Although he felt that his wife's condition was a bit serious. But in the old man's heart, he still felt that she was not dying. He thought that the doctor was suspected of exaggerating the condition. The purpose was to make him pay more money for hospitalization. Behind him. Hearing the old man's complaints, Zhang Yi only had a four-character idiom in his mind. That is, ignorance! After thinking for a while, Zhang Yi walked up to the family and said:

"If you don't believe us, you can ask your other family members to come to the hospital, such as your daughter and son, and I can explain it to them."

The old man looked up at Zhang Yi and waved his hand:

"No, no, I'll pay the money."

The old man then rummaged through his trouser pocket and handed the money to the cashier in the cashier's office.

After the old man registered and paid, the hospital system had the patient's information.

Then he quickly gave the doctor's order for examination and blood draw.

Urgent examination, and it was night shift time.

All the results came out in less than 20 minutes.

X-ray examination showed the presence of gas in the subcutaneous tissue.

White blood cells: 28×109/L!

Serum bilirubin was also elevated, indicating hemolysis of red blood cells.

Looking at the test results, Zhang Yi did not delay any longer.

Immediately sent the old lady to the emergency debridement room.

First make an incision and drainage, then notify the general surgeon immediately.

In the debridement room, doctors and nurses couldn't help but wear two layers of masks.

Because it was too smelly!

"Bring the skin preparation bag, prepare the skin first, shave all the hair on the abdomen and perineum, and then prepare the catheter."


(Skin preparation means shaving hair before surgery, shaving all the hair, pubic hair, armpit hair, etc.)

The nurse frowned and brought the skin preparation bag and the catheterization bag.

This is really the first time she has prepared the skin and catheterized this kind of patient!

The deadly smell coming from below went straight to the top of the head!



The head nurse let out a breath, then held it, and started skin preparation.

Swish, swish, swish!

Shave the hair clean!

After the skin preparation was completed, everyone could see that a lot of yellow-gray liquid had seeped out from the patient's perineum and vaginal opening!

"It's really fasciitis! Look at this liquid, the unpleasant smell comes from here."

Yu Jian said with a look of disgust, holding his breath.

Zhang Yi glanced at him:

"There is no need to repeat what you already know. You should think about it here. If you were the one who took over the rescue, what would you do, or how could you help!"

This question confused Yu Jian...

He...what can he do as an intern...

I can catheterize, but my catheterization speed is not as fast as the nurse...

Yu Jian silently shut up and stood behind Zhang Yi to watch him operate.

Catheterization after skin preparation.

But the catheter could not be inserted.

"Assistant Zhang, this catheter can't be inserted?" The nurse asked for help.

Zhang Yi looked up.

The urethra was broken, and the catheter immediately split as soon as it was inserted.

"Forget it, let's not do the catheterization first. First, help spread the patient's legs apart. I'll do a perineal drainage. There's already so much secretion outside, there must be more inside."

"Also, Yu Jian, go notify the general surgery doctor to come and take a look."

"Oh... OK."

Zhang Yi put on gloves and gently cut a hole on the outside of the labia majora near the thigh root with a knife.



The inflammatory exudate inside flowed out.

Zhang Yi squeezed gently with gloves, and more pus flowed out!

Using pliers to pry it open, the fascia tissue inside turned gray!

"Ugh...Oh my God! It's all necrotic!"

The gray tissue appeared in front of everyone, and the nurse exclaimed while trying to hold back the smell.

"Bring the 3% hydrogen peroxide over to rinse it." Zhang Yi ordered.


Soon the hydrogen peroxide was brought over.

Zhang Yi held the hydrogen peroxide in one hand and the cotton swab in the other to rinse the incision.

Rinse the entire incision and the secretions from the perineum.

"Go ask if there is an empty operating room in the operating room, and tell them that the emergency needs to be operated immediately, and this person can't wait."

Zhang Yi said while washing.


Just at this time, Yu Jian also came in.

Zhang Yi looked at him and said, "Go and call the family member outside in."

"Ah? Call the family member in?"

"Go quickly!"

"Oh, okay!"

Soon, the old man was also taken into the clean room by Yu Jian.

Incision room.

As soon as he walked in, the scene in front of him made the old man dumbfounded.

Zhang Yi waved at him:

"Uncle, take a look at her condition yourself. The flesh inside has been necrotic. Surgery must be performed to remove these. Do you still think I am cheating you?"

The old man showed a shocked expression and shook his head:

"No... No, doctor, why is her flesh turned gray? Is there really something wrong?"

The family members began to worry.

No matter how illiterate or how little medical experience you have, you should know that normal skin should bleed when it is cut.

But the flesh inside his wife's body turned gray!

The blood is not red, but yellowish gray!

This idiot knows that the problem is very serious!

Zhang Yi did not give the family a definite answer, but only said:

"It's hard to say now. We need to perform surgery immediately to clean the wound and remove all the gray necrotic tissue and skin to save his life.

I want to give you a shot of prevention. You should prepare for the worst in this situation."

"Ah? Then...then do the surgery quickly, doctor! I'll call my son right away and ask him to come to the hospital."

Zhang Yi glanced at the family.

You really won't cry until you see the coffin.

If you don't see how serious the disease is, you won't know how dangerous it is.

Soon, the general surgeon came over.

He looked at the examination list and the incision.

He immediately showed a complicated look and said:

"Such a serious necrotizing fasciitis? Forget it, send him to the operating room first.

We can only observe while cleaning the wound, and we have to explain to the family members that he must be in critical condition."

Zhang Yi nodded:

"Don't worry, I've already said it."

"Well, for the operation later... will you go up?"

The general surgeon glanced at Zhang Yi.

It would be a waste if he didn't hug the thigh of the great god~

"Go, this must be a large area of ​​necrosis, and it will probably take several hours to clean the wound." Zhang Yi nodded in response.

The general surgeon nodded with relief:

"That's good, I'll go and prepare first!"

After that, the general surgeon left in a good mood.

To be honest, the necrosis area is so large, and the director of general surgery is not here, so he is still a little unsure.

But seeing Zhang Yi here, he is relieved!

And he can also perform a cleaning operation with Assistant Zhang~


Behind him, Yu Jian, who was watching this scene, felt very strange.

Teacher Zhang is a resident intern!

Can a resident intern go to the operating room? !

Also, wasn’t the general surgeon the attending physician just now?

Why did he want Teacher Zhang to help him with the operation?

It seemed as if the operation depended on Teacher Zhang.

Yu Jian looked at Zhang Yi with a puzzled expression again.

Judging from the rescue just now.

Teacher Zhang does seem to be a little better than other resident interns...

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