The first anatomy class was held in our hospital. Our hospital and the medical school have a cooperative teaching, so Dean Qian decided that you will be the anatomy teacher in the hospital." "So that's the case. OK, no problem." Zhang Yi agreed readily. Then, Lu Jing pointed to the three young faces standing in the corner and said:

"There is another thing. A group of interns have come to the hospital. Three of them have come to our department. Can you take care of one?"

Zhang Yi turned his head and found that there were indeed three unfamiliar faces, two men and one woman.

He didn't notice them when they came in just now.

Lu Jing waved to the three people, and the three interns came over obediently.

"Zhang Yi, choose one yourself. I will arrange the rest."

Zhang Yi glanced at the three people and said:

"Then I want a smart one."

"Smart one?"

Lu Jing looked at the three people and turned his eyes back and forth.

These three interns just came the day before yesterday.

I thought they could learn from a chief doctor.

I didn't expect that Director Lu would let them follow such a young doctor? ?

He is handsome.

And he is also the assistant director.

But the name card still says "regular trainee"...

Can regular trainees supervise interns these days?

Lu Jing looked at the three people and finally chose the boy who was slightly shorter.

"I think he has been quite diligent these two days. Let him follow you."

"Okay." Zhang Yi glanced at the intern and nodded.

Then, Lu Jing looked at the intern and said:

"It is your blessing to follow Zhang Yi. Learn well."

The intern nodded slightly: "Okay..."

Oh my God!

The intern was complaining in his heart!

This is called a blessing? !

Is it a blessing for regular trainees to be teaching teachers? !


What kind of blessing is this!

"The other two, you and Li Jia, you follow Zhu Xiaojue."



The remaining two interns were ecstatic~

That's great!

We all follow attending physicians, but Yu Jian follows a resident trainee!


He is so unlucky~

After the assignment, everyone should do what they should do.

Yu Jian stood behind Zhang Yi with a helpless look on his face, looking at Zhang Yi's profile.

This guy is handsome, but...

He is still a resident trainee.

No certificate yet!


The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel.

Why is his teacher a resident trainee?

And the other two are attending physicians?

"What's your name?"

While thinking, Zhang Yi suddenly asked.

Yu Jian immediately put away his slightly dissatisfied mood and said:

"My name is Yu Jian, and I graduated from Jianyuan University in Yunnan Province."

Zhang Yi nodded. Although Jianyuan University is not a 985 or 211 level university, it is also a very good university in Yunnan Province.

"Find a stool and sit down. I just came back today and have to deal with the medical records first. I will take you to the ward tomorrow.

The emergency department is not an easy place. It is more complicated than other departments.

There are all kinds of patients, including critically ill ones.

After receiving a critically ill patient in the emergency department, the first thing to do is to rescue him. First stabilize the vital signs and then transfer the patient to other corresponding departments.

Especially the critically ill patients brought by ambulance.

By the way, do you know how to write medical records now?"

Yu Jian nodded: "Teacher Zhu taught me a little a few days ago."

Zhang Yi made way: "Come, sit here with me and write medical records."

Yu Jian: "..."

Yu Jian immediately showed an expression of wanting to cry but not tears.

Oh my God, my teacher is so unreliable!

He asked me to help him write medical records as soon as he came? ?

It's obvious that he was lazy and didn't want to write!

Zhang Yi noticed Yu Jian's expression.

Glancing at him, he said:

"When writing, pay attention to the doctor's order sheet to see if some patients who are receiving infusions have had their medication increased or decreased.

The doctor's orders on all my medical records are signed by Teacher Chen Fang.

Just pay attention to the doctor's orders given by Teacher Chen.

Also, don't think that I'm being lazy by asking you to write medical records.

Every bit of accumulation in your youth will become your experience in the future."

Yu Jian's heart skipped a beat!


This teacher is a bit magical, how can he know what I am thinking? !

"Okay... OK!"

Yu Jian didn't think about it.

He nodded obediently and began to check the medical instructions issued by Chen Fang in the past few days.

In the evening.

Before leaving get off work, the emergency department suddenly received an emergency call.

It was said that a female patient with pain and swelling in the entire buttocks and perineum would be sent from Malong County immediately.

When he heard the call, Chen Fang instantly sat down on the chair with a dejected look and howled helplessly twice:

"Hey... I have to work overtime again. I originally said that I would leave work early tonight to accompany my wife shopping..."

Zhang Yi smiled and looked at him and said:

"Then you go off work, I will stay here to help, I have rested enough these days."

Chen Fang turned his head with a grateful face:

"Really? You can do it?!"

Zhang Yi frowned and looked at him: "If I can't do it, who can?"

Chen Fang immediately gave him a thumbs up!


"Okay, then I'll go off work. I'll trouble you in the emergency room."

After saying that, Chen Fang went to change clothes.

Behind Zhang Yi, Yu Jian had a bitter face! !

Ah! !

I don't want to work overtime! !

"Zhang... Teacher Zhang... I... What about me?"

Yu Jian asked cautiously.

Zhang Yi turned his head and glanced at him: "It's up to you. If you want to learn, stay. If you want to rest, go off work."

"Okay!" Yu Jian immediately turned around happily and prepared to go off work.


What the hell is overtime!

He doesn't pay me, and a regular trainee is the teacher.


What can I learn from him?

But halfway through, he hesitated again.

"Will Teacher Zhang make things difficult for me because of my departure?"

After thinking about it, Yu Jian decided to forget it and went back to the office.

At this time, the other two interns had already taken off their clothes and were ready to go off work.

When he reached the door, he waved to Yu Jian with a gloating look:

"Bye, we're off work first, we're going to eat crayfish later~"

Yu Jian gritted his teeth angrily:

"Eat, you'll be stuffed to death!"


Zhang Yi looked at Yu Jian: "What? You're not off work?"

Yu Jian shook his head: "Teacher Zhang hasn't left yet... so I'll stay."

Only then did Zhang Yi look at Yu Jian a few more times.

Then he took out a few packets of biscuits and milk from Chen Fang's desk drawer and threw them to Yu Jian:

"Eat something first. The night shift is short of staff. The patients who come before the handover will be taken over by our day shift. We can't leave work until we finish dealing with them."

Yu Jian nodded and asked:

"Teacher Zhang, if we eat Teacher Chen's biscuits, he won't be angry, right?"

"It's okay. They have eaten all the chocolates in my drawer. What's wrong with me eating a few of his biscuits?"

Zhang Yi pointed to his empty drawer while speaking.

Before, it was filled with snacks given to him by the women in the hospital.

I came back today and saw that there was really not a single one left for him.

Five minutes later.

Outside the emergency door, there was a sound of an ambulance coming from far away.

In the office, Yu Jian hadn't even swallowed the biscuits in his mouth.

He saw Zhang Yi rushing to the door like a gust of wind.


Teacher Zhang is so fast? !

At the door.

A car from the township health center stopped here.

The phone call only said that the patient had pain in the hips and abdomen.

But the specific cause was not found.

The conditions in the small hospital were relatively poor, so the patient had to be sent to a large hospital as soon as possible.

A woman in her sixties was carried down by her family and doctors.

Immediately, a foul smell that came from nowhere instantly drifted into Zhang Yi's nostrils.

Behind him, Yu Jian couldn't help but vomit on the spot!

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