The doctor said that he would not accept it.

Not accepting it? !

This is one million? !

He actually didn't accept it? !

Not only did Mr. Wang look at Zhang Yi with a hint of subtle surprise.

Others present also stared at Zhang Yi with very unbelievable expressions!


What a good doctor!

He was not moved at all by the temptation of money!

Mr. Wang originally thought that even if Zhang Yi was very good, he might only earn more than 10,000 yuan a month?

Now the average salary in the entire Yunnan Province is between 3,000 and 6,000 yuan.

Only a very small number of people can get more than 10,000 yuan.

Mr. Wang estimated that Zhang Yi would earn at most 15,000 yuan a month.

After a year, it would be about 200,000 plus the year-end bonus.

But at this moment.

He actually refused? !

Is it because there are too many people here? ? He was embarrassed to ask for it?

I just heard He Biao say that the doctor did refuse the 500,000 yuan given by He Biao.

But he gave one million here!

For an ordinary person, this one million is a great temptation!

How could he refuse? ?

How could he refuse? ?

However, after just thinking for a moment, Mr. Wang did not force it, but said:

"Well, since Dr. Zhang doesn't want it, I won't force it. As long as you can help me cure my granddaughter's illness, everything is fine!"

"Okay, Mr. Wang, I will do my best for this operation." Zhang Yi nodded and agreed.


Suddenly, the young female family member standing behind Mr. Wang suddenly said.

It was a woman about the same age as Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi guessed that it should be the mother of the little girl.

"Excuse me...Excuse me, Doctor Zhang, what is the success rate of this operation?"

Before Zhang Yi could answer, the family member hurriedly said:

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have to have an accurate answer, I just want you to...just give me a rough answer.

My daughter has been hospitalized several times...She is still so young, I am thinking, if this is really a major operation, then...then I hope it can be cured in one go.

You are about the same age as me, you may not be a father yet, you can't understand the feelings of us parents...

But...but I really don't want my daughter to suffer anymore...The pain of the child is the pain of the mother, I hope you can understand my feelings as a mother."

The family member's eyes were shining with tears as he spoke.

Even Mr. Wang next to him had a very heavy expression on his face.

The three-year-old girl was hospitalized three times and had one operation because of congenital heart disease, plus she had to have another operation this time.

How could such a small body bear it?

Zhang Yi could fully understand the family member's feelings.

It's not the first day he's been a doctor, and he's seen a lot of people in the hospital.

"Well, with so many doctors here, I won't say too much. I can only guarantee that the success rate of the operation is about 80%.

80% chance of success, and there's a 20% chance of failure.

You need to be mentally prepared for this 20% risk."

When the doctors in the cardiac surgery department heard this, they were shocked by Zhang Yi again!

80%? ? ? !

Considering the child's age and the fact that it's tetralogy of Fallot! !

He actually said the success rate is 80%? ? ?

Mai Xiaofeng almost suspected that he had heard it wrong!

Normal doctors would say 50-50 or 40-60% is about right!

This guy actually said 80%? ?

If he wasn't bragging, then this guy really has this ability!

The family members didn't think too much about it, and when they heard the success rate was 80%, their smiles became more obvious.

"Okay, okay! As long as you can save my granddaughter, everything is fine!"

The family agreed, and Zhang Yi was the surgeon for the operation.

During the preoperative preparation, Zhang Yi took time to eat dinner.

He Biao felt a little embarrassed.

He asked someone to come here and forgot to prepare dinner.

Zhang Yi waved his hand to indicate that it was okay.

After Zhang Yi finished eating, He Biao quietly said to Zhang Yi:

"Don't worry, Dr. Zhang, your trip will not be in vain. Mr. Wang just told me that as long as the operation can be successful.

He will donate the one million you don't want into your charity fund like me, and settle an additional 50,000 yuan for the operation."

"Fifty thousand for the operation? Is it too much? I'll charge you normally."

When He Biao heard this, he felt that Zhang Yi was a little too honest!

He was not willing to take more at all. What a rare good doctor!

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang will give you the price of the provincial hospital.

How much."

Zhang Yi nodded with relief:

"Okay, you can also let the family rest assured, the probability of success of the operation is very high."

He Biao smiled and said:

"That's good, that's good, as long as you can cure Mr. Wang's granddaughter, your hospital will want to replace any new CT machine, color ultrasound machine or medical equipment in the future, you can find him.

Maybe Mr. Wang can give you a cheaper price."

Zhang Yi was slightly stunned:

"Is their family in the medical equipment business?"

He Biao nodded:

"Not only that, but also catering and real estate. "

The two chatted for a while.

Two hours later, the preoperative preparations were completed and the little girl was sent to the operating room.

The surgeon in charge of the operation was Zhang Yi, and the first assistant was Mai Xiaofeng.

The other assistants were all cardiac surgeons from the provincial hospital.

Of course, in addition to these people, there were also many young doctors gathered outside the operating room to watch the operation.

Zhang Yi is so amazing!

Of course, everyone wants to see Zhang Yi's operation with their own eyes~

In the operating room.

Respiratory induced anesthesia, general anesthesia.

Skin preparation, the girl's entire upper body and neck All disinfected with iodine.

Confirm the surgical incision and lay the surgical towel.

Make a 14 cm long incision in the fourth intercostal space.

While Zhang Yi was cutting, Mai Xiaofeng beside him quickly wiped the spilled blood with gauze.

The surgical field can be cleaned in time to facilitate observation by the surgeon.

Of course, Mai Xiaofeng did not expect this.

He, the director of the cardiac surgery department of the provincial hospital, could actually... even be reduced to being an assistant? ?


Looking at Zhang Yi in front of him, Mai Xiaofeng could not help but sigh in his heart:

It's really the Yangtze River behind pushing the waves ahead!


Exposing the ribs, using the expander to spread the skin on both sides to fully expose the best view.

Saw off the ribs and stop the bleeding with bone wax.

A broken little heart appeared in front of everyone.

Before the pericardium was opened, everyone could feel the deformity of the heart.

The heart beats relatively slowly, because of the preoperative medication.

"Control the ventricular flow and prepare to establish extracorporeal circulation. "Zhang Yi said.


The blood volume of the extracorporeal circulation machine must be regulated according to the patient's original blood volume.

Too little will cause the body to be deprived of oxygen, and too much will not be able to bear the body's load.

Block the aorta, superior and inferior vena cava, and pulmonary artery.

Make an incision, insert a cannula, and insert a purse.

Also open the extracorporeal circulation.

The extracorporeal circulation replaces the little girl's own circulation function.

Then we can really start to operate on this little heart further...

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