The heart was cut open and the ventricle was repaired.

The pericardium, anterior ventricular wall, wall bundles, and fibrous diaphragmatic rings were cut open.

First, the repaired ventricular septum was exposed.

At this moment, looking at the motionless little heart, Zhang Yi said:

"Director Mai, if you want to avoid the pressure difference, you have to move the connection between the two chambers a little to the right from the defect in the ventricular septum.

While expanding the right ventricle, remove the hypertrophic ventricular wall."

Mai Xiaofeng glanced at Zhang Yi and nodded slowly.

Others in the operation also nodded.

I learned a lesson from the boss~

Zhang Yi's hand was seen holding a piece of polyester fabric and starting to sew.

Then he extended his index finger through the narrowed part of the pulmonary artery to observe the narrowed blood vessel opening.

Then he used the radiofrequency knife to make a cut around the ventricular wall.

Zhang Yi's hands seemed to have magic!

In the eyes of the doctors, he sewed up this small heart in a snap.

Especially when removing the hypertrophic ventricle! !

Zhang Yi only took a glance and cut off the hypertrophic part along the ventricular wall!

"How come Zhang Yi's hands are so fast?"

"Yes! Isn't he afraid of accidentally cutting the nerve conduction of the ventricular wall? If he accidentally hurts the child, the child will have sequelae of arrhythmia, and it may be fatal."

"That's right, his hands are too fast. Although... it looks quite steady, it's not good to be too fast. After all, this is a heart operation!"

"But to be honest, why do I feel that his technique looks better than our Director Mai?"

The doctors watching outside the operating room were shocked by Zhang Yi's operation and began to discuss it.

The reactions of several assistants in the operating room were similar to those outside.

They had never seen a quadruple correction operation done so quickly! !

Didn't this guy think about it carefully? ? Or observe carefully?

At least pay attention to the ventricular muscle or the nerves inside!

Seeking progress while maintaining stability is the correct answer for extracardiac surgery!

Anyway, Zhang Yi's operation frightened the doctors inside and outside the operating room!

But Zhang Yi was not panicked at all.

In his sight, no one knew the location of the ventricular conduction better than him.

Every cut he made perfectly avoided important nerves.


Outside the operating room, the family members were waiting outside with a nervous look on their faces.

At this time, an hour had passed since the operation began.

Earlier, I heard from Mai Xiaofeng that this operation would take at least four or five hours to complete.

So at this moment, these family members could only wait here in agony.

He Biao wanted to go back early in the morning.

But when he thought that the success of Zhang Yi's operation was related to his business, he endured the sleepiness and waited here together.

Because he believed that Zhang Yi's operation should not be completed in four or five hours, right?

His mother's operation seemed to be completed in an hour before.

This child might be a little more complicated, but it would only take two hours at most.

After thinking for a while, He Biao turned around and said to Hu Zi who had been following him:

"Go outside and see if there are any coffee shops, and buy a few cups of coffee."

Hu Zi looked at the time on his watch and said:

"Mr. He, it's almost twelve o'clock in the evening, there shouldn't be any coffee shops outside the hospital?"

"Then go and see if there are any refreshing drinks or something, and buy a few more bottles."

"Okay, I'll go now."

After that, Hu Zi went downstairs to buy drinks.

He Biao walked to Mr. Wang and said a few words of comfort.

But at this time, their family couldn't listen to anything they said.

The child entered the operating room and it was really all up to the doctor to operate.

Mr. Wang and his family didn't know whether they had made the right bet.

They didn't know whether it was worth it to entrust this trust to Zhang Yi.

All they thought about was that they must succeed, they must succeed...

At this moment.

In the operating room.

The repair process has ended.

The child will soon be able to have his heartbeat and breathe autonomously, to see if he can survive this last stage.

"Close the aortic channel of the circulator, close the superior and inferior vena cava channels, and close the pulmonary vein channel."

Under the nervous gaze of the doctors.

This little heart, which is only slightly larger than an egg, lies quietly in the chest cavity.

A horrible centipede-like scar in the middle of the ventricle seems to be telling everyone.

'Although I have a long scar, I will still be strong~! '

Under the gaze of the crowd.

Time passed by second by second.

In the operating room, everyone was holding their breath in anticipation!






After the circulator was turned off, the heart resumed its autonomous beating in just three seconds!

"Success! The operation was successful!"

Mai Xiaofeng said excitedly.

A slightly relaxed exhalation sounded throughout the operating room.

Look at Zhang Yi again.

Zhang Yi didn't react much.

Or rather, his eyes were still on the heart, and he was still observing.

"Doctor Zhang?"

"You can't relax yet. You have to make sure that there is no pressure difference between the two valves before the operation can be considered a success."

Generally speaking, for hypertrophic obstructive heart disease, as long as the hypertrophic ventricular wall is removed, the basic pressure difference will disappear.

But Zhang Yi was worried.

He planned to observe for a while longer.

"Pay attention to the flow rate of the aorta and pulmonary vein."


While other doctors were testing, Zhang Yi's eyes did not leave the heart.

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, Zhang Yi was sure that the child's flow rate pressure difference disappeared.

In this way, the operation was completely successful!


Zhang Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, he heard the doctor next to him say:

"Doctor Zhang, CO 4L/min, SV 40ml/beat, CI 2.5L/(min·m2)."

Everyone heard it, that's right!

"Success! Thank you for your hard work!" Zhang Yi rarely showed a relaxed smile.

His deep eyes narrowed slightly, and the smile in his eyes made the female doctors outside the operating room excited!

"Oh my god, Doctor Zhang smiled! He actually smiled at me!"

"That's not right? He was clearly smiling at me just now, wasn't he?"

"Wow~ Even if he only shows his eyes, his smile is so charming! Wow~ I really want to see Doctor Zhang smile with his whole face!"

"I will send my resume to Tianhe People's Hospital tomorrow to see if they are still recruiting doctors."

"Good idea! I want to go too!"


In the operating room, ribs were repositioned, the chest was closed, and sutured layer by layer.

The operation was over in just one hour and forty-three minutes!

This does not include the half-hour they spent observing inside!!

Even if the doctors had thousands of words in their hearts, they all turned into one sentence, that is:

Doctor Zhang, you are awesome!!

Outside the operating room.

He Biao drank two cans of coffee and became energetic.

Mr. Wang's family didn't need to drink coffee at all. At such a tense moment, they could cheer up without coffee.

"Mr. Wang, don't be too nervous. I saw the whole process when Dr. Zhang performed the operation on my mother. His skills are amazing! Otherwise, I can't introduce him to you, right?"

Mr. Wang looked up at him.

Excessive tension and staying up late caused his eyes, which were originally bright and energetic, to show a trace of fatigue.

"Mr. He, you..."

Mr. Wang was about to speak when the door of the operating room was opened by a nurse.

"Are Wang Shuyuan's family members here? The operation is completed, and the baby will be born soon. You should get ready."

Several family members jumped up from their chairs!

"What?! The operation is completed?!"

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