On the other side, Zhang Yi, who was finishing up his work, suddenly felt the phone in his trouser pocket vibrate.

It made his thighs numb.

Who is calling him at this time?

At this time, Zhang Yi was busy ligating the colon segment, so he had no time or hands to answer the call.

Two minutes later, he saw the nurse on duty in the operating room holding the intercom at the door and said:

"Assistant Zhang, the emergency department called and said there was a difficult patient. Is your surgery almost over?"

Zhang Yi turned his head and looked at the nurse outside the glass window.

"What? An emergency call?" Zhang Yi turned his head and looked at the operation in front of him and replied:

"Just say it will be over in ten minutes, and I will come down as soon as possible."


Aside, the doctor in the operating room teased:

"Assistant Zhang, you are too busy every day."

Zhang Yi shrugged: "There is no way, they prefer to ask me for help directly. With me here, no one is too lazy to ask the director to run in the middle of the night."

The doctor smiled and said: "Yes, you will be scolded if you ask the director to come. It's better to talk to you."

Ten minutes later, the intestinal tube at the end of the colon and the beginning of the duodenum was anastomosed.

Because it was inflammatory adhesion, it took a lot of time to separate the adhesions before removing the infarcted intestinal segment.

"Okay, I'll go down first, you close the abdomen."


After that, Zhang Yi quickly changed his clothes, washed his hands and went downstairs.

As soon as he arrived at the emergency room, he saw Zhao She standing in front of a rescue bed with a helpless look on his face.

Two family members stood beside him, their faces were also extremely ugly.

In short, the atmosphere was not very good.

"Zhao She, what's going on?" Zhang Yi approached and asked.

When Zhao She looked up and saw the look in Zhang Yi's eyes, he almost cried! !

Oh! !

Big brother! Big boss! Great God!

You are finally back!

This family can't be without you, big boss!

Zhao She grabbed Zhang Jiuxing's arm and said:

"This girl has been taking diet pills for two months before the operation, but the specific medicine is unknown.

The girl said that she had some blood in her stools these days, but not much. Three hours ago, the amount of blood suddenly increased.

She had blood in the toilet and was almost in shock.

At present, she has been given 600 ml of whole blood, the bleeding has stopped, and her blood pressure has stabilized.

But the strange thing is that the bleeding point has not been found.

The colonoscopy and gastroscopy did not find it, and then the CT and color ultrasound were done, but they could not see it. Even intervention was done, but in the end, the bleeding point was not found.

It's so weird! I really couldn't think of a way, so I called the operating room to urge you."

Zhang Yi frowned while keeping his eyes on the girl:

"You have done intervention, but you still can't find the cause?"


This is outrageous.

First of all, the large amount of bleeding must be a ruptured blood vessel, otherwise it wouldn't bleed so much.

Secondly, if the blood is flowing out of the anus, then it is indeed necessary to do a colonoscopy and gastroscopy to check the digestive tract first.

However, when Zhang Yi focused his eyes on the patient's bile duct and pancreas, he instantly understood what was going on!

"Let me take a look at the patient's examination list first." Zhang Yi said.

Zhao She quickly handed all the test results just done to Zhang Yi.

On the side, the family members looked at such a young doctor coming to help, and they couldn't help but doubt whether he could do it?

And he looked younger than the doctor surnamed Zhao!

Anyway, if they were asked to do any useless examinations later, they would definitely not do it again!

At worst, they would transfer their daughter to a large hospital in the province, and they would not waste time here.

After Zhang Yi flipped through the examination list, he finally put the color ultrasound result on the top.

Zhao She glanced at the list and asked:

"What? Is there anything wrong with this color Doppler ultrasound report? This girl does have stones, but the stones are small, so I didn't consider it."

Zhang Yi pointed at the color Doppler ultrasound report and said:

"No, she has no problems with her body, but she has stones? And the location of the stones is so special??

No, there must be something wrong with the stones!

Look for yourself, the location of the stones is on the common bile duct, and it is so close to the pancreatic duct of the pancreas.

Both the pancreatic duct and the bile duct are dilated. Is it possible that the bleeding point is caused by this stone?"

Zhao She couldn't believe it!

He widened his eyes in disbelief and said:

"No way! How... how is this possible?? The probability is so small! Impossible??"

Zhang Yi shook his head and said:

"Nothing is impossible. You can do another gastroscopy to see

, this time we must focus on observing the location where the duodenum connects to the pancreas. "

"Then why is the girl not bleeding now?"

Zhang Yi thought for a while and said: "The stone may be displaced, and after scratching the blood vessel, it blocks the front end of the blood vessel. It may stop temporarily, but once it moves again, it will bleed again!"

Zhao She suddenly realized and nodded!!

That's it!!

On the side, Gao Han and Shen Lingyue, who were quietly observing the expressions, were also stunned!

So... that's it??!

"Okay, I'll take the patient to do a gastroscopy now!"

As soon as Zhao She finished speaking, the voice of the patient's family rang behind them:

"We won't do it! We'll go to the provincial hospital right away! We'll transfer to another hospital and won't see you anymore! ”

The person who spoke was the girl’s father.

After several hours of tossing and turning this night, they had to do another gastroscopy in the end.

The family members were not happy!

Just as Zhao She was about to speak, Zhang Yi pulled him and explained for him:

“Family members, I understand your feelings very well.

You think that your daughter spent thousands of dollars in the hospital and not only did she not get cured, but the cause of the disease could not be found, so you are very angry, right?

I know, and I understand.

But every examination done by Doctor Zhao is a must.

Your daughter is bleeding from the anus, and the amount of bleeding is so heavy, you have seen it yourself, right?

If you are not careful, it will endanger her life, so the doctor must do all the examinations that can find the cause of the bleeding.

And the subsequent examinations are done after the colonoscopy and gastroscopy, and they are only done if the cause cannot be found, right?

I didn’t say that you were asked to do the whole set as soon as you came, right?

They are all done step by step, and these examinations are done step by step until the cause is found.

Now I will explain to you how special your daughter's situation is.

Look at this color Doppler ultrasound report, it says common bile duct stones, right?

To be honest, stones are generally not related to heavy bleeding.

But your daughter is special in this way. Now we suspect that she suffered heavy bleeding because the stones scratched her blood vessels during the movement.

And it happened that when she was doing colonoscopy and gastroscopy, it happened to move and block the bleeding, so the examination did not find it.

Now we have to do another gastroscopy, plus color Doppler ultrasound.

See if the stones have moved again.

This situation is indeed very rare, and we can only speculate and find the correct cause step by step in the speculation.

But we can guarantee that there is really no money-sucking. "

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, the two family members looked at each other.

There was still a little unhappiness in their eyes, but when they heard what Zhang Yi said, they also calmed down a little.

At this moment, the nurse suddenly ran over:

"Doctor Zhao, Doctor Zhang, the girl is bleeding again! Blood pressure is also dropping, down to 90!"

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