin to tremble beneath me as his fingers teasingly begin to stroke up and down, stirring the folds of my dripping wet pussy. He smirks against my neck.

"Soren," I half moan, half instruct, twisting and writhing in his grip, but it only causes his fingers to slide in deeper. A wet, seductive sound accompanies the motion of his thrusting fingers, a sound that- by the feel of it, makes him impossibly harder. A second ago I might have considered asking him to stop, but the manic glee that floods my body in coincidence with my grinding against his member quickly shoves any such thought from my mind. Sensing that I have given up on any thoughts of resisting, Soren smiles nefariously, bringing his mouth up to my ear.

"Just like a true vampire," Soren chuckles, nibbling on my ear softly, the sensation sending shocks flooding straight down into my tormented pussy. Soren's long fingers curl inside me, stroking that particular sweet spot while his thumb circles with a tantalising slowness around my clit....

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