The two of them were very happy.

Zhang Yi looked at the family members: "Are you all his sons and daughters?"

They all nodded: "Yes, we are all family members, and those two are grandchildren."

"That's fine. The rejection reaction of kidney transplantation is relatively small, especially for direct relatives."

Zhang Yi looked at the kidneys of the family members while speaking. The conditions were not bad and they fully met the conditions for transplantation.

"That's great. Thank you, Dr. Zhang. How do you charge for the surgery here..."

They came all the way to find a famous doctor for surgery, and they were ready to spend more money.

But Zhang Yi said:

"Don't worry about the cost. Our hospital charges a normal fee.

We won't raise the price just because I'm famous. Don't worry."

"Ah? Really? No... don't want red envelopes or anything?" The woman in her forties among the family members said as she reached into the shoulder bag she carried with her.

Obviously, this family made sufficient preparations before coming to Tianhe.

The red envelopes in the bag were all ready.

Zhang Yi shook his head and said:

"No, no, don't come with red envelopes or anything. I won't accept them. You just need to concentrate on staying in the hospital and waiting for the operation."

Several family members looked at each other and looked at Zhang Yi with admiration and approval.

"Doctor Zhang, thank you!"

"You're welcome. Go register first and come back to see me after you register."

"Oh, great!"

After that, Zhang Yi asked the nurse to bring a wheelchair to the old man.

After returning to the office, Zhang Yi first asked Qian Zhenggang whether the hospital's kidney transplant qualification had been confirmed.

As long as it was confirmed, the operation could be performed.

Qian Zhenggang replied: "It can be done. What? You... want to have a kidney transplant. When?"

Zhang Yi: "A patient with uremia just came from Lianqi City, and his family donated the kidney for the transplant."

Qian Zhenggang: "That's great. The first kidney transplant in our hospital is about to be born!"

Without waiting for Zhang Yi's notification, Qian Zhenggang promoted it in the hospital group!

Hospital work group.

Qian Zhenggang, Dean Qian:

"Everyone, the first kidney transplant in our hospital is about to begin! Please listen to Assistant Zhang of the emergency department for the specific time!

Doctors who can go to see it must go to the scene to see it. Those who can't see it remember to download the video after the end to study it by themselves!"

Everyone in the group: "Received! I will definitely go to see it!"

As soon as the group was notified, Zhang Yi's phone kept ringing.

All the colleagues in the hospital asked when he would start the operation.

Zhang Yi shook his head helplessly.

The family members haven't even registered yet, and these people are asking when the surgery will be done!

Isn't that too enthusiastic!

Even Chen Fang said excitedly after seeing the news:

"Thanks to you, Zhang Yi, I can actually do a kidney transplant~!"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone knocked on the door of the office.

It turned out to be the patient with a fish bone stuck in his throat.

He and his parents came in with a basket of fruits.

It was obvious that they wanted to thank Zhang Yi with fruits.

Zhang Yi didn't want to accept it, but he couldn't resist the enthusiasm of the family members.

If Zhang Yi hadn't helped, this person would have died of heavy bleeding.

When a lump appears on the esophagus, normal doctors will first suspect esophageal cancer.

Most people can't tell that it is a lump caused by a fish bone stuck in the throat.

"Okay, put the things on the table."

The family members were kind-hearted, and Zhang Yi would accept it in the end as long as it was not a too expensive gift.

Soon, the old man with kidney failure was pushed in by his family.

The family had registered for the outpatient number of the Department of Nephrology, but Zhang Yi had informed the doctor of the outpatient department of the Department of Nephrology in advance.

He said that he would take care of this patient.

Now, even if the doctor of the Department of Nephrology was unhappy, he dared not say anything...

Who asked the doctor who cut in the way to be called Zhang Yi?

All the doctors in the hospital who were cut in by Zhang Yi had to shut up.

Because they were not as awesome as Zhang Yi.

Seeing that the family had already registered, Zhang Yi did not hesitate:

"Let's do this, check the glomerular filtration rate and blood routine, check creatinine and urea nitrogen, and check whether the anemia is serious, as well as cardiopulmonary function, infectious diseases, etc.

Don't complain, these are all necessary items before the kidney transplant operation.

Not only the old man needs to be checked, but also the donor needs to be checked.

By the way, who among you three children will donate this kidney? "



Several uncles and aunts in their forties looked at each other.

They looked at each other, hesitated for a few seconds, and said almost at the same time:

"I donate!"

"Let me do it."

"Let me donate!"

Zhang Yi was slightly surprised. These three children are really filial.


The three of them were stunned, and then laughed together in tacit understanding.

"Brother, you are 46 years old, so don't bother. Let me donate the kidney. I am only 40 this year and I am younger than all of you. In this way, Dad may live longer with my kidney."

The youngest aunt spoke first.

The one called the eldest brother shook his head and rejected her seriously:

"No, as the eldest son, how can I let my sister take this responsibility? Let me donate! ”

Then the second-born aunt also spoke up:

“Oh, you guys are so annoying, stop talking, let me do it!

Brother, you smoke and drink all day, can dad want your kidney?

And Yuming, I’m not saying anything bad about you, but you didn’t take good care of yourself when you gave birth, so you got sick a lot? How can you donate a kidney when you can’t even take care of your own body?

So, let me donate our dad’s kidney!”

“No, I’m the eldest son, I’ll do it!”

“No, brother, you’re old, let me do it!”

“Let me do it, I’ll do it, I’m the youngest, I…”

The three of them actually started arguing in the office over donating a kidney to their father.

The old man in the wheelchair next to them looked relieved by this scene.

Alas, the child was not raised in vain.

“Ahem! "Zhang Yi coughed twice and pulled the few people apart.

"Well... several family members, don't rush to argue. Have you matched before? Is your blood type consistent with your father? "

"Um... this... I haven't checked this."

"I checked it, and my father and I are the same, both O-type blood!"

Zhang Yi thought for a while and said:

"Let's do this. If all three of you want to donate, then you all get a check-up. First, check whether your blood type is consistent. Only the consistency of blood type is the key factor in determining whether you can donate.

The second is your own physical reasons.

I see that you all have this filial piety, so check it all and choose the most suitable and best one for your father. "

After a moment of silence, the three of them nodded in unison:

"Okay! Then we all go check it out, anyway, it's for our own father. "

The family agreed readily.

Zhang Yi looked at the old man in the wheelchair, whose face was gloomy but still revealed a smile and happiness in his eyes, and said:

"Uncle, you are so lucky to have these children. Don't worry, you will definitely live for another ten years."

The old man grinned and said, "Thank you, doctor."

"You're welcome."

After the examination form was issued, the family took the old man out for the examination.

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