The doctor said that the patient was very angry and was very angry.

Zhang Yi looked at the family members in front of him.

This woman named A Ling is an old lady in her forties or fifties.

She really has a bad temper.

However, the fact that she could sincerely apologize made the resentment of several doctors disappear a lot.

In the hospital.

If doctors and family members understand each other a little more, the gap between them will be less.

The doctor-patient relationship can be further improved.

Wang Xiaomian sighed silently and said:

"Family members, it's good that you can understand, because we have never discriminated against you.

After all, Baodao and we are also one family, there is no such thing as treating others but not you.

It's just that sometimes the disease comes suddenly, and we doctors are also human beings, and we also need time to think and judge.

We don't have X-ray eyes, so we can't know what disease you have as soon as we come.

The disease of your old lady is indeed rare, and it is difficult to detect it through general examinations.

Of course, this time it is also thanks to Dr. Zhang.

In short, it would be best if your family members can understand our difficulties."

A Ling looked up at Zhang Yi, and then slowly said:

"Thank you, Dr. Zhang!"

[Ding! Gratitude points +100! 】

Zhang Yi smiled and nodded, and made a joke:

"It's okay, doctors should do it.

As long as you don't think there are no good doctors in our mainland."

After that, A Ling also laughed embarrassedly:

"No, I was angry for a while, so I said nonsense. There are still many good people in the mainland."

After chatting for a few more words, Zhang Yi looked at the time and it was getting late.

So he said goodbye to Ping An Hospital and went straight to the airport.

It was not until three o'clock in the morning that he got off the plane.

After a day of running around, Zhang Yi fell asleep as soon as he returned to the dormitory.


Early the next morning.

Before the morning meeting.

Chen Fang changed into a white coat and walked in. He quickly walked to Zhang Yi and asked:

"Didn't you go to the capital yesterday afternoon? How come you came back so soon? Did you come back overnight?"

Zhang Yi nodded:

"Yes, I didn't get off the plane until after three in the morning."

"Damn, you work so hard?! If you are too busy, you can ask Director Lu for leave."

"It's okay. I asked for several days last time I went home. I haven't had any leave this month."

Chen Fang immediately showed an expression of self-abasement.

"What a workaholic! By the way, what surgery did you have in the capital yesterday?"

"No surgery, they just had a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with dynamic obstruction.

As a result, they couldn't find out the cause, so they asked me to go over and help them take a look."

Chen Fang was stunned.

Even the colleagues who came to work in the morning gathered around him.

"What? What obstruction? Dynamic obstructive cardiomyopathy?"

"What obstruction? Intestinal obstruction?"

"Yes, I have heard of dynamic intestinal obstruction... I have never heard of dynamic obstructive cardiomyopathy..."

Zhang Yi looked up and explained to all the doctors around him:

"Dynamic obstruction means that the person's heart will only be obstructed when it moves, which will lead to symptoms such as shortness of breath and hypoxia.

But as long as the heart stops beating, it is like establishing extracorporeal circulation on the operating table.

When the heart stops beating, the obstruction of the heart disappears."

The people around him nodded in sudden realization.

Even Lu Jing, who had just stepped into the door of the office, was stunned.

"Obstruction occurs when the heart moves? When it stops, the obstruction disappears?" Lu Jing said as he walked over.

"Yes, this disease is called obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a rare heart disease that was discovered in the 1980s.

Because the ventricular wall thickens, the outflow port becomes narrower relative to the inflow port.

A pressure difference is formed in the ventricle, and the blood flow rate becomes different.

If the pressure difference is not equal, the mitral valve will be sucked to the aortic valve by the pressure difference, causing a blockage.

So this disease only occurs when the heart moves. When the heart is not moving, it is the same as a normal heart, except that the ventricular wall is slightly thicker."

Lv Jing also nodded in thought:

"I remember that there seems to be such a disease. This disease must be distinguished from ordinary heart failure. It must not be treated with ordinary heart failure drugs, otherwise it will be a big deal."

"That's right. Only by slowing down the heartbeat and reducing the ventricular contractility can the patient's symptoms be relieved."

"Wow... I have learned something again..."

"It's you, Zhang Yi. You gave me a lesson about heart disease early in the morning!"

"I seem to be in a book

I have seen the name of this disease in a book, but I didn't read it carefully at that time. Now I know that this is what this disease is like. "

Colleagues around him all looked like they had learned something.

It seems that being in the same department with Zhang Yi is quite beneficial!

Not only is there a big boss here, but there is also a teacher who can teach them knowledge!


Then, everyone began to hand over their shifts and make rounds.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, when several doctors just walked out of the emergency room.

I heard a young man's curse from the emergency clinic:

"Are you kidding me! Are you crazy about money in your hospital? I just accidentally hurt my leg, and you asked me to do so many tests? !

Blood draw, culture, and CT scan? ?

It's really crazy! I won't do what you want!

It's so annoying. I just wanted to get a tetanus shot, but you gave me so many blood tests?

Black-hearted hospital! I won't come here! "

While speaking, the young man limped out of the gate.

Hearing the sound, the doctor on rounds also looked at the young man.

Suddenly, Zhang Yi frowned.

The young man looked about 23 or 24 years old.

He came to the hospital in shorts and slippers.

The wound was on the calf, and it looked like it was cut by a sharp blade.

Although the incision was not deep, the area around the wound had begun to swell.

It was obviously a sign of inflammation.

And this was only visible on the surface.

In Zhang Yi's sight, the calf skin and fat around the wound seemed to be different from normal calf tissue.

What's going on? ?

Could it be...

Another fasciitis? ?

Zhang Yi immediately walked up to the young man and said:

"Please wait a moment."

The young man looked Zhang Yi up and down, looked at his work badge and asked:

"Training student? Assistant to the director? What position do you hold?"

Zhang Yi was too lazy to answer such an irrelevant question, and asked directly:

"What scratched you?"

The young man looked at Zhang Yi and said casually:

"I went fishing by the river yesterday and swam a few times. I didn't see clearly what was in the river at that time.

But I think it should be a piece of iron or a hard plastic plate that fell into the river, right?"

Zhang Yi said seriously:

"I don't think your wound is right. I suggest you check your blood and do a bacterial culture as soon as possible."

Hearing Zhang Yi say this, the young man instantly became impatient.

"I'm surprised. What can a young man like me have a problem?

Isn't it said that young people have high immunity? I just got a cut, so I want to come here to get a tetanus shot.

Are there so many messy tests to do? Your hospital is crazy about money!"

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