The family member frowned and opened his mouth slightly.

There were three big question marks on his forehead.

Zhang Yi went on to explain:

"What I mean is that your daughter will have allergic symptoms after eating all wheat or wheat-based foods and exercising.

But if you eat this kind of food alone and don't exercise, you won't have allergic symptoms.

This disease is very rare and is called food-dependent exercise allergy.

Your daughter's condition can also be called wheat-dependent exercise allergy."

The family member was confused.

Food what? ?

What exercise?

What dependence and what allergy? ?

The family members were all laymen and thought about it several times before they sorted out the name of the disease.

The girl's father patted his thigh and said:

"What is dependent allergy? Oh my god, I really... I have never heard of it!"

The girl's mother hurriedly asked:

"Then doctor, can my daughter's disease be cured?"

"It can be cured. You need to use anti-allergic drugs.

But the problem of allergy is mainly because everyone's physique is different. If you say it is mild, it is also mild, but if you say it is serious, it can also be very serious.

The best treatment is to never exercise after eating this kind of coarse grains in the future.

Otherwise, this situation is likely to happen again.

This time I came to the hospital in time, so I was rescued.

What about next time? I may not be so lucky next time."

"I see! I didn't expect there is such a disease? This kind of allergy will only occur after exercise?

Oh, I have lived for more than 40 years. This is the first time I have heard of it."

The girl's father looked relieved.

Allergies are much better than cancer tumors...

Zhang Yi gave the family members a little popular science:

"This disease is indeed rare. The first case of food-dependent exercise allergy in our country was discovered seven years ago.

The patient was also allergic but could not find the cause. After going to the Imperial Capital Union Hospital many times, it was found that it was this disease.

This disease is rare, so most people do not pay attention to it.

In addition to wheat, there are also vegetables, shrimps, seafood, fruits, etc.

If you only eat these foods, there will be no reaction. Very few patients may have a mild reaction, or even so mild that they can't be noticed at all.

Only those who exercise after eating these foods will have allergic reactions.

Some allergic reactions are also mild, so they are not taken seriously.

Only serious cases like your daughter will be sent to the hospital."

The family members nodded frequently, looking educated.

"After the infusion is finished, stay upstairs for two days to observe her. If she is fine, you can go back.

Don't worry, as long as she is rescued, there will be no problem.

I will ask her about her usual eating habits after she wakes up."

"Okay, okay, thank you, doctor!"

The family members stood up while thanking him.

After watching the family members leave the office.

Several doctors in the office gave Zhang Yi a thumbs up!

Zhao She: "Damn, I just searched it and there is really a disease called food-dependent exercise allergy!"

Chen Fang rolled his eyes at him: "I told you to read more, but you insisted on feeding pigs. You don't even know about this disease?"

"I... Humph! Teacher Chen, are you still talking about me? You don't seem to know it either?"

Chen Fang coughed twice: "I know!"

"I don't believe it~!"

"Okay, okay, everyone, hurry up and get busy first."

Zhang Yi smiled helplessly and drove the two away.

Then he began to deal with his own cases.

After a few days of vacation, I came back with more cases.

Yu Jian was transferred to another department, and he seemed to be a bit busy without a little helper.

Zhang Yi thought that when the next intern was assigned, he would have to ask for a more diligent one.


PlayLove Bar.

How could the few hooligans who were scared away by Zhang Yi in the morning let Zhang Yi go so easily?

"Brother He Si, did that doctor really record the video? Now that the Internet is well developed, we should keep a low profile."

The short-haired man called He Si tilted his mouth and spit out the toothpick in his mouth, and also spit a few drops of saliva on the face of the younger brother next to him.

The younger brother was slightly disgusted, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"Bah! Damn it, I can't swallow this breath. You dare to threaten me, He Si?

What's wrong with the video? Can't we find a place without surveillance or when he doesn't have a mobile phone?


Is it great that this guy is a doctor? Is it great that he is an internet celebrity?

Humph, don't you see who I, He Si, hang out with!

Wait! I'm going to call Brother Hu!"

The younger brother who followed He Si nodded repeatedly, and wiped off the spit on his face.

He Si dialed the number, and the other party answered after several rings.

As soon as the call was connected, He Si immediately showed a flattering tone and said:

"Brother Hu? Are you... busy recently?"

"Hehe, I'm fine, I just want to ask you how you are."

"Oh, don't hang up, I... I have something to ask you for help~"

"It's just... you know I have a bit of a temper, right? A few days ago, a relative of mine was infused in the hospital, and the nurse gave the wrong fluid.

As a result, the hospital was unwilling to pay, so I said a few words on behalf of my relative.

Hey, a doctor in the hospital actually filmed me and recorded it.

He threatened me! He said... He said he would make me a street rat and everyone would shout and beat me!

Brother Hu, you have ignored me since you went to Baoshan to develop.

Xiao Si is now being chased and beaten by that group of doctors and nurses!

Not only do they not pay the money, they also team up to bully people, Brother Hu! "

He Si was so excited that he squeezed out two tears when he was deeply moved.

It sounded like the truth, as if others bullied him.

Instead of him bullying others.

The person called Brother Hu on the other end of the phone said a few words and then hung up.

"What's up, Brother Si?" asked the younger brother.

He Si immediately laughed wildly and said:

"Haha, what else can I do? Brother Hu said he came back to help me teach this guy a lesson! "

Then, He Si's eyes became gloomy again, and he lowered his voice and said:

"Doctor Zhang, right? Don't blame me for being cruel when the time comes!"


At 5 pm, the hospital meeting was held on time.

After hearing that Qian Zhenggang was very angry, the entire hospital did not come except for a few pregnant women on maternity leave.

Everyone was present.

The atmosphere in the entire conference room was low.

Everyone looked at Qian Zhenggang standing on the podium in silence.

This time something big happened in the hospital, and it was caused by the nurse's mistake.

This time he will definitely be punished, and even the director of the outpatient department is sitting there with a depressed look.

The mistakes of his subordinates, he, the director, probably can't escape responsibility.

"Why is this meeting held today? Everyone should know it in their hearts? I don't need to elaborate on it, right? "

Qian Zhenggang spoke slowly.

The people below nodded like pounding garlic.

"No need..."

"Since everyone knows, I won't waste words. I will announce the penalty notice first.

After the announcement, I will list some of the violations that have occurred in the hospital recently!"

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