The video was released.

Zhang Yi did not say anything, just waiting to see what the students in the group would react.

It was just as Zhang Yi expected.

Everyone was shocked!

Gong Shiming: "I knock! Zhang Yi, are you also sitting in the clinic?!"

Li Xiuhui: "Wow! Zhang Yi, you are actually sitting in the middle? Who is playing with the phone next to you? Is he your teacher?"

Wang Jing: "Damn! I found a bright spot, everyone! Zhang Yi's work card says Assistant Director?! Is it true?"

Mao Jun: "What?! Assistant Director?!"

After hearing what Wang Jing said, everyone pressed the pause button and zoomed in on the video.

A closer look revealed that it was real! !

'Assistant Director of the Emergency Department, Resident Intern Zhang Yi! ’

I knocked! !

What’s going on? !

How can a resident trainee be an assistant director? !

This is a position second only to the deputy director!

Oh my goodness!

Everyone couldn’t believe their eyes!

Wang Haiqing: “@Zhang Yi, you got promoted?! Why didn’t you notify me?”

Zhang Yi: “You kid, you’ve been busy with love recently and have completely forgotten your father, right?”

Wang Haiqing: “Ahem! I have to say, you are really awesome as an assistant director. You are the only one in our class who is an assistant director, right?”

Wang Jing: “Of course! How can a resident trainee be an assistant director? This is really the first time I’ve seen it!”

Li Xiuhui: “I thought Lu Gao was already amazing for going to the outpatient clinic, but I didn’t expect that Zhang Yi is even more amazing! Not only can he see patients, but he was also promoted to assistant director. Seeing that your teacher is playing with his phone next to you, he must be very confident in you, right?”

Resident trainee, no certificate.

Can actually be promoted to assistant director? !

This simply makes the impossible possible!


So envious!

Li Xiuhui: "I know why Zhang Yi was promoted. The doctor who was stabbed by the family members in the Yunnan Provincial Hospital was rescued by Zhang Yi. His on-the-spot reaction ability is comparable to that of an experienced emergency doctor.

Also, the coronary artery bypass grafting surgery with a beating heart under thoracoscopic surgery in Ping An Hospital was also performed by Zhang Yi!

How could a trainee participate in such a major operation?

It must be very outstanding to go there!

Also, the case of alveolitis I sent last time!

Several examinations were fruitless, but Zhang Yi could see the problem at a glance.

I suddenly felt... Zhang Yi, you have really become amazing!

Although you had good grades in school before, I didn't think you were as amazing as you are now.

I really don't know what you experienced during your internship in Tianhe City?

Is Tianhe City Hospital amazing? I should have been assigned to Tianhe like you~"

Li Xiuhui's heartfelt words made others think deeply.

Yes, Zhang Yi's grades were very good at the beginning.

He was indeed able to stay in the capital for internship.

But no one expected that he would be assigned to Tianhe?

But there is an old saying.

Gold will shine wherever it is.

Look at him now, he can go to the operating room and become the chief assistant.

I guess his salary has also increased a lot, right?

This is much better than those working dogs who stayed in the capital.

On the other side, Liu Zifei looked at the message in the group, and a trace of imperceptible guilt flashed in her eyes.

Then, she looked at Lu Gao next to her.

Lu Gao was gritting his teeth and said with a gloomy face:

"Chief assistant? What's so great about it! I will ask my uncle to get me a position tomorrow!

Humph, you are just the chief assistant of a small local hospital in Tianhe City and you are bragging?

If you have the ability, go to Union Hospital to be the chief assistant!"

Liu Zifei knew that Lu Gao was jealous of Zhang Yi.

Someone who had been transferred to a small place like Tianhe City by his connections could actually be made an exception and become the director's assistant?

This made Lu Gao feel extremely unbalanced.

But this also showed that Zhang Yi was really a treasure.

I believe that no matter where he is, he can make a great achievement.

Thinking of this, Liu Zifei's eyes became even more lonely.


She really regretted it!

In the group, after pretending to be cool, Zhang Yi quietly put away his phone.


This Lu Gao has the nerve to post a show while sitting in the clinic?

Now he is silent, right?

Don't talk anymore, right~?


In the next few days, Zhang Yi has been thinking about the thesis.

After thinking about it, he directly wrote about the last thoracoscopic coronary artery bypass surgery he performed with his heart beating non-stop.

Three thousand

There weren't many words. After determining the direction, Zhang Yi finished writing it in one night.

In the simulated operating room, Zhang Yi started to draw operations again!

[Ding! Congratulations on obtaining the knowledge of kidney transplantation operation! ]

[Ding! Congratulations on obtaining the knowledge of pancreaticoduodenectomy operation! ]

[Ding! Congratulations on obtaining the knowledge of laparoscopic colorectal cancer resection operation! ]

Zhang Yi drew three five-star difficult operations at one time.

The gratitude points that he had saved for several days were reduced to only a few dozen in an instant.

It was a bit painful!

However, looking at the operations he drew, Zhang Yi was still very satisfied.

Kidney transplantation is a type of organ transplantation.

But compared with heart transplantation, heart-lung transplantation, and single-lung and double-lung transplantation.

Kidney transplantation is considered to be a relatively easy operation in transplantation.

It is suitable for patients with renal failure and uremia.

Pancreaticoduodenectomy is suitable for patients with pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic cancer is the most common pancreatic tumor.

The onset is insidious, the development is rapid, the malignancy is very high, and it is also one of the tumors with the lowest survival rate after surgery.

Early symptoms are not easy to detect, and are very similar to digestive tract symptoms.

For example, indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc.

Many patients will think it is just an ordinary stomach disease in the early stage.

But it will deteriorate rapidly in less than a few months. Once jaundice appears, it is too late, and it is basically in the late stage.

Almost all doctors will shake their heads to the patients when they see pancreatic cancer.

Especially in the late stage of pancreatic cancer!

Surgery is possible, but the prognosis is very poor.

Some doctors will even directly tell the family members that even if the operation is performed, the patient will not live long.

It is recommended that the family members spend more time with the patient in the remaining time.

Reality is so cruel.

Pancreatic cancer is a malignant tumor called the "king of cancer" in the industry.

Zhang Yi was also worried about himself when he was selected for this operation.

He felt that this operation was not easy to do. Even if he could get a passing score, he would probably have to deduct a lot of money!

However, I hope the system will not deduct his chance of meeting again this time!

Otherwise he will turn hostile~!

The last laparoscopic colorectal cancer resection is suitable for colorectal cancer, colon cancer, and rectal cancer.

Although the development of laparoscopic surgery has been generally mature.

But laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery has only been around for about ten years.

After five years of comparison and analysis in the industry, it was found that laparoscopic colorectal cancer resection is compared with open surgery.

The patient's survival rate will be higher and safer and more feasible.

Of course, abdominal wall hernia, internal hernia, embolism, etc., these postoperative complications should also be paid close attention to.

This operation tests the doctor's operation.

There are many complications, so the doctor has to be more careful when operating.


After practicing the operation all night.

In the morning, Zhang Yi opened his mobile phone with fear.

Last night, I had three scores below 95 points. I don’t know what the system will deduct...

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