The nurse was shocked!

She immediately shouted to the office while watching the monitor:

"Doctor Wang! Come and see this patient!"

The doctor on duty was named Wang, and he had been working in the emergency department for nearly ten years.

Hearing the nurse's shout, he stood up in the office while writing the handover record!

Then he strode to the emergency room.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?"

Doctor Wang glanced at the nurse, and then turned his eyes to the bed.


He was also frightened and gasped!

"Fuck! Why is there no heartbeat!!" The heart rate monitoring instrument turned into '0'!

"Doctor Wang, I just touched the femoral artery... It's... It's no longer beating!"

The nurse said nervously.

Then she looked up at the liquid in the infusion bag!

Immediately, the nurse screamed again in fear!

A big bag of sugar water plus potassium!!

It was all gone so quickly!!!

There were only about 30 to 40 milliliters left in the bag!!

"It's over! Medical accident! I... um? That's not right! I remember I just adjusted the drip rate half an hour ago, which was a very slow 40 drops per minute! How could it be finished so quickly?!"

Doctor Wang looked up at the infusion bag and immediately knew the whole story!

"Are you sure you set the drip rate to 40 drops per minute?"

The nurse nodded affirmatively: "Yes, this is potassium, how could I not know?"

Doctor Wang frowned and said: "Then he should have adjusted the drip rate without authorization! Hurry up and rescue, open the airway, and bring the rescue medicine!"

Doctor Wang immediately guessed the reason.

Every time potassium is supplemented, the nurse will tell the patient and his family members that they must not adjust the drip rate.

This kind of medicine can kill people if it is infused too fast.

So those patients and their families will naturally be afraid of this medicine. Even if they want to finish the infusion quickly, they dare not change the drip rate at will.

But obviously, the young man in front of him is really not afraid of death!

He actually didn't listen to the nurse!


What a sin!

The nurse was panicking at this time!

She was afraid that the young man would really die.


A large amount of potassium supplementation in a short period of time...Excessive extracellular potassium ions can cause arrhythmia and sudden death...

So she guessed...

Even if we try hard to save him, the young man is likely to die!

It was a little after eight in the morning.

Emergency staff came to the hospital one after another.

Seeing that the patient was being rescued in the emergency room, everyone went up to help.

Chen Fang took a look at the young man on the bed and the nearly zero indicators on the ECG monitor and asked:

"What happened to this person? How could such a young man die?"

The night nurse said with a look of trepidation:

"Severe diarrhea...I was supplementing potassium, but I don't know why, a large bag of potassium was almost lost in half an hour,"

"Ah?? Something went wrong with the potassium supplement?!"

Chen Fang was shocked.

Even Zhang Yi, who came later, frowned and said:

"Have you told the patient? This medicine must be dripped slowly, otherwise it will kill people."

The nurse nodded repeatedly: "I said it, I said it! But this man seems to have been saying that he wants to rush to work, so... I guess he adjusted the drip rate without authorization in order to finish the infusion and go to work earlier."

"When did the rescue start?"

"Seven forty-six."

Zhang Yi looked at the time, it was eight fourteen in the morning.

It means that the rescue has been going on for nearly half an hour.

But there is still no improvement.

"Hurry up and notify the family, this person is probably dead."

Sudden death caused by high potassium and rescue has been going on for nearly half an hour, it is difficult to save.

The night shift doctors and nurses are busy handing over, so the rescue work in the emergency room will be taken over by the people who go to the emergency room during the day.

After hearing about this, Lu Jing also hurried to the emergency room to take a look.

Although he felt helpless, he could only shake his head and say:

"Forget it, there is not much hope. When the family members come, explain it to them."

Like Zhang Yi, Lu Jing first asked the nurse on night shift whether she had explained the dangers of the liquid to the patient during the infusion.

Then he checked the surveillance to see the specific situation.

The surveillance found that the night nurse injected 15 ml of potassium chloride liquid into the group at 7:08.

And the surveillance was audible, and he did hear the nurse say:

"This medicine

It must be infused slowly, otherwise people will die!"

After the nurse left, at 7:12, the other young man who accompanied her also left the hospital.

The surveillance up to this point was fine.

The problem was from 7:12 to 7:45 when the nurse discovered that the patient was in trouble.

Lv Jing watched slowly bit by bit.

After all, this is a problem related to a first-level medical accident.

For two or three minutes after the patient's colleagues left, the patient lay motionless on the bed, as if thinking about something.

More than two minutes later, at 7:14:36!

The patient slightly raised his head, glanced at the busy nurse, and then quietly put his hand on the valve of the infusion tube and rolled it twice!!

Then again He took his hand back!

Because the liquid was transparent, it was not clear from the surveillance whether he had adjusted the liquid faster without authorization.

However, according to the patient's current condition, he should have adjusted it himself.

Otherwise, a large bag of potassium would not have been infused for more than half an hour!

After that, the patient lay on the bed with his eyes closed to rest.

At this time, there were still a full thirty minutes before being discovered by the nurse!

In the surveillance footage, the patient seemed to have really fallen asleep.

The first ten minutes of sleep seemed fine.

But something was wrong after fifteen minutes!

The patient began to breathe a little quickly.

But he did not call for help. The angle of the surveillance was about three or four meters away from the patient's bed. .

So the patient's expression and condition could not be seen clearly, except for the ECG monitor next to him.

The ripples of the ECG monitor began to become irregular.

Obviously, this was a manifestation of arrhythmia.

But the ripples only fluctuated for about three minutes, and then gradually stabilized.

And then it gradually became a straight line.


In just three minutes!

The person was gone!

There was no time to rescue him, and he was gone!

Lu Jing sighed secretly, and he didn't know whether to say that the young man was confused or that he deserved it.

Because the young man didn't make any sound, the doctors and nurses didn't notice it.

Wait for half an hour During the routine checkup, the nurse discovered that something was wrong.

The doctors and nurses on duty also performed rescue work at the first time, which has continued until now.

Soon, Lu Jing asked the security guard in the monitoring room to download the surveillance video to his mobile phone.

Then he took his mobile phone and quickly returned to the emergency department.

As soon as he stepped into the emergency door, he heard a roar from the family members in the office.

And there was also a dull slap? ?

Lu Jing's steps quickened. Could it be that someone beat up the medical staff? ?

Lu Jing quickened his pace and walked closer to find that it was Zhang Yi who was standing in front of the two middle-aged couples.

Damn? !

No way? !

Zhang Yi was beaten? ? !

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