The wound was not deep, but the wound was still alive.

Hearing that the young man was unwilling to go for the check-up, Zhang Yi had to persuade him again:

"You can look at your wound yourself. It's not deep. Why is it so red for just a small cut?

Look at the area around your wound. It's so red and swollen. If there is an abscess inside, you have to make another cut to drain it.

Don't take it lightly. This is your own body."

The young man glared at Zhang Yi and said:

"You are such a talkative intern! I don't need your fake kindness!

This is just a small wound. At most, I just need an IV!

I won't be fooled by you for all the fancy checks!

If you don't give me the injection, I'll go to another hospital!"

After saying that, the young man prepared to leave the hospital.

Zhang Yi looked at his wound and couldn't bear to let him go.

Because it looked like the early stage of fasciitis.

Especially people with low immunity are prone to fasciitis due to some trauma or insect bites.

This fasciitis is very serious.

It must be treated early!

Otherwise, the guy's leg will be amputated at best, or even die at worst.

Zhang Yi thought about it and stopped the young man patiently and said:

"Our hospital didn't cheat you, because we are not sure what the scratch is.

So the hospital can't blindly give you tetanus.

Not only is your wound serious, but you were scratched in the river.

I think you should know how dirty and how many bacteria there are in the river, right?

Now I am afraid that you will be infected by parasites or multiple bacteria in the river.

If you don't check and treat it early now.

It will be very troublesome to treat it later.

Now we just draw blood, do bacterial culture, and even do a CT scan, all to find the cause of the disease.

Then we will give you the right medicine.

We are really doing this for your own good, and we really didn't cheat you."

Zhang Yi persuaded him earnestly.

I hope the young man can listen to his advice.

Don't delay treatment, don't be like that old lady.

Wait until the whole pelvis is rotten and smelly before coming to the hospital.

Then this young man might not be as lucky as that old lady.

Who knew that this guy really didn't appreciate it at all.

"I won't go! I'm so annoyed by your hospital. You made such a big deal about a problem that can be solved by a tetanus shot and some penicillin!

It's as if I'm going to die!

How old am I? I'm only 24! I'm in good health!

You are really crazy!

Especially you young doctors!

You have no experience in treating patients, you only know to let us patients do this and that examination!

If an old director or an old Chinese doctor came, he would be able to see what's wrong with me.

At most, I can get some fluids and take some anti-inflammatory drugs!

You young doctors are the most troublesome!"

After saying that, the young man really left without looking back.

"Ah, you..."

"Zhang Yi, forget it."

Chen Fang stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Yi and said:

"Forget it, this guy doesn't appreciate it. It's useless to say more. If we say more, he will think we are cheating him of the examination fee.

He said that we are young doctors who can't diagnose and have no experience.

Forget it, forget it, why say so much to him, just ignore him.

If he wants to go to the clinic for infusion, let him go. Anyway, it has nothing to do with us if something happens."

"Hey, but he..."

Zhang Yi stared at the back of the young man and was about to say something.


I hope nothing serious will happen to this guy.

I hope he just has an ordinary infection, not fasciitis.

After this little episode, the emergency department returned to its busy state.

However, the words of the young man just now did arouse the sympathy of the patients and their families who were watching around.

Several middle-aged women started to discuss with dissatisfaction:

"That's right, I also feel that sometimes there is nothing wrong but the hospital still prescribes a lot of tests."

"Oh, that's right! Don't hospitals have to do performance?"

"Oh, it's really a rip-off!"

A young nurse in the emergency department couldn't stand it anymore.

Walked to the family members who were discussing and said:

"Auntie, what tests did you prescribe?"

The middle-aged woman looked up at the nurse and said:

"Color Doppler ultrasound, a CT scan, and blood tests. These tests cost 600 to 700 yuan. A color Doppler ultrasound alone costs 280 yuan...

Isn't your hospital's charges a bit too expensive?"

"The hospital's charging standards are not determined by the hospital, but by the hospital's level.

The highest charge

The standard is a tertiary A hospital, and our hospital is a tertiary A hospital.

Relatively speaking, our medical equipment and the medical level of doctors and nurses are also the best in Tianhe.

In addition, the education level of hospital staff also starts from undergraduate and postgraduate.

At the level of tertiary, according to the regulations of the health bureaus of various provinces and cities, color ultrasound is basically more than 250 yuan.

If it is a private hospital, the price may be different, but we are a public hospital.

In addition, the abdominal color ultrasound and abdominal CT you did should be to check your stomach pain, right?

If you have stomach pain, you do need to do these tests, otherwise how can you know what is wrong with you?

You also know that we are a municipal hospital, the best public hospital in Tianhe.

You want to see a doctor in the best hospital but think that the hospital charges are expensive. Don’t you feel contradictory?

The Fourth Hospital and the Maternal and Child Health Hospital are second-class A hospitals, and the charges there will be a little lower than ours.

There is also Minyou Hospital, which is private and not even a second-class A hospital, and it is cheaper there.

I didn’t see you go there either? Didn’t you come to our municipal hospital anyway? ”


The old lady was so angry at the nurse that she couldn’t say a word.

Finally, she said after a long time:

“I’m just complaining about the price. I…we ordinary people don’t have much money…it’s too expensive to see a doctor…can’t I complain?”

“You have social security or agricultural insurance, right? The state can still reimburse you. You shouldn’t spend much money yourself.”

This time, the old lady was directly silenced.

This is the fact.

The national policy is good.

You can get reimbursement for seeing a doctor.

Seeing that several people were not talking, the nurse sighed and walked back to the treatment room.

Along the way, several doctors and nurses cast admiring eyes at her.

“Awesome, Xiaoyu!”

“You are still strong enough to dare to confront those old ladies.”

The nurse called Xiaoyu said helplessly:

“It’s true. The charges of tertiary hospitals and secondary hospitals are not at the same level.

There are so many hospitals in Tianhe, and there are many Class II hospitals and below.

Don’t they still think that the medical level of Class II hospitals is not good enough and want to come to our city hospital?

They want to come to a hospital with good medical level, but they don’t want to spend more money.

Isn’t this a contradiction? ”

“Forget it, forget it, hurry up and work. "

After chatting for a few words, several people started to work.

Zhang Yi, watching the nurse named Xiaoyu leave, nodded silently.

What the girl said is quite right.

Most people who come to the hospital will think that the hospital charges are expensive.

In fact, the hospital charging standards are based on the level.

If a hospital charges too much, report it directly, and the hospital will be fined.

So no hospital will be so stupid.

The prices are adjusted within the specified range of the level.

If you think that the charges of large hospitals are too expensive, you can actually consider Class II.

Now the level of Class II is still good for some common diseases.

You don't have to go to Class III.

Of course, this is just a small episode.

Everyone soon forgot about it.

Until eleven o'clock on the third night.

An emergency ambulance brought an unconscious young man.

Looking closely, isn't this the young man whose calf was scratched that day?!

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