When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 147 - Breakfast Takes A Turn (R18 Part Two)

For a moment, Soren's finger's continue to stroke my clit, circling over it as he teases it between his fingers, smirking. His body presses against mine, holding me tight- which is a good thing too, as my legs feel like they are going to collapse beneath me at any second.

"Soren," I half moan, half grumble, head tipping back as his finger presses more firmly down on my clit. A shudder runs through me. "Soren, my body feels like its going to melt."

To this, Soren only whispers lowly in my ear, his husky voice sending shivers sparking through me.

"What's the matter, my love? Your legs are shaking, and your beautiful little heart is racing, is it too much for you?" he murmurs, bringing a free hand up to toy with my breasts. Gently, he clamps one of my nipples between his fingers, twisting it lightly, before repeating a similar motion with my clit, watching my body squirm with delight. 

"How beautifully your body has flushed, my darling. Your body is so warm, so hungry for me, perhaps I should grant you what it is you are looking for," he says, trailing off. His fingers slip downwards, playing with the wet folds of my pussy, leaving me bucking my hips for me.

Then all at once Soren's fingers start pounding inside me. Startled, I throw my head back, my mouth forming a perfect 'o' shape as his fingers ravish my pussy, the sounds of my wet juices all too prominent, even from the muffled expanse of my trousers. Each thrust of his fingers sends arousal rocketing through me, my resolve weakening. It isn't long before my moans become a continuous string.

"Do you like that, my little dove? Do you like it when my fingers are thrusting in and out inside you, stroking all your sweet spots? How wet you are for me, tsk tsk, such a naughty little angel," he whispers in my ear, his voice husky, laced with an obvious arousal. My breasts jump up and down with the force of his thrusts inside me, but against the haziness of my mind, I still have enough devilishness in me to grind against his big, hard cock.

Soren groans at the feeling of my body pressed up against his member, moving up and down in time with his fingers thrusting relentlessly inside me. Even through the fabric of his trousers, I can feel him throb against me.

I smirk evilly.

"And yet you too are so hard. I bet you would just love to ravish my entire body, slip your cock inside of me and pump it in and out all night long, have me moaning for you until morning," I laugh softly, just as Soren's lips move back down to my neck, sucking on the sensitive patches of my skin, causing my body to quiver in blazing delight. My legs shake with pleasure as Soren's fingers hit that sweet spot inside me over and over again, pleasure building in coils in my stomach, threatening to spill their release. A slight whimper laces my voice.

"Do you want to cum, my darling?" Soren growls next to my ear, fingers still continuing to work their magic over my body.

"Yes," I manage to say breathlessly, "Please."

But Soren, the beautiful, handsome, evil Soren, has another idea. With his finger still pressed up against my clit, he growls lowly against my neck, his voice dripping with the familiar tones of a glamor:


And without any further warning my body explodes. My pussy clenches around his fingers, automatically thrown into spasms of delightful pleasure. Loud, breathy moans arise from my mouth as my body convulses with trembling fits of lust and pleasure, my legs collapsing beneath me. His fingers still inside me, I ride out my orgasm, his arms holding tightly around me to stop me from collapsing beneath him from the thrill of it all. The orgasm seems never ending, my body shaking as my pussy continues to throb and convulse, cum leaking out of me in a steady trickling stream. Something feels different about this, and so, so much better.

Whatever Soren glamoured me into doing, whatever enchantment he used on me, if could be one of the best things I have ever felt.

"S-Soren, what's happening? My body, it feels so good. Why isn't the pleasure"- I throw my head back with a loud moan that would be sure to wake half the palace, breathing heavily- "stopping?"

"Enjoy it, my sweet dove. Let yourself fall away into bliss, your body tremble at my touch. There is no one but me here to see you, darling, let yourself go," he whispers, nuzzling against my skin as my body convulses over and over again.

Soren's fingers continue to pump in and out of my wet pussy, stretching out my pussy as he scissors and curls his fingers in my insides, letting my cum slide down my thigh. His breaths have become breathy, as though somehow feeling the pleasure that runs through my body for himself. 

"Your body as a vampire has much more stamina," he whispers in slow explanation, leaning over occasionally to press my lips against his neck, or wrap his arms more tightly around me. "It is because of this is also has a much greater potential to give pleasure due to the efficiency of it. Under my glamour, I could keep you coming all night, I could hear your delightful little moans for as long as I possibly wished. Doesn't it feel good, darling? This is the true nature of a vampires love making- a pleasure unobtainable by any other mortal creature."

I moan softly, leaning my head back against his shoulder.

"Nghh, ohh, i-it feels amazing."

Soren hums his approval, stroking my hair dotingly.

"There's a good girl. Now, I am going to take my fingers out, and you are going to stop cumming, okay?"

I nod lightly, trying to hide my disappointment, continuing to ride out my orgasm on his fingers until at last, inch by inch, he slowly pulls them out. Finally, my body relaxes, crumbling beneath his, my chest rising and sinking as I strain to catch my breath from the sheer concentrated pleasure of it all. Soren presses me tightly to his chest, his arms wrapped sturdily around me, fingers running through my hair.

"You are evil," I say at last, gasping for breath, my chest heaving from the combination of pleasure and a temporary, utter exhaustion. Soren only smiles, looking mildly pleased with himself.

"Why thank you, darling."

I throw him a mocking sneer. Hedonistic bastard.

"That I may be," Soren admits with a tip of his head, weighing up my accusation as he brings himself over to the sink to wash his hands off, sticky with my cum. "But I am also your husband. Though you may call me what you wish, hedonistic bastard too, if that makes you happy. But you don't need to deny it, I know you enjoyed every second of it." I attempt another sneer, but the look comes out as more of a grimace. I myself can barely keep myself standing, leaning against the wall with a hopefully casual disposition in an effort to appear as though I hadn't just had the most wonderful orgasm of my life. By the smug grin on Soren's face, I would hazard a guess that my attempts are largely in futile. 

Looking over at the mess my body has made, Soren swiftly snaps his fingers, and all at once I am cleaned up. Thankfully, I give him a nod. Walking around the palace dripping wet certainly wouldn't be a good statement- though I am sure Soren would delight in it greatly.

The tap runs in a flurry of cold water, causing my ears to deafen against the suddenness of the noise. My lips pulling down, I cringe away from the sound. Since when did my hearing become so sensitive?

"Hey, um, question," I ask tentatively, my voice straining as I do my best to righten myself, the trembling of my legs at last beginning to subside. I huff. It almost seems too late for that anyway- perhaps its better I did just collapse.

"No need to ask, go for it darling," Soren replies, turning off the tap with a flush sweep of his hand, shutting off the water in one fell swoop. Again sounds that ringing echo, a cavernous emptiness left in the vacuum of nothingness, as though the sound itself had been sucked out of the air. It seems almost amplified, like the world is playing through a loudspeaker and channelling straight to my ears. I shudder a little. The sensation isn't exactly unpleasant, but it certainly is jarring. I guess that's what Soren meant when he said my vampire abilities would still be developing.

Soren turns to face me, motioning with a twist of his hand for me to continue as he settles himself back against the sink.

"Can male vampires experience that too? That… pleasure?"

Soren chuckles lightly.

"Of course, you command it, and it shall be so. In all honesty, I have been holding back the last few times we've had sex. After all, I doubt you would be accustomed to having me cum inside you over and over again.. You would probably be shocked."

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