The two of them were so angry that they had to go to bed.

Zhang Yi rolled his eyes at him: "Stupid! Do you still need feelings after all this? They are!"

Gao Han shrugged: "Oh... I just thought that no one else could do this except a couple."

Zhang Yi looked at the emergency bed and sighed:

"I really don't understand. No one would say anything if you said they were just cheating. Why do they have to do these inexplicable things?

Not only did they send themselves to the hospital, they almost died!"

In Zhang Yi's sight, Huang Shan was already dead.

In addition to bleeding, there was also a lot of feces accumulated around the punctured intestine.

Causing a series of inflammations is not the most critical.

I am afraid that a small part of the feces accumulated around will enter the intestinal blood vessels, thus causing vascular embolism.

Then even Zhang Yi may not be able to guarantee that he can be saved!

Just like amniotic fluid embolism, it will happen in a split second.

The doctor may not have time to react before the person dies.

So this is also what Zhang Yi feels angry about.

Young people are really young, they don't care about their lives.

About eight minutes later.

The family members finally arrived.

Zhang Yi quickly took the family members into the emergency room.

Seeing their son's weak appearance, the two of them were distressed.

But after hearing the whole story, the boy's father immediately slapped the boy in the face!

Everyone didn't have time to react at all!


"You shameful thing! You actually said to... you... you are really going to piss me off to death, you bastard! I have lost all my face for you! It's incurable! You can die at will!"

After the family member cursed, he immediately turned around and left the emergency room.

Zhang Yi and others had no time to stop them, and they heard the loud slap.

Then a red five-finger mark appeared on the boy's face.

Fortunately, the boy did not faint after being beaten, but just closed his eyes while crying, as if he didn't dare to look at his parents.

Watching the back of the boy's father leaving angrily.

Behind him, the boy's mother did not leave with him, but stood there.

Her eyes were red, and her eyes were full of blame and misunderstanding for her son.

Perhaps there was still a lot of confusion.


Why could the son who had been raised with great effort do such a thing? ?

At this moment, she even felt that she had never understood her son...

However, seeing her own son's weakness, she finally softened her heart.

She sighed helplessly, turned to Zhang Yi and said:

"Doctor, don't listen to the child's father. We will treat him no matter how much it costs. Please save my son..."

Hearing the family's words, Zhang Yi was relieved.

I'm afraid that the family will choose to give up before the operation.

"Okay, please sign first. His operation is still very risky, but we will try our best."

"Ah? It's very risky... Then... what's going on in my son's stomach now?" The family asked while signing the consent form for the operation with trembling hands.

Zhang Yi explained:

"Intestinal perforation is very dangerous. At present, the blood pressure has not continued to drop, which means that there is no bleeding.

However, the specific situation can only be known after the abdomen is opened in the operating room."

The family members nodded repeatedly: "Okay, please help, doctor!"

"Don't worry, we will do our best!"

After everything was ready, the young man was sent to the operating room.

Before going to the operating room, Zhang Yi seemed to hear a lot of noise coming from outside the emergency room.

But he had an operation on his hands, so he didn't go to see the situation.

In the operating room.

General anesthesia, iodine disinfection.

Incision in the right lower abdomen, because feces may infect the entire peritoneum and cause peritonitis, so the abdominal cavity must be opened to clean every part of the stomach.


Zhang Yi couldn't help but sigh.

Why do I often come into contact with patients related to feces recently?

A constipated patient, as a result, he defecated half a basin on the spot.

An intestinal perforation, making the whole stomach full of shit!


What a sin!

First take out the culprit, the yellow fan.

The yellow fan is completely dead, and there is a lot of blood around it.

It looks disgusting.

Zhang Yi took the clamp and picked up the thing and put it in a transparent sealed plastic bag.

I have to take it out and give it to the family later.

In general, during surgery, such as removing stones or tumorous tissue, the things cut off are

It has to be given to the family members.

See if the family members want it. If they want it, they can take it away. If they don't want it, they can leave it in the hospital for destruction.

After removing the foreign body, Zhang Yi told Gao Han: "Why are you standing there? Suction it quickly."

The intestinal perforation operation is not difficult, so Zhang Yi asked Gao Han and Shen Lingyue to assist him.

At this moment, Gao Han nodded repeatedly with the suction device.

First suck out all the free feces, then rinse it, and then suction it out.

Gao Han frowned throughout the whole process, thinking: I'm doing shit all day long!

After repeated flushing, Zhang Yi carefully checked the entire abdominal cavity again.

See if there is any dirt that has not been washed away.

Then he began to suture the perforated intestine.

Fortunately, there is no edema around the intestinal wall, otherwise it would not be so easy to suture.

In patients with severe edema around the intestinal wall, proximal ileal intubation is required.

If you encounter a patient with a very thin intestinal wall, you need to suture the seromuscular layer to prevent perforation from happening again.

There were not many damaged intestines, so Zhang Yi sutured them in a few strokes.

After the suture was completed, the entire abdominal cavity was cleaned and counted again to see if there were any tools that were missed.

Then the last step was to close the abdomen, and place a drainage tube while closing the abdomen.

Watching Zhang Yi's operation, Shen Lingyue on the side took the initiative to say:

"Teacher Zhang..."

Zhang Yi looked at her: "Hmm?"

"Can I do it? I want to try suturing."

Zhang Yi did not refuse, closing the abdomen was not an important operation.

"Okay, come on, I'll watch you, just treat it as your operation assessment before transferring to another department.

Let me say this first, if I think your operation is not up to standard, I may not give you a high score in the emergency department column."

Shen Lingyue became nervous instantly!


I just want to suture it simply. I don't have to take an exam, brother...


Teacher Zhang is really too strict...

Even closing the abdomen is considered a departmental assessment...

On the side, Gao Han breathed a sigh of relief silently.

Fortunately, I was a step slower to speak, otherwise I would be the one being assessed!

Twenty minutes later.

The abdomen was closed successfully.

Zhang Yi's expression was not disappointed, but of course he was not too happy.

"It's just normal. Remember to practice more when you have nothing to do. You can buy pig intestines, pig trotters, and even chicken feet to try. If you want to challenge yourself, buy a few larger goose eggs and try to suture the shell membrane inside."


"Goose membrane?!"

The two interns showed an expression that looked like "Aren't you making things difficult for me, Fat Tiger?"

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