The girl's mother cried even harder after hearing Zhang Yi's words.

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, he carefully recalled what the family members had just said.

You exercise regularly, but this is the first time you have fainted due to allergies?

That means it is not an exercise-related allergy.

Everyone has a different physique. Some people are allergic to mangoes, and some are allergic to wheat.

Some people are allergic to milk, and some are allergic to sunlight.

This is a hypersensitivity reaction of the body to foreign allergens, also called allergic inflammation.

Like the common cold and fever, the inflammatory reaction of the body to viral infection is a normal reaction of the body to protect itself.

But allergic reaction is a hypersensitivity reaction of the body to allergens.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yi speculated that this girl should not be a simple exercise allergy.

"Family, did your daughter eat anything before she fainted this time?"

The girl's mother took two puffs and said:

"Eat? I remember... she seemed to eat some fat-reducing meal? She said she wanted to lose weight.

She didn't eat the porridge and buns we cooked. She ate some fat-reducing meal she bought online.

Doctor! Is there something wrong with the fat-reducing meal? Could it be expired food?!"

Zhang Yi frowned:

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. Also, do you have small animals at home? Animal hair may also cause allergies."

"No, no, we don't have any animals at home." The family members shook their heads repeatedly.

"Did your daughter have any other contact allergies or food allergies when she was young?"

"No, doctor. My daughter is very healthy. It's just that this sudden incident scared us."

"When did she eat the fat-reducing meal and when did she start exercising?"

"Well... it seemed to be around six o'clock? My daughter is preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination. She got up very early and saw her reading after dinner.

She may have read for more than three hours before she started exercising. She just started exercising for a while and she became like this..."

"Okay, let's do this. You go home first and bring me the fat-reducing meal she ate.

Your daughter is allergic, but the allergen must be found. If the allergen cannot be completely eliminated, then such a dangerous situation may occur again next time."

The girl's mother nodded in response.

Afterwards, after discussing with the girl's father next to her, her father left the hospital to go home to get something.

The girl's mother waited at the door of the emergency room for news.

About ten minutes later, the girl was successfully rescued and her heartbeat was restored.

"Fortunately, we arrived in time, otherwise it would be hard to say about this girl."

Chen Fang sighed while shaking her head.

"By the way, Zhang Yi, have you found out what allergy it is? I think she looks like exercise allergy."

Zhang Yi shook his head: "No, it's not exercise allergy. Her mother said that she never fainted when exercising before.

Also, she ate a fat-reducing meal bought online in the morning and started exercising after eating.

It is not ruled out that her allergy is related to food, but this food may not be the main cause of the disease."


"It is related to food, but this food is not the main cause?"

Not only Chen Fang, but also Zhao She beside him did not understand what Zhang Yi meant.

Chen Fang glanced at Zhao She: "Aren't you known as Zhuge Liang of Tianhe? Guess what Zhang Yi means by this."

Zhao She shook the small hair on his forehead and said crisply:

"I can't guess~"


"Tell me, Zhang Yi, what disease do you suspect this person has?"

Zhang Yi glanced at the girl lying on the bed and walked to the door of the emergency room, saying as he walked:

"I suspect it's food-dependent exercise allergy."

Chen Fang:  ̄□ ̄? !

Zhao She: ゜ ロ゜? ?

"What? What the hell??"

At this time, Zhang Yi had already walked to the door.

The girl's mother was still waiting there. Zhang Yi waved at her and she rushed over immediately:

"How is it, doctor, how is my daughter now?"

"Don't worry, she has been rescued, but

Yes, we still need to observe it, and we still need to continue to use anti-allergic drugs. "


The girl's mother's heart was lifted instantly, and she almost stumbled.

"Thank you... Thank you..."

Chen Fang reached out to help the family member and said:

"It's okay, you go to pay the fee first, now the person has been rescued, we have to push him to do the examination quickly."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

More than ten minutes later, the girl's father rushed to the doctor's office with a big box.

"Doctor! Doctor, take a look!"


A heavy box was placed in front of Zhang Yi.

The family member said breathlessly:

"I don't know what kind of food my daughter eats, so I brought all the express food she bought a few days ago. Take a look? ”

The girl’s mother also came back. After carefully looking through the box, she took out a package of food with ‘whole wheat bread’ written on it and said:

“This! This! My daughter eats this in the morning, and she also adds a few slices of tomatoes and a fried egg!

She said she wanted to lose weight, so she ate this bread for breakfast.

I asked her at the time that you were still eating bread to lose weight, and she said that this bread was not ordinary bread. ”

“Whole wheat bread? ?”

Zhang Yi stared at the package and looked at the ingredient list carefully.

It said: whole wheat flour, rye flour, wheat flour, pumpkin flour, and other additives.

“Are you sure you ate this and then started exercising, right?”

“Yes, yes, yes, that’s it. It concerns my daughter’s safety. How can I not remember it!”

“Did she eat this kind of whole grain food when she was a child? "

The girl's father looked embarrassed, he didn't know about this.

But the girl's mother thought for a while and said:

"Yes, I ate coarse grain buns in my hometown when I was a child. Although I didn't eat much, his father and I also eat some coarse grains occasionally. It's good for the body, and my daughter will eat some."

"Has she never fainted after eating this before?"

"No, my daughter was very healthy before, and this is the first time she fainted."


Zhang Yi nodded, and he had a rough idea in his mind.

"Please sit down first, I will tell you about your daughter's specific situation. "

The two family members sat down nervously and anxiously, looking at Zhang Yi eagerly.

In fact, if it is really an allergy, it is fine. As long as it is cured this time, it will not touch the allergen next time.

The only thing I am afraid of is that it will be cancer or brain tumor in the end...

The old couple was very worried.

After watching the family members sit down, Zhang Yi said:

"I looked at your daughter's examination sheet. The granulocyte count and eosinophil ratio have increased significantly.

Generally, the increase of these two can mostly confirm that it is an allergy.

But your daughter is special. Her allergy is not caused by a single food or exercise.

It is a combination of the two. "

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