The best way to make a living is to make a living.


Just because you can do it doesn’t mean we can do it too!

They have been in the emergency room for more than half a month, and they have heard about many of Zhang Yi’s glorious deeds.

Among them is suturing the egg shell membrane!


The video made them dumbfounded! !



Suturing the shell membrane is totally not something a human can do!

They should just go and practice making pig’s feet and pig intestines.

Outside the operating room, when Zhang Yi and the other two came out, they found that the boy’s parents were waiting outside with gloomy faces.

From the expressions on their faces, it can be seen that they are still very angry.

But no matter how angry they are, how can parents not feel distressed when their own son undergoes surgery?

After all, the young man is only 21 years old.

"Doctor, how is it? Was the operation successful?"

As soon as the family saw the patient being pushed out, they hurriedly asked.

Zhang Yi nodded: "Don't worry, the operation was very successful, but the wound may hurt after the anesthesia wakes up, just pay attention to observation at that time."

"Oh, ok, ok, thank you, doctor..."

"It's okay."

Hearing that their son was fine, the expressions on the faces of the two parents were relatively relaxed.

But thinking about why they entered the hospital, they felt a little embarrassed.

The faces of the two family members were very red.

Zhang Yi didn't say anything.

After sending the man to the gastrointestinal surgery department for hospitalization, he returned to the emergency room.

As soon as I arrived at the emergency room, I found that the tall man who came to the hospital with the young man had not left.

The closer I got, the more I found that the tall man seemed to have traces of beatings on his face and body.

Tsk tsk.

Zhang Yi's clever mind instantly thought that it might be the boy's father who beat him, right?

Seeing Zhang Yi, the tall man also rushed up!

"Doctor, is Li You okay? Was the operation successful?"

Zhang Yi glanced at him and said, "Don't worry, the operation was successful."

"Huh... That's good, thank you doctor, thank you so much!"

The tall man thanked him repeatedly, and Zhang Yi didn't say anything and turned back to the office.

As soon as he sat down, Chen Fang came over to chat about gossip.

"Zhang Yi, you don't know what happened after you went for the operation just now!"

"What?" Zhang Yi turned his head and asked.

"Fight! Oh, no, it's not a fight, it's the tall guy outside, that one." As he said that, Chen Fang pointed to the tall guy outside.

"Well, he was beaten, right?"

"Yes! Li You's father directly knocked the guy to the ground with one punch! He didn't fight back, just took the beating unilaterally, and then said sorry or something.

Hey! We went up to stop the fight as soon as we saw that something was wrong. After all, fighting in the hospital is not a good thing.

As a result, I don't know what Li You's father does, but he is so strong that he almost knocked me over!

Fortunately, there were many people later, so he was still stopped.

Hey, after something like this, I guess Li You's father must have vented his anger on the tall guy."

Zhang Yi nodded:

"That's for sure. They also used a yellow fan. It's a pity that they thought of it. Fortunately, no one died. If someone died, the tall guy would not only be beaten, but also go to jail."

Although this kind of thing is very strange and rare, Zhang Yi only thinks it is absurd and has no sympathy at all.

It's not that he discriminates against this group, but he simply thinks that using a yellow fan is too dangerous and too crazy.

"Hey, don't mention it, I'm writing the operation record."

The two chatted for a while and then quickly got down to work.


From October to the spring of the following year, it is a period of widespread influenza.

When the weather turns cold, it is easy to catch a cold if you wear a little colder.

Especially children.

In recent days, half of the night shifts in the emergency department are children who come to see the doctor with fever and coughing late at night.

1:18 in the morning.

Zhang Yi had just finished checking a wave of rooms and was going to rest for a while.

Then he heard a slight brake sound of a car stopping outside the emergency door.


Another patient? ?

Turning around, two young parents were holding a little girl over one year old and hurried to the emergency room.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with the child?"

"Doctor! Check the child quickly, he has a fever, 39.9°!"

While the family member said, he took out a thermometer from his bag, and the scale on it showed that it was indeed 39.9.

"Don't worry, come with me." Then Zhang Yi turned around and called Gao Han and Shen Lingyue: "Bring the thermometer over, the child has a fever."

The temperature is nearly 40 degrees

Wen needs to be taken seriously.

After arriving at the clinic, Zhang Yi asked again:

"Do you have a cough? Do you have a runny nose? How many days have you had a fever? Have you had any vomiting? Or convulsions? Diarrhea?"

In Zhang Yi's eyes, there was nothing wrong with this child.

There was no lung inflammation or obvious infection.

In particular, he is not listless and looks almost like a normal child.

So Zhang Yi actually found it a bit strange that the fever reached nearly forty degrees.

Is this kid very excited due to a fever?

Or is there another reason?

Fortunately, Zhang Yi has confidence in his heart.

No matter how strange it is, there is a 'system' in his body~!

And a few days ago, I just spent 500 points to get an [Emergency Special Case Diagnosis Experience].

Just like the previous auxiliary inspection experience, it can help Zhang Yi.

While Shen Lingyue took the child's temperature, the child's mother replied:

"Well... I don't have a cough or a runny nose, but I have a little diarrhea. I've had a fever for two or three days, sometimes 38℃, sometimes 40℃.

It’s so scary. I’ve heard that many children will suffer from convulsions if their high fever doesn’t go away.

It seems that some people are easy to burn their children into stupidity? is that true?

How about doctor, please give us some medicine as soon as possible! "

The family members are very anxious, and Zhang Yi can understand.

However, the medicine should not be taken randomly.

Zhang Yi asked: "Don't worry, this does happen when you have a fever, but you must also understand the cause. It's been two or three days since the fever. Have you given your child antipyretics during this period?"

The child's mother nodded repeatedly: "I tried some ibuprofen suspension, but it didn't work, so it dropped a little. When I woke up one night and measured it again, it was nearly 39 degrees again!"

Zhang Yi listened to the family members and kept important information in his mind.

First of all, the child had recurrent fevers, which fluctuated around 39°C.

Secondly, the child had no other cold symptoms, just a little diarrhea.

In the end, this child was in a very normal state of mind. He didn't have the obvious signs of malaise or diarrhea that other children have after having a fever.

She even knew that this was a hospital, and she was also afraid of the thermometer in Shen Lingyue's hand, worried that it was a needle that was going to prick her.

Summarizing all this information, it really reminded Zhang Yi of a disease.

This disease is not a common cold in children, but a benign, self-limiting disease.

It is called exanthema in young children, also called roseola infantum and sixth disease.

It usually occurs in children around two years old.

The fever lasts for 3-5 days. After the fever subsides, the child will develop a rash.

The most distinctive feature of this disease is the resolution of fever and the appearance of rash.

This disease is not a big problem. Just take some pediatric antipyretics and physical cooling.

It would be best if you can carry it by yourself.

If he hadn't gained experience in treating special emergency cases earlier, Zhang Yi would never have thought of this disease.

Now that I have checked the symptoms, they look more and more similar.

But the problem now is that the child's fever has not gone away and the rash has not appeared.

Can the family believe this?

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