The doctor came to see if he could find the bleeding point in the abdomen and the entire intestine with ultrasound technology.

Asking the interventional department to come for consultation was the last resort.

If the bleeding point cannot be found even with color ultrasound, interventional examination can only be performed, which requires going to the operating room.

Inject contrast agent and use the help of radiation to see which blood vessel is leaking.

This is an invasive examination, and it is only done when it is really impossible.

"Ask the blood bank to bring another 200 milliliters of blood."

For the patient, if the bleeding cannot be stopped, blood transfusion must be continued until the bleeding point is found.

Otherwise, the patient's life will not be saved.

Soon, the color ultrasound doctor came first.

Nothing was found after searching the abdomen and the entire intestine.

But I found another problem.

That is, this young female patient actually has stones?

Common bile duct stones, the location of the stones is very close to the root of the pancreas.

Both the bile duct and the pancreatic duct are slightly dilated.

However, the stones are still very small, only 0.3 cm, and are relatively stable stones.

So Zhao She just took a look at the results and put them aside.

The relationship between stones and gastrointestinal bleeding is not great.

Color ultrasound doesn't work... Then try enhanced CT? ?

The family members looked cold and wanted to get angry, but they still agreed for the sake of their daughter's condition.

Soon the results of the CT scan came out, and no bleeding spots were found in the whole abdomen except for the stones.

This made Zhao She completely helpless.

"I can only go to the interventional department."

But this examination is more expensive than other color ultrasound gastroscopy and so on.

After all, it is a project that requires simultaneous examination while doing X-rays.

When the family members heard this, they couldn't help but explode!

"You are such a big hospital, how can you not have any results after a long time of examination? We can't waste our money, right?!

We have done gastroscopy, colonoscopy, B-ultrasound and CT! How come there is no effect at all!

Are you not taking people's lives to cheat money?! My daughter is like this, why don't you hurry up to find the cause?!"

Facing the anger of the family members, Zhao She could only endure it silently.

Sometimes doctors are not omnipotent.

They don't have X-ray eyes, so it is impossible for them to find the cause accurately as soon as they come.

Especially for this patient, who is bleeding for unknown reasons.

The amount of bleeding is still a lot. According to common sense, Zhao She's thinking is right, and he does give priority to lower gastrointestinal bleeding.

But this girl seems to be unreasonable.

All these possible tests have been done, but the cause is unclear.

Sometimes finding the cause is like investigating a case. You need to unravel it bit by bit and not miss any details to find the 'murderer'.

Faced with the anger of the family members, Zhao She had to bite the bullet and guarantee:

"Don't worry, once the interventional examination is done, we can know which blood vessel is bleeding."

The family members half-believed and half-doubted and went to pay more than a thousand yuan for the examination fee.

Soon, the interventional doctor sent the female patient to the interventional operating room upstairs.

Do a simple interventional examination.

Directly inject contrast agent into the whole body, and then observe it with X-ray images.

More than 20 minutes later, the interventional doctor called.

After hearing the result, Zhao She frowned and asked in disbelief:

"What? Impossible? Intervention... intervention can't find the cause?!"

Zhao She was really helpless now.

In just over an hour, he used up all his knowledge and all his experience in the emergency department in the past few years.

All the necessary examinations were done, but the cause could not be found.

It's really weird!

Soon, the girl was sent back by the interventional doctor.

"No, I can't find it. I didn't find any bleeding blood vessels. But I observed for a while, and the girl seems to have stopped bleeding for the time being."

Zhao She was stunned: "Huh? No bleeding?"

After saying that, he lifted the bed sheet and saw that there was indeed not much blood on the cotton pad that had just been replaced.

Compared with the big pool of blood before, this is really much less.

The reduction in bleeding means that the shock situation has temporarily stabilized.

But Zhao She's worries have not diminished at all.

The core problem is still the same, that is, the bleeding point has not been found.

There is no bleeding for the time being, which may be stopped by the patient's own factors.

But what if the bleeding starts again later?

What if the amount of bleeding increases again?

Wouldn't that make the situation even more dangerous? ?

It's really strange.

The more I think about it, the more weird it is!

How can there be no bleeding point?

Just at this time, the family members came over to ask again.

"Doctor, why

How is it? What is the result of the interventional examination you mentioned? Where exactly is my daughter bleeding? "

Zhao She was a little embarrassed, but he still told the truth:

"Your daughter's situation is too special. The interventional doctor did not find any bleeding points when checking with the X-ray.

But the only good news is that your daughter's bleeding has stopped temporarily.

There is no danger to her life for the time being, but we still need to continue to find the bleeding point to prevent sudden bleeding next time. "

When the family members heard this, their faces became more and more gloomy.

The girl's father immediately pointed at Zhao She's nose and cursed:

"What the hell are you! We paid thousands of yuan, but in the end we didn't find the cause? ! What do you want so many quacks in your city hospital? ? Ah? ? ! "

"One moment they said that the gastroscopy would produce results, and the next moment they said that the colonoscopy would produce results, and finally they even did the interventional examination. It cost so much money in the end! Didn't see anything? !

It means that my daughter is still in a state of life and death? ?

Our money didn't fall from the sky!!

You must give me an explanation today!! Otherwise, don't even think about leaving!"

After waiting for a long time without any result, the girl's father could no longer suppress his anxiety and fear.

After accumulating resentment for several times, he finally exploded towards Zhao She.

It was nearly ten o'clock in the evening.

There were not many people in the emergency room. In addition to the patients in the emergency room, there were only a few people who came to the emergency clinic for treatment.

At this moment, hearing the movement in the emergency room, these people came over to watch the excitement.

Zhao She was also asked by the family members and didn't know what to say for a while.

Many tests are actually required. If they are not done, no results can be found.

But this girl is too strange. Even if she is done, no results can be found??

Facing the doubts of the family members, Zhao She felt aggrieved but could only try to explain:

"Your daughter's condition is very complicated, and it is difficult to find the result by conventional means.

How about this, don't worry, wait for another doctor in our department to go down to the operating room, and I will let him help you.

He is the assistant director of our department, with excellent medical skills, he should be able to think of a solution.

The family member glared at Zhao She and said:

"I don't care if you are an assistant or not! We have done so many tests and spent money. If my daughter has any problems, I will definitely find you!"

The girl's mother didn't say anything, but just asked:

"When will the assistant director you mentioned finish the operation? We are so anxious."

Zhao She thought for a while and said: "Wait a minute, I will call the operating room to ask."

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