Before going to the operating room, the general surgeon sent a message in the hospital group:

"The emergency department admitted a patient with necrotizing fasciitis of the ischial tuberosity and lower abdomen. He will be operated on soon. Fortunately, Assistant Zhang will help me with the debridement..."

Bai Tang from Renal Department: "Ichial tuberosity and lower abdomen? Is the necrosis area so large? Then you have a lot of work to do for the debridement!"

Hu Tian from Urology Department: "Oh my God! Such a large area of ​​necrotizing fasciitis is rare. We need people to help." Do you want to have a hand? I can come and work overtime for free. "

Cardiac Surgeon Li Qing: "It's really rare. I'm on the second line today. I can come and help!"

Cardiac Surgeon Jiao Yong: "Will Zhang Yi do the operation with you? I'm working overtime. I'll go to the operating room later."

General Surgeon Tian Xiaoke: "Is Zhang Yi going to have an operation? Or necrotizing fasciitis? Wait, I'll go back to the department immediately!"

Several people heard that it was Zhang Yi who was going to have an operation, and it was such a large area of ​​necrotizing fasciitis.

They replied that they would come back to be assistants.

There were even people who turned around and drove back to the hospital halfway after get off work.

No reason, just to see Zhang Yi do the operation!


After Zhang Yi handed over to the doctor on night shift, he was ready to go to the operating room.

He looked at Yu Jian who was following him and asked:

"Have you been to the operating room?"

Yu Jian shook his head: "No."

"Then come with me to the operating room, you just watch from the side.

The first time you go to the operating room, remember to follow the instrument nurse to identify all the instruments.

When I ask you to pass something, you must find the correct one as quickly as possible and pass it to me.

For example, what is an oval forceps, what is a curved forceps, what is a tissue forceps, all of these must be remembered, understand?"

"Got it! Thank you, Teacher Zhang!"

Yu Jian grinned excitedly!


So what if my teacher is a resident intern? !

So what if he doesn't have a certificate? !

He can go to the operating room and can also take me to the operating room with him!

Hahaha, can you? !

Thinking of this, Yu Jian even showed off in his intern group:

"Hey, I had to work overtime on the first day with my teacher, and I also encountered a rare necrotizing fasciitis. I have to go to the operating room for debridement later. He also asked me to quickly learn to be his assistant. Oh, it's so tiring~"

This Versailles speech caused other interns in the group to scold Yu Jian!

This kid was complaining about being tired, but he was actually showing off!

The group was full of rookies who had just entered the hospital for internship.

When they heard that Yu Jian could go to the operating room on the first day.

Everyone in the group showed expressions of envy and jealousy!

The other two interns in the same department shed tears while eating crayfish!

"Woo woo, why can Yu Jian go to the operating room on the first day after following a regular trainee!"

"I knock! I'm so envious. If I had known, I should have raised my hand to become Teacher Zhang's apprentice!"

Damn, the crayfish in my hand suddenly didn't smell good!

The interns who just graduated are very eager for the operating room!

It is lucky to be able to go to the appendicitis surgery.

I didn't expect that Yu Jian would be so lucky!

I thought he would be unlucky to follow an uncertified resident trainee and learn nothing.

I didn't expect...

He can go to such a large operating room on the first day!


I am so envious!

Seeing the replies of the interns in the group, who were either envious or cursing, Yu Jian felt so happy.

Turning his head to look at Zhang Yi who looked calm, Yu Jian said again:

"Thank you, Teacher Zhang! I will definitely study hard!"

Zhang Yi said "hmm" lightly.

In the operating room, two doctors from the general surgery department came, and one doctor from the operating room came.

Including Zhang Yi, there are four doctors in total to complete this debridement operation.

Because necrotizing fasciitis is a simultaneous infection of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria.

Therefore, the liquid used to clean the tissue should be hydrogen peroxide, metronidazole solution or potassium permanganate solution.

This solution is not conducive to bacterial growth.

The main step of the operation is to remove the necrotic fascia while flushing.

Wear surgical gowns.

The patient is intubated and anesthetized.

The entire abdomen and perineum are disinfected on a large scale.

Then, Zhang Yi took the scalpel and said:

"Start from the perineum, and then cut into the middle of the lower abdomen."


The other doctors nodded.

Yu Jian stood with the instrument nurse.

Looking at

Seeing this scene, he had a growing doubt in his mind!

Although Teacher Zhang is a resident trainee.

But why do many doctors in the hospital seem to admire him?

Because he is the assistant director?

Or does Teacher Zhang have some connections at home?

Even Director Lu of the emergency department asked him to select interns first, and then assign them to other teachers.

The general surgeon is the same.

Now, the attending doctors in the operating room are the same!

They all seem to listen to Teacher Zhang?

Why is this?

He felt strange!

Then, an idea came to his mind.

That is, the teacher he followed might really be a big shot!

Otherwise, he couldn't become the assistant director during the resident trainee period? ?

Thinking of this, Yu Jian couldn't help feeling lucky~

It seems that he is lucky!

He actually followed a big shot~!

In the operating room, Zhang Yi took a scalpel and cut open the skin of the entire perineum.

Necrotizing fasciitis requires the infected skin to be removed as well.

So if there is not enough skin in the later stage, a second skin grafting operation will be performed.

The skin flap of the entire perineum was opened.

Suddenly, a stronger smell rushed to the back of everyone's head.

Then, the necrotic fascia tissue of the entire perineum and lower abdomen appeared in front of everyone.

From the perineum to below the navel.

All of it was invaded by bacteria and turned into gray tissue.

The fat fascia inside was all necrotic!

Especially in the center of the perineum.

A gray lump of meat was sandwiched in the middle, and no normal blood-colored tissue could be seen at all.

Only by moving the line of sight upwards, can the bloody tissue be seen on the left and right sides of the abdomen.

This shows that the bacteria have not yet invaded the entire abdomen.

"Oh my God, this is the most serious necrotizing fasciitis I have ever seen."

A general surgeon said.

"Let's remove the necrosis in the perineum first."

Zhang Yi didn't get this kind of debridement surgery in the system.

So today's surgery depends entirely on Zhang Yi.

However, he also believes in himself.

He has practiced so many surgeries in the simulated operating room.

He has also practiced orthopedic debridement and tumor resection so many times.

He believes that he can complete this debridement surgery without relying on the system!

In the entire operating room, except for the unpleasant smell.

There are only the sounds of constant removal and flushing.

The operation is not difficult, but it is very troublesome.

It is not much different from the free removal of cardiac cancer surgery and tumor surgery.

All necrotic fascia tissue and skin must be removed cleanly so that the patient will not relapse.

Remove and remove again!

Don't leave any space for bacteria to continue to grow!

The entire perineum, including the labia majora, vaginal opening, vagina, pelvic floor fascia, pelvic cavity...

All large areas are cleaned!

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