The digestive tract of a normal person is divided into two parts, the upper and lower parts. The upper digestive tract mainly starts from the mouth, then goes to the esophagus, stomach, duodenum and part of the jejunum. The lower digestive tract starts from part of the jejunum, then the ileum, colon and rectum. The common sites of upper digestive tract bleeding are the stomach or esophagus. Bleeding in the upper digestive tract will cause black stools, not bloody stools. Bleeding in the lower digestive tract will directly cause bloody stools, that is, bright red blood. Why is this? Because after bleeding in the upper digestive tract, it has to go through a round of digestion in the intestines before it can be discharged. The blood at this time has been digested several times by the intestines and is no longer the freshest blood. Lower gastrointestinal bleeding, that is, bleeding from the colon or rectum, is very close to the outlet, that is, the anus. Once bleeding occurs, it will quickly flow to the anus.

Therefore, bright red blood can be seen directly in lower gastrointestinal bleeding.

At present, the female patient has admitted that she has blood in her stool, which means that there is a high probability that there is a problem with the lower gastrointestinal tract.

While Zhao She was thinking about preparing for a physical examination.

The nurse suddenly called out softly:

"Doctor Zhao, there is bleeding, so much blood!"

The nurse was originally giving the patient an injection to prepare for infusion.


As soon as the quilt was opened, it was found that the sheets under the girl's buttocks were stained red!

Zhao She was stunned and strode up.

Immediately, a shocking red color came into view.

Gao Han and Shen Lingyue frowned, looking surprised.

This was the first time they had seen such a scene.

So they could only watch Zhao She operate.

"Quick, quickly establish an intravenous channel, expand the plasma first, and transfuse blood immediately after the blood type results come out!"


Seeing that the patient had lost so much blood, the nurses did not dare to delay and their movements became much faster.

At this time, Zhao She had no time to think, and pulled the bed curtain beside the bed, wearing gloves and preparing to take off his pants for inspection.

The girl was still somewhat conscious and subconsciously pulled her pants.

"I... I..." The girl glanced at Zhao She and felt a little embarrassed.

Zhao She knew what the girl was struggling with.

Unmarried women are somewhat embarrassed when facing male doctors, especially male doctors who want to examine their private parts.

"Don't worry, I will protect your privacy, and you don't treat me as a male doctor, just treat me as someone who can save your life."

Hearing this, the woman loosened her hand slightly.

Excessive blood loss caused her to gradually lose strength.

She even began to feel dizzy and confused.

What happened next, the patient had no idea at all.

Zhao She quickly took off his pants and saw that the patient's entire lower body was stained with blood.

"Gao Han, you go out first. What is Shen Lingyue doing? Come and help!"

"Oh, here I come!"

Shen Lingyue nodded and immediately put on gloves to help Zhao She do the examination.

"Bring the cotton pad!"

The cotton pad can be placed on the bed sheet to block blood. It is made of the same material as sanitary napkins.


Zhao She first wiped the patient's lower body with gauze.

It was found that the blood did not flow out of the vagina, but from the anus.

Just after wiping with gauze, a trace of blood flowed out of the folds of the anus.

Zhao She reached in with his index finger and touched it, but did not find hemorrhoids.

(Hemorrhoids can also cause blood in the stool)

"This situation is a bit serious. If the bleeding point is not found immediately, no matter how much plasma and blood are transfused, it will be useless."

"Shen Lingyue, take off the patient's pants and give them to the family, and then change the patient into clean and loose patient pants."

After saying that, Zhao She went out to make a phone call.

We must contact the doctor in the colonoscopy department as soon as possible. This patient must jump the queue for emergency examination.

Now it has been confirmed that it is lower gastrointestinal bleeding, otherwise the blood would not be so bright red and would not flow so fast.

After a while, the colonoscopy department came to notify that there was a place available and it could be done immediately by the emergency department.

Zhao She immediately took people over.

In the colonoscopy room.

The patient was undergoing examination while receiving plasma transfusion.

The colonoscope was inserted into the rectum from the anus, and no bleeding points were found all the way up to the jejunum? ?

The doctor doing the colonoscopy and Zhao She were a little puzzled.

"Look again, rinse more." Zhao She said.

After inserting the flushing tube and flushing it several times, I used the colonoscope to check again.

But here comes the problem.

I still couldn't find the bleeding point the second time? ?

Seeing the doctors' tangled expressions, the family members asked anxiously:

"Doctor, what happened to my daughter? ... What happened to her?"

The family members cried anxiously.

Zhao She hurriedly comforted:

"Don't worry, we are still checking, don't worry."

In the camera display screen, inside the pink intestine, the camera was turned around, but it couldn't find the bleeding point.

"Strange, is the bleeding point not in the lower digestive tract?"

The colonoscopy doctor also frowned slightly and said:

"It's possible, why not add a gastroscopy, the colonoscopy has been checked for so long and there is no problem, then we can only do a gastroscopy."

Zhao She could only turn around and say to the family members:

"Although your daughter has blood in her stool, we haven't seen any bleeding points after the colonoscopy, so we can only do another gastroscopy to see if the bleeding point is in the upper digestive tract."

"Okay, okay, do it, do it, we will do it all, as long as it can save my daughter, I will do it!"

The family members cried and nodded.

"Don't worry, we definitely didn't cheat you out of the examination fee at this critical moment. If you don't find and stop the bleeding point as soon as possible, your daughter's blood transfusion will be useless, understand?"

The family member nodded, and then one went to pay the fee, and the other took the patient to the gastroscopy room again.

First, wash the stomach, and then do a gastroscopy immediately after washing.

As a result, the gastroscopy still didn't see any bleeding points!

Even ulcers and polyps were not found!

"What's the situation? Why didn't you find it?"

The doctor who did the gastroscopy slowly pulled the lens from the front of the jejunum to the mouth.

Still didn't find it!

It's really weird!

Is it a ghost? ?

No bleeding points were seen, but the anus was bleeding? ?

Zhao She and the doctor who did the gastroscopy were simply puzzled!

Without finding the cause, Zhao She could only take the patient back to the emergency room.

But the bleeding point problem must be solved as soon as possible.

Otherwise it would be a time bomb.

Soon the blood type result came out, it was type B blood, and the blood bank was immediately asked to send 400 ml of whole blood.

As soon as the blood was transfused, the patient's face looked much better.

When everyone was just able to breathe a sigh of relief, the bed sheet was lifted, and there was another pool of blood!

Zhao She was also anxious at this moment, and his forehead was sweating.

At this time, the emergency department boss Zhang Yi went upstairs to perform surgery, and he could only rely on himself here.

Because the bleeding point could not be found, the family members were getting more and more excited.

After a long time, all the tests were done, but it didn't work!

Zhao She withstood the pressure, thought for a while, and then continued to order:

"Contact the bedside color ultrasound, and notify the doctor in the interventional department to come for consultation."

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