When Blood Runs Cold

Chapter 177 - We Can't Do This Without You (part Two)

"Please, Delina," I whisper desperately. "We can't do this without you."

I can tell from the slight twitch on her cheek that she doesn't like what she is hearing- doesn't like or doesn't want to believe it. Her expression is drawn and darkened, red nailed fingers clacking nervously against the tips of her elbows, echoing unspoken worries into the waters around us.

As quiet as a mouse, she whispers:

"And you are certain this was Azrael- not some trick or illusion or-"

I cut her off with a gentle wave of my hand, taking her hands into mine with an apologetic half smile. Tightly, she clenches onto my fingers.

"I am so sorry, Delina," I say, shaking my head. "It was Azrael, there is no question about it. I am sorry you had to find out this way, I really am but that still doesn't change the fact that we need your help. We don't have much time."

I let her consider over my pleas for a moment, leaning back against the seat of the carriage as the rush of water rolls up around us, my ears faintly pricking to the sounds of whinnying sea-horses and the scuttle and scurry of underwater creatures along the coral lined track.

It can't be an easy decision for her to make, which leads me to worry that she might decide not to help us at all.

In all fairness, she has been long acquainted with Azrael, and in the relatively short period I have known them, it would appear that the two of them (while extremely volatile in nature) have formed a rather sturdy companionship. Considering the fact that Azrael brought her down here, out of harm's way and far from the commotion of the palace, it is surely some sort of an indication that even that cold villain has an inkling of compassion somewhere in his dry, shrivelled heart.

Or maybe that is just being too optimistic.

Being able to read minds, Azrael must have already figured the extent in which Delina dotes on Soren, her compassion for him, and the envy and rage she felt, how deeply she wanted to set upon me with claws of ice and fire and rip me limb from mortal limb. The poor girl was nearly as obsessed with him as I am now. In that respect, I might almost feel sorry for her. After all, I simply waltzed on into the palace and took away everything she knew, replacing it with nothing but empty loathing. 

It would make sense if after all that, with everything into consideration, if she chooses not to help us. To side with Azrael, if only to protect him from my wrath.

To her, I expect she believes Azrael did not want her to suffer in the knowledge of what was going to happen to Soren- to everyone. But that does not make any of Azrael's actions right, not even remotely so.

After a long period of stagnant silence, Delina rubs her hand over her face, grimacing. I prepare myself for a decline, some half witted excuse about how she would love to help us, but simply doesn't have the power to. But instead I am surprised as she settles back against the pillowy couch and says:

"Alright, I will help you where I can," she promises, sparing a glance out the window, then drawing her gaze promptly back to us. Kal and I share a look of simultaneous surprise. Upon seeing the look of twinned disbelief floating on our features, Delina rolls her eyes.

"In all honesty, I have been expecting this for a long time now," she admits, combing her fingers through her hair to tie it up in a loose bun, fingers working quickly, hurried, as if she too realises the biting edge of time upon our heels. She gives up both an apologetic, sad smile.

"Ever since you arrived, Azrael has been increasingly… fanatic about something," she explains slowly, glancing out the window once more- as though searching for something, before once again flickering her gaze back to us. There is a tenseness in her stance, posture, that makes me believe we are approaching something, heading somewhere where words such as these cannot be spoken freely, the hurried fleetingness of her words only serving to emphasise this view point.

She continues:

"He used to disappear for long periods of time, and became very excitable over something. He often used to tell me that soon things would be better for us- for me soon. That he was going to make things right in the world- whatever that meant. Whenever I was sad or distraught about losing Soren, he would comfort me, telling me that he wouldn't ever let it happen again, and that no matter what, he would always protect me. I thought he was just being friendly at first, just trying to comfort me. But he started going..." she pauses to mull over her words, wiping away a small pin prick of water in the corner of her eye subtly. Her throat works.

"He started going strange, enraged, and increasingly obsessed with this book- something about souls. He started to scare me after a while, said he was running some experiments, and always smelt of blood that was never his own. I thought for a while he may have just been over feeding but... Shit, I should have said something, to Soren, to you," she mutters, stringing her eyebrows together as she places a finger to her temple. Pain croaks in her voice.

Wordlessly, Kal and I exchange a breathless look.

A book about souls? There is only one book I know that could be to do with that.

The five souls of power.

Warily, I lean forward, placing a hand on her knee.

"It's okay, Delina. It's not your fault. Even Soren didn't realise until only recently. Azrael is a"- I hesitate for a moment, mulling over my words, realising that now might not be the best time for insults- "well, he is certainly adept in the art of trickery."

"Yeah," Kal pipes in, shifting uncomfortably on his haunches, wings flaring with a mixture of stress and discomfort. It's obvious that Kal is quite uneasy under the water, not to mention being tugged along by a pair of fairly rowdy horses of the sea isn't great for motion sickness. Nevertheless, he makes his best attempt to make light of the horrific situation that faces us all, a wan smile slinking onto his face.

"You are a good person, Delina. Better than most. What has happened is in the past, it's fixed, but what happens next is what's important. That's why we need you to help us, otherwise who knows what Azrael is going to do."

Staring lifelessly at the floor, Delina nods slowly.

"Of course, I will do my best to help. But my grandmother loves the Princes, especially Azrael. He built her a whole kingdom down here, a brand new life, even if it is riddled with illusions. I think even with what he is doing, she won't let any harm come to him. So for now, it's best we don't mention Azrael. Yes?"

We both nod insistently. Not like I need telling twice. Being reminded of that awful creature is the last thing I need.

Delina nods too in response.

"Good. I will do my best to convince her to let us into the next layer- hopefully she will understand if Soren is in danger. But when you see her, you have to be careful. She isn't very trusting, and her powers with illusions are almost as great as the ones Azrael cast down here. If you give her any reason to doubt you, she will personally have you cut up and served on a silver platter. She may be old, but she is a siren- she can be ruthless at times, so watch your step."

Kal gives an audible gulp.

"And you can't help us with that? Can't convince her that we are the good guys here?"

Reluctantly, Delina shakes her head.

"She will make her own decision about you two. And don't, whatever you do, lie to her. If she asks you a question, no matter what it is, you must, must, tell her the truth. Got it?"

Fervently, we both nod.

Its a known fact that sirens are particularly sceptical creatures. Their general distrust in mortals and Faey folk in general lead them to live their life with caution and a roaring appetite for those who refuse their wishes. Along with their uncanny skills with conjuring illusions and all manner of mind trauma to capture their prey- of which I am not particularly keen to experience (Azrael has given me my fair share of that, thank you very much), they are especially adamant on telling the truth. To them, a liar is not a creature worth living.

Delina is right of course- as soon as a siren realises you are lying to them, your worth as a life has been expended to them. They are just as cynical as they are deadly, and their world has no place for thieves and liars.

Anxiously, Kal puffs out a breath.

"Fantastic," he grumbles under his breath, lip twitching with nerves. "Illusions, more illusions, and now I can't even lie. Your grandmother sounds like an absolute joy, Delina."

To this, she gives a watery smile.

"That is one way of putting it.. Luckily for you, we are just about to meet her."

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