The smell of the stinky socks is not good, but the smell of the stinky socks is not good.


What the hell is this smell? !

Is it the smelly socks that cheated or the canned herrings that cheated? !

How can such a bad smell be produced? ?


Yu Jian took out the mask from his bag and put it on while retching.

Zhang Yi glanced at him with disdain.

What's wrong with the smell? You can't help it?

Yu Jian glanced at Zhang Yi cautiously.

His eyes were a little aggrieved:

Teacher, I didn't mean to vomit, it's just that the smell is too bad! !

Zhang Yi ignored him and endured the smell and walked to the ambulance. Only then did he realize that the bad smell was coming from the aunt.

Take a closer look.

Immediately, Zhang Yi's face darkened a little!

This old lady actually has necrotizing fasciitis! !

And the necrotic part has spread to the lower abdomen!

That is, the entire perineum!

No wonder it smells!

One of the characteristics of necrotizing fasciitis is that it emits an unpleasant odor!

"Quick! Send her to the emergency room quickly, draw blood for routine blood tests, check electrolytes, and do a blood culture."

"Okay!" The nurse hurriedly ran to prepare for blood draw.

Necrotizing fasciitis is one of the critical and severe surgical diseases.

It is a disease in which aerobic and anaerobic bacteria infiltrate and infect widely at the same time.

And it is also easy to cause systemic toxic shock.

Why is it called necrotizing fasciitis? Because these mixed pathogens only invade the subcutaneous tissue and fascia, and do not damage muscle tissue.

The speed of invasion is also very fast.

It must be discovered and treated early, and surgical debridement should be performed as soon as possible, plus combined antibiotics.

The necrotic fascia and subcutaneous tissue must be completely removed before the person can be saved.

Otherwise, once the bacteria cause toxic shock and have invaded the fascia of the whole body, it is really a death sentence.

The doctor who came from the township health center explained:

"This old lady seemed to have fallen at home and hit her buttocks.

Then she woke up the next day and felt pain all over her buttocks.

She didn't care much, but it became more painful on the third day, so she came to our township health center for treatment.

Then I considered that she was over 60 years old and the cause of the pain might not be caused by the fall, so I suggested that she go to the county hospital for examination.

But she didn't go either, saying that she couldn't bear to spend the money.

Then she was infused with cephalosporin at our township health center.

But after two days of infusion, there was no effect at all.

Just this afternoon, before the infusion was finished, she felt a little strange, and there was a strange smell on her body.

I immediately notified our health center to arrange a car to send her to the county.

As soon as we arrived at the county, the chief doctor took a look and said that it was suspected to be fasciitis and surgery was required. The county hospital could not do it, so it would be better for us to take it directly to the city.

After many twists and turns, she was sent to your city people's hospital. "

After hearing this, Zhang Yi turned his head and looked at the family member beside him and asked:

"When did she start to smell? Yesterday or today?"

The family member was a little old man in his sixties.

From the way he dressed, he looked like a simple farmer in the countryside.

He shook his head and said:

"I can't smell it... I just remember that she was breaking corn kernels at home a few days ago, and then the stool broke with a bang.

Then she fell on the ground with her buttocks, and then she kept saying that her buttocks hurt, and then she said that her stomach hurt.

I can't smell it either, and we country people don't care about the smell."

Unable to get an answer from the family members, Zhang Yi had to do the examination himself.

In Zhang Yi's sight, the patient's entire perineum, lower abdomen and thigh roots.

Part of the fascia has turned gray!

In other words, the fascia inside has completely necrotized!

So it smells bad!

If this is the case, it is already very serious!

When blood vessels are damaged by bacteria or embolism occurs, the local skin will turn purple or even black.

So this aunt's entire perineum and lower abdomen must have corresponding symptoms.

"Help me take off all the pants of this lady, and lift up her upper body clothes for inspection."

Then, the nurse, Yu Jian and family members came forward to help.

Once the pants were taken off, the situation became clear.

There were purple lines of varying degrees below the navel and above the perineum.

Then Zhang Yi put on a glove and touched it.

While touching, he said:

"When you press down on the entire lower abdomen, you can feel resistance, and the skin is sunken after the fingers are released, indicating that there is edema inside.

Look at the other

Muscle group, but no such symptoms appear when touched.

This is a typical case of necrotizing fasciitis. "

"Necrotizing fasciitis? ? "

When the nurse heard this, her nerves tensed up!

This disease may kill people!

The nurse on the side quickly said to the family member:

"Family member, you should go to register and pay the fee now. The patient's condition is not good. You need to do an examination and surgery immediately."

The family member was confused.

What examination and surgery?

Why didn't he understand.

He looked at Zhang Yi and asked:

"Doctor, how much does it cost to treat this disease?"

"Uncle, it's not a matter of money now, but if she doesn't go to the operating room quickly, she may be gone. She will die, understand? "

Zhang Yi explained carefully, but the old man kept frowning.

He felt that it was just a fall, it couldn't be that serious.

Are doctors in big cities specifically trying to cheat people from the countryside?

Looking at the suspicious look on the face of the rural uncle, Zhang Yi felt a headache.

Another family member who didn't want to spend more money...

"Uncle, don't hesitate, hurry up, we really didn't cheat you or joke with you.

This is a matter of life and death, how could we lie to you?

Look at her belly, it's not only purple but also a little black, can a normal person be like this?

Look at her whole state, call her and see if she can answer you completely? "

The uncle didn't believe it, and really walked forward to try to wake up the semi-comatose aunt.

After shouting for a long time, the aunt only slightly opened her eyelids and glanced at him.

It was completely a dazed state.

Seeing this scene, the uncle was a little panicked.

"Then... I only brought a thousand yuan with me... Is it enough?"

Several doctors and nurses showed a speechless and helpless expression.

How can a thousand yuan be enough for X-ray examination, blood culture, bacterial culture, surgery and subsequent hospitalization!

Zhang Yi sighed and said:

"Forget it, you should register first and pay a thousand first. The money for the subsequent surgery is definitely not enough. You should quickly get some more money to pay."

The uncle went to the payment window reluctantly.

While walking, he said:

"Big hospitals are so expensive... It only costs more than 30 yuan to get an IV in our township health center, but the price here is so high? A thousand yuan is not enough?

Big hospitals are really a bit of a rip-off. I won't come to your big hospitals for treatment in the future.

Can a fall on your butt really kill you? "

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