The young man's family rushed to the hospital more than ten minutes ago and began to understand the cause and effect. After learning that his son died suddenly because the fluid was infused too quickly, he immediately made a scene in the emergency department. The night nurse tried to explain to the family that the drip rate of the fluid was not increased by the medical staff, but by the patient himself. But the family didn't listen at all. "Would my son be so stupid? You told him that he would die if he was given an IV too quickly, would he still do such a dangerous thing? It was obviously the negligence of your doctors and nurses that caused my son's death!"

"Oh... Xiaoyong! My son! How could you suddenly die!"

"Son... I'm sorry for you, son!"

Kang Yong's mother said as she lay on the ground crying.

On the side, Kang Yong's father grabbed the nurse's arm and cursed:

"It's you, right?! It's you who gave my son an IV, right? I tell you, you can't run away! My son's death is inseparable from you!

And you doctors, can IVs kill people?!

It shows that your hospital's technology is not very good!

Wait! I will definitely send you all to jail!"

The night shift nurse had been working all night, and the family member was holding her arm and not letting go, so she didn't have the strength to resist at this time.

Other colleagues saw this and hurried forward to hold the two.

"Family member, please calm down!"

"That's right, if you have anything to say, just talk it over, don't pull the nurse."

The family member was anxious, pushed the people around him and cursed:

"How can I calm down when my son is gone?! It's you doctors and nurses! You killed my son! I'm not only pulling her! I'm also going to hit her!"

As he said that, Kang Yong's father waved his hand and slapped her.

Everyone in the emergency office was shocked!

Even the other family members who were watching outside the door became nervous!

The slap was about to fall on the nurse's face!

It happened in a flash!

Suddenly, Zhang Yi took a big step and pulled the nurse behind him.

Then, with a snap!

The slap fell on Zhang Yi's forearm near his shoulder.

Kang Yong's father was not tall, 1.65 meters tall, about the same height as the nurse.

So the height of the slap naturally couldn't hit Zhang Yi's face.

However, this handsome scene of a hero saving a beautiful girl also made everyone in the emergency department give Zhang Yi a thumbs up!

Oh my god!

A hero saving a beautiful girl!

Zhang Yi is indeed the manliest one in the emergency department!

At this moment, Zhang Yi looked at Kang Yong's father with a slightly cold look in his eyes, and said word by word:

"Family member, I hope you understand one thing, I am wearing this white coat so I endured your slap.

If I take off this white coat, I will definitely return this slap!"

Zhang Yi is tall and strong, very deterrent, and the family member also shrugged his neck slightly when he heard it.

"Also, your son's problem was that he increased the drip rate himself. He himself is largely responsible for the current consequences.

At 7:30 in the morning, each department was preparing for the handover. The nurses had to check the fluids of the general patients and the conditions of the patients in the emergency room. Even if there were two nurses on duty in our department, they might not be able to handle it.

Also, your son's medical order was for first-level nursing, and the inspection time for first-level nursing is once an hour.

The nurses have tried their best to come and check the fluids of the infused patients as soon as they finished their work.

As a result, your son At that time, because of the unauthorized increase in the drip rate, it was already out of gas!"

"I understand your family's feelings very well. If the hospital has a responsibility, the hospital will definitely not shirk it.

But you just vent your anger on a nurse who took care of your son wholeheartedly for a whole night. Do you think this is appropriate?

Who is not born and raised by parents? Everyone feels very sad when something happens.

But beating people not only cannot solve the problem, but will make things worse!"

The family member also blushed and did not speak because he hit the wrong person and the deterrent power emanating from Zhang Yi.

At this time, Lu Jing, who was standing at the door, happened to see this scene.

Zhang Yi was beaten??!

This family member actually dared to beat the treasure of our hospital?!

Lu Jing rushed in in two steps and three steps, and spoke for Zhang Yi:

"Family member, what are you doing? ! We have surveillance cameras everywhere here!

How can the hospital handle your son's matter?

If there is any responsibility, we will take responsibility.

But I also tell you that our doctor who was beaten also has the right to hold you accountable!"

Kang Yong's father saw that Lv Jing was a few years older than him and was the director of the emergency department.

Adding to the legal knowledge, the family member was a little panicked and said hurriedly:

"I... I... I was so emotional that I did it! It's understandable! Who asked your hospital to kill my son? !

I think you still want to shirk responsibility? !

He just had diarrhea! In the end, he died from the infusion? !

Anyway, your hospital can't run away!"

Just after the family member finished speaking, the police came.

It was the family member who called the police.

They were worried that the big hospital would not be willing to compensate for the death of the patient, so they called the police.

When the family member saw the police coming, he immediately grabbed the police's hand and said:

"Comrade police! These doctors in the hospital killed my son! My son is still lying there! He is dead! Police comrade, you must help us ordinary people!"

The police also knew that this was a medical dispute.

The health department still had to come to do the responsibility assessment.

However, seeing the family crying so miserably, the police also walked up to Lv Jing to ask about the situation.

"What's going on?"

Lv Jing was too lazy to tell the family, because they wouldn't believe it.

He simply showed the surveillance video on his phone to the police.

"Wang Feijun, you come and explain to the police."

Lv Jing looked at Dr. Wang behind him. He was on duty last night and knew the most about what happened.

Wang Feijun stepped forward and explained:

"Last night at 1:36 am, the patient was sent to the hospital by a colleague.

When he was sent, he found that the patient was short of breath and had difficulty breathing. I heard that he had diarrhea more than ten times, so I diagnosed him with acute gastroenteritis.

The test results later showed that it was indeed acute gastroenteritis, electrolyte imbalance, and blood potassium was as low as 2.8mmol/L.

I immediately put on ECG oxygen, prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins and saline, electrolytes, and potassium supplements.

At 6:30 in the morning, I measured blood potassium again, and it rose to 3.1.

But it was still a little low, so I added another one and asked the nurse to infuse it into her. ”

The night nurse also hurriedly said:

"I did prepare the solution correctly and followed the doctor's instructions, and I did tell the patient that if this medicine was infused too quickly, it would kill people. I really told him...

But... when I came to check the situation after I was done, I saw that the person had no reaction!

Then... then the liquid in the infusion bag was infused for more than half...

I guessed that the patient didn't listen to me and adjusted the drip speed without authorization..."

As soon as the nurse finished speaking, Kang Yong's mother rushed up and cried and scolded:

"You fart! How could my son deliberately seek death! It was obviously your negligence!"

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