When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 176 - We Can't Do This Without You (part One)

"Good, now, come along you two," 

Delina instructs insistently as she motions to us and the guards, stalking out across the sand, parting water weeds and white, fluorescent flowers that scatter across the ocean bed, tip toeing over prickly anemones and bright multicoloured fish with the ease of a practised step.

I watch in awe as she goes, encaptivated by this trance-like vision of her, the gentle grace of her movements, and the delicate sway of frills and fish like fins that slide across her arms, spine, revealed by the open backed red dress that trails behind her like spilt blood in shark infested waters. He appearance is dazzling, eye catching, and even that would fail to do it justice, like a painting or a crystal statue, everything about her shines with an enigmatic radiance.

The underwater Princess. There is simply no other way to describe it.

We swim in silence for several minutes, letting the terror of the situation wash clean from our bones and a new relief settle in, steadying our breathes and the frantic beating of our hearts to a much more manageable thrum. Aside from the occasional darting look passed between Kal and I, and a pondering confusion, no words are spoken between us, just the roiling waves of the current and the dashing flickers of tiny luminescent fish.

It is undeniable that past the illusions and twisted abominations of monsters, this place is beautiful.

It is only now that I am seeing such beauties of this underwater haven- previously entrapped by the fear of illusions, and what might lurk in the watery shadows waiting to steal me away into the never-ending turmoil of the depths.

But now, with Delina, and the Merman guards, a feeling of partial tranquillity washes over me, putting at least some parts of my wearied mind to rest.

We continue on for a few minutes of mindless swimming, pushing our way past plants and fishes in silence, close behind Delina for fear of getting separated, until at last the murky underwater opens up around us, and we soon find ourselves on a large stretch of open sea bed. A temporary track has been formed from where the water reeds open up, surrounded by vast amounts of towering coral and wriggling anemones, leading somewhere off into the murky gloom that is too distant to make out.

"Alright, we are here," Delina announces, directing our attention slightly offside from the track where two steeds await with a carriage in tow, their glossy scaled skin prickling with the last remains of the ethereal green light.

"They are beautiful," Kal whispers beside me, stretching out his hand with a wanting fondness, though much to far away to actually touch the creatures. Nevertheless, they nicker and whine with annoyance at the gesture, snapping the water in the space between us, warning us not to approach them.

"We will see if they are still beautiful when they chomp off your hand, Kal," I snicker beside him, throwing him a knowing look, which earns me nose wrinkle and a disappointed frown, Kal's bottom lip protruding in a listless pout.

Well, personally, I would rather like to keep my limbs all in tact.

Approaching the carriage with a cautious step, I scan my eyes over the two large sea-horses- horses with the tail of a fish and covered in a multicoloured array of iridescent scales and pearls, grunting and growling with the irritation of being kept so long. Both of them are attached to a rather large carriage- quite obviously made for royalty, white with an ornate golden frame, the purpose of which I soon find out.

"In you get, you two," Delina prompts with an exasperated sigh, ushering us in. A brief expression of trepidation washes over her face as she sweeps us into the carriage, so fleeting I almost don't catch it, until she follows us through as the two guards take their positions in steer. It isn't long before the carriage starts moving, and after a bout of silence from the three of us, the questions bursting from within me become all too much.

"That thing was your brother?" I burst out, barely able to contain myself after such a prolonged period of silence. The vampire screws up her nose in disgust, her lengthened canines protruding in a revolted grimace.

"God no. Cylus calls me his sister because I have looked after him for a long time- I am like a sister to him, but hell, I am not his actual sister," she laughs, a mixture of amusement and disgust lacing the edges of her voice as she runs her fingers across her silken, watery hair, a flush of embarrassment rising on her skin. 

"I will admit, he is a bit mad, but nice enough on his own. He is supposed to be guarding the palace for intruders, but sometimes he is a little too good at his job," she chuckles nervously, sinking down into her seat. 

Kal and I share a look of humorous disbelief.

A bit mad?  I almost laugh to myself, chuckling inwardly.  That is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever heard in my life.

Nevertheless, the fiery bubbles of questions residing within me continue to rise. There is so much more I want to ask, but before I can do, Delina breathes a huge sigh of relief, bringing her fingers up to her temples.

"I never thought I would ever say this, but holy hell am I glad to see you two, even if you have-" she glances up at my horns. then down over the proportions of my body. "-changed a bit," she  says, laughing nervously, running her hands past her dark blue hair, mostly out of nerves.

"Wow, thank you, what a way with words you have," Kal mutters sarcastically, earning him a jab in the ribs from me, followed by his goofy, innocent smile. Delina, fortunately for Kal, ignores him. Best not make a mess of our allegiance with one of our only potential allies.

"We are both glad to see you too- partially for saving our lives back there, but also because I never thought we would see anyone in this place- at least not anyone real. This whole place harbours too many illusions to feasably count, it messes with my head," I sigh, shaking my head in despair as Kal nods alongside me. Giving a faint, wearied smile, Delina interjects:

"Tell me about it," she mutters, sparing a quick glance out the window, before returning her attention to us. I spend another moment gazing at her, soaking in the reality of her presence, content on the knowledge of the fact that she is actual flesh and bone, and not just some wispy made up illusion bent on the destruction of our bodies and minds.

It certainly is a relief.

"We haven't seen anyone else from the Sezerian palace- how did you get down here, anyway?"

I ask curiously, leaning forward on my haunches. I try my best to remain seated as the carriage continues to sway around us, dragged through the water by the two sea-horses at the front, jolting and bouncing in motion with the current. The motion leaves Kal looking slightly green, clearly not used to the motion.

Delina gives me a puzzled look.

"Azrael brought me down here. He said something big was happening up at the palace, and that he didn't want me to be a part of it. He also told me he would come and get in about a day or two, but in all honesty I have no idea how long it has been, time isn't so straightforward down here, there is no sun."

Then she leans forward, her red eyes glimmering with a mixture of concern and a dangerous worry that her suspicions- whatever they may be, are actually right.

"What's happening up there Serena? What's going on?"

Kal and I share a long look.

"Do you want to tell her?" he whispers into a cupped palm, his eyes darting between the blue skinned vampire and me, all while simultaneously trying to reign in the growing green tinge that has begun to accompany his features.

For a moment, I consider asking him to do it, but then stop short. Such a burden surely wouldn't be fair to place on him. 

Anxiously, I twiddle my hands together, taking in a sharp breath.

"Azrael told you nothing, right?" 

She shakes her head. Despairingly, I puff out my cheeks. Right, where to start…

Then, much to my surprise, Kal interjects.

"Basically," Kal breaks in, noting my hesitation. "Azrael has gone bonkers. Completely haywire. He has kidnapped everyone in the palace, and is currently trying to do some mad voodoo magic to take Soren's soul. We were hoping to come down here to negotiate with your grandmother- since she guards the entrance to the next level of this set of trials, but now that you are here, maybe you can help us with that?" Kal pleas hopefully, pressing his hands together in silent prayer. There is a moment of dull hesitation in Delina's stance. Rigidly, she surveys the both of us from her seat opposite, eyes flicking from one to another, red iris glowering.

"Please, Delina," I whisper desperately.. "We can't do this without you."

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