The system is still in operation, but it is still a big deal.


Open Yuanshen to see if the system has deducted your ball!

I took a look and it was okay~ this time his encounter was not deducted!

Then I looked at the text messages on my phone.

At first glance, Zhang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking!

"Damn! They actually deducted 6,000 Chinese yuan from me!"

And this time they deducted more than before!

Check the place quickly!

After checking, it turned out that the reward was given to the author named Zhe Er Gen Xiang Cai!

6,000 Chinese yuan reward!

I guess the author must have woken up from laughing in his sleep!

Zhang Yi really didn't believe it. Did the author really work so hard?

Is it worth it for the system to use the money deducted every time to reward him?

So, Zhang Yi actually clicked on the author's page to take a look.

He found that the novel that this Zhe Er Gen Xiang Cai was writing was called "When Doctors Have Simulation Rooms".

Zhang Yi was stunned for a moment? ?

He glanced at it and wondered why it seemed to be written about himself? ?

And coincidentally, the protagonist of this book is also named Zhang Yi!

It's really strange!

"What a coincidence? And he just happened to have the same name as me?"

After thinking about it, Zhang Yi rewarded the author with another 500 yuan and left a message:

"Keep writing, make the protagonist more powerful, and there will be a big reward."

After leaving the message, Zhang Yi put away his phone.

Wash up and go to work.

Just after the rounds, a little girl with abdominal pain came.

Pale face, came alone.

In Zhang Yi's eyes, she not only had abdominal pain, but also bleeding from her lower body!

Under normal circumstances.

When a young girl has abdominal pain and bleeding from below, the first thing she will consider is menstruation.

The second thing she will consider is some diseases that cause irregular vaginal bleeding.

For example, uterine fibroids or endocrine disorders can also cause irregular uterine bleeding.

However, this girl is not menstruating, but bleeding from threatened abortion!

"Doctor, my stomach hurts... but I don't feel like menstruation..."

The girl probably suspected that she was pregnant.

Or she had taken a pregnancy test beforehand.

So as soon as she found bleeding from below, she rushed to the hospital.

"When was your last menstruation?"

Zhang Yi asked the girl lying on the bed.

The girl should be around 25 years old.

She has reached the age of marriage and pregnancy. If she wants to keep the child, Zhang Yi will definitely help to keep it.

"Menstruation... seems to have come... on the 15th of last month..."

The 15th of last month is May 15th.

It's already June 24th.

The menstruation has been delayed for almost ten days.

"Do you have a boyfriend? Have you ever had sex?" Zhang Yi asked again.

The girl nodded awkwardly: "Yes."

"Have you had sex since your last period?"

The girl nodded again: "Yes..."

"What day did you have sex?"

The girl looked at Zhang Yi a little embarrassed:

"Doctor... do you have to ask this... private question?"

"Yes, we have to ask all the reasons that may cause your abdominal pain.

You have abdominal pain and you said you have blood down there. In addition to considering menstruation, we have to confirm whether you are pregnant.

We have to calculate the number of days you are pregnant based on the time of sex and the time of your last menstrual period.

Also, if you have bleeding from your lower body, we will also consider it as a threatened abortion.

In addition, some female gynecological tumors can also cause bleeding.

You are so young, you have to The chance of tumor is small.

In addition, you said you have sex and had sex after the last menstrual period, so pregnancy is not ruled out.

I must ask this clearly. Have you tested yourself at home for the delayed menstruation this time? "

The girl hung her head: "I have tested..."

"How many bars are there?"


Zhang Yi sighed:

"First do a color Doppler ultrasound of the uterus and appendages, and then draw blood to see if you are really pregnant.

By the way, can you do this alone? Where is your boyfriend? Your condition is quite serious, quickly ask your boyfriend to come and take care of you."

The girl bit her lower lip tightly and shook her head:

"He... forget it, no need, I can do it myself..."

Zhang Yi looked at the girl helplessly.

Then he arranged for a female nurse to accompany her to the examination.

I really don't understand, pregnant, and bleeding below.

Such an important thing, why not drag your boyfriend or husband to the hospital?


Half an hour later, the girl came back.

I have a few checklists on hand.

Progesterone: 5.61ng/ml

(3.9-60ng/ml for 1-12 weeks of pregnancy; 15.4-60ng/ml for 13-24 weeks of pregnancy)

Human chorionic gonadotropin: 294mIU/ml

(10-50mIU/ml for 0.2-1 weeks of pregnancy; 50-500mIU/ml for 2 weeks of pregnancy; 500-1000mIU/ml for 3 weeks of pregnancy; 1000-30000mIU/ml for 4 weeks of pregnancy)

Color Doppler ultrasound:

Anterior uterus, uniform myometrial echo, 1.7cmX1.4cm gestational sac echo can be seen in the uterus; the range of liquid dark area between the gestational sac and the uterine muscle wall is about 1.2cmX0.5cm.

Zhang Yi glanced at the checkup sheet and said to the girl:

"You are indeed pregnant, and you have some threatened miscarriage, so you have abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. Have you had an abortion before?"

The reasons for threatened miscarriage are other than women's bad living habits, other diseases or medication.

That is, if you have had an abortion before, there may be signs of threatened miscarriage during the second pregnancy.

For women who have had multiple abortions, the chance of threatened miscarriage will be greater, and even habitual miscarriage will occur.

The girl looked at Zhang Yi with a flickering look.

Zhang Yi could tell from the look.

It should not be the first pregnancy.

"Girl, you must tell the truth in front of the doctor."

The girl hesitated for a while and nodded:

"Before... I had an abortion three times..."

Zhang Yi: (O_o)? ?

What? !

Zhang Yi was slightly stunned!

Good guy, 26 years old, had an abortion three times!


Girl, you are hurting your own body!

"What about this one now? Are you planning to abort it again?" Zhang Yi asked.

The girl immediately showed a very tangled look, and then lowered her head.

After a while, a sob came from under her long black hair.

"Wuwu... I don't know what to do... Doctor, can I get pregnant again after aborting this child?"

Zhang Yi was a little embarrassed:

"It's really hard to say. You have aborted three times, and this time it's four times. It must be harmful to your body.

I suggest that if you are married, you can try to keep this child."

Who knew that the girl cried even harder...

"Wuwu... I'm not married, my boyfriend... he doesn't want to marry me..."

"Then why don't you take precautions? Since you are not married, you can take safety measures.

Otherwise, you will suffer and hurt yourself.

In the end, your boyfriend was fine and had a good time.

He even didn't accompany you to the hospital now.

Think about it, what if you can't get pregnant because of too many abortions, what will you do in the future?

Won't your boyfriend have a grudge because of this?

Hey, girl, although I am a man, I really hope you can take care of your body more.

Your body is your capital! What's the point of crying like you are now?

Things have already happened, so just find a way to solve it. "

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