The doctor said that the baby was still alive.

While the family was getting checked, Zhang Yi went to the children's ICU ward to take a look.

Li Yuan's daughter has been in the ICU for two days, including today.

The ICU hasn't called me yet, so the little girl should be fine, right?

However, Zhang Yi thought that after all, he had performed the operation himself, so he should pay more attention.

ICU doctor's office.

Seeing Zhang Yi suddenly appear, several doctors showed surprised expressions!

"How come Assistant Zhang has time to come to us?"

"Please take a seat! Doctor Zhang, why are you here in our ICU?"

Zhang Yi said politely:

"How is the child with congenital heart disease who had radical surgery the day before yesterday? Her name is Hu Tianwei."

"Oh?? You mean that child? She is recovering well and can be transferred directly to pediatric surgery tomorrow."

"Can I see the medical record?"

The doctor in the ICU handed the medical record to Zhang Yi.

In the medical record, it is clear what medicine each patient took and what care they received.

There are even reasons for increasing or decreasing the amount of medicine.

Zhang Yi flipped through the long-term and temporary medical orders. Apart from cardiotonic drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs and nutrients, basically no other medicine was used.

Children really can't use too much.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. Can I go to the ward to see this child?"

After returning the medical record, Zhang Yi looked at the doctor and asked.

The doctor was stunned for a moment and nodded repeatedly: "Sure, sure, I'll take you there."

Everyone knows that Assistant Zhang is a big shot in the hospital. If you want to go in, can we stop you?

After Zhang Yi left, the entire ICU dared to start talking among themselves!

"What a pity, such a handsome guy actually has a girlfriend!"

"No, I specifically asked the doctor in the emergency room. Zhang Yi doesn't have a girlfriend at all. But I heard that he had a girlfriend before, and she was cheated on, so he has been single."

Hearing this, all the women's eyes lit up at the same time!

"Is it true? Doctor Zhang was cheated on?! Damn it! Damn woman!"

"It's okay~ I'm willing to spend the rest of my life to heal Doctor Zhang's emotional wounds~"

"I'm willing to do that too!"

Several male doctors on the side couldn't stand it anymore and complained:

"Stop it, you guys, you're fantasizing all day, but Doctor Zhang doesn't even look at you!"

"Oh! Oh, oh! I forgot something important, should I give Hu Tianwei's bill to Doctor Zhang? I remember he said to ask him about the fees."

An office nurse suddenly remembered this important matter.

After two days of staying in the ICU, Hu Tianwei's account was now empty. After saying that, she quickly printed out the bill and went to find Zhang Yi.

In the ICU ward.

Hu Tianwei has been transferred from the separate ICU to a large ward with ten people in a room.

This is basically where patients who have just had surgery and are in serious condition or have not yet passed the critical period are.

On a large bed, the little girl opened her eyes slightly and lay on it.

Zhang Yi approached and saw that the child still had tears in the corners of his eyes, probably because he had just cried.

However, the wound healed well, and after the ventricular malformation was resolved, the blood flow was normal.

Seeing this, Zhang Yi was really relieved.

"Dr. Zhang, you are still good at it. This child will be transferred almost tomorrow."

The two walked out of the ward, and the ICU doctor next to him couldn't help but smile and flatter him.

Zhang Yi didn't react to ordinary flattery, and just said:

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, I'll go down first."

After saying that, Zhang Yi was about to leave, but he saw a nurse walking towards him with a deposit slip.

Zhang Yi then remembered that he hadn't paid the child's fee yet.

"Doctor Zhang, this bill..."

Zhang Yi nodded in understanding and took the bill:

"I know, I'll go and pay the fee now."

At the payment window, when the cashier saw Zhang Yi coming to pay again, he was no longer surprised.

There is no other doctor like Zhang Yi in this hospital.

After finishing the work, I returned to the emergency room and found that the family with uremia had been waiting in the office silently.

"What's the result? Are the three of you the same blood type as your father?"

Zhang Yi asked as he walked in.

After asking this, one of the family members looked a little disappointed.

The other two had different expressions.

"Two of us are type O like my dad, but my eldest brother is not. He should be the same as my mom.

Blood type. "

Zhang Yi took the test sheet and looked at it. Sure enough, only two blood types were consistent.

"It's okay. Two is fine. This blood type may be inherited from the father or the mother."

Zhang Yi said while flipping through other test sheets.

The old man's blood creatinine and urea nitrogen are still a little high.

Before going to the operating room, the blood creatinine and urea nitrogen have to be lowered a little bit.

The only preparation for many kidney transplant patients before receiving the transplant surgery is to ensure that all indicators are normal.

That is to say, you have to do dialysis for a long time to stabilize the situation at a relatively healthy value, so that you can ensure that you can receive the transplant at any time.

This old man was just diagnosed not long ago, and he should not have done dialysis a few times.

"Let me tell you first, in addition to the very important kidney source, the patient's own physical fitness is also very important for kidney transplant surgery.

You must rely on dialysis to filter out toxins and harmful substances in the body first, and maintain a relatively healthy state before undergoing surgery.

Otherwise, the operation will easily fail.

According to the latest results, your father needs to undergo dialysis several times to reduce his creatinine and urea nitrogen to normal levels before he can have the surgery.

There is also the problem of oliguria, which needs to be controlled before the operation can be performed. "

Several family members were worried when they heard this.

"Ah? I thought we could have the surgery as soon as we donated it?"

"Yes, I also thought that my father could have the kidney installed immediately after the donation."

Zhang Yi smiled and shook his head to explain:

"It's not like that. It's a good thing that you are willing to donate, but your father's current physical condition is poor. Even if you donate a good kidney to him, the harmful substances that were not filtered out before will still go out of the new kidney again. Isn't this adding work pressure to the new kidney?

And he only has one kidney, so he must be fully prepared before the operation, otherwise it will be in vain, understand?"

"Also, although the rejection reaction of the kidney donated by the immediate family is very small, it does not mean that there is no rejection reaction at all.

After the operation, you still have to continue to take anti-rejection immune drugs, which is also a test of your physical fitness. ”

“All organs donated by our relatives will be rejected?”

“Yes, as long as they are not grown by the person himself, there will be rejection.

It’s nothing more than the size of the rejection reaction, so this is why organ transplantation must be matched.

It is to reduce the rejection reaction and ensure that the organ can survive after transplantation. ”

Several family members nodded:

“I see, thank you, Dr. Zhang! What should my father do now?”

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