After the trip, the two of them went to the capital.

In the afternoon, Zhang Yi picked up his uncle's family, and in the evening, his cousin Tingting also came to the capital.

In the next two days, Zhang Yi planned to really relax himself.

To be honest, from the internship to now, Zhang Yi, who has worked for so long, has never given himself a comfortable vacation.

It is rare to be able to travel with your family and to be able to think about nothing and empty yourself.

Originally, Chen Fang also wanted to go with Zhang Yi and his family, but Zhang Yi thought that they were husband and wife after all, so he didn't disturb their world of two.

It hasn't snowed in the capital in December, and Zhang Yi still feels a little sorry for not taking his uncle and others to see the snow scene of the Forbidden City.

The Forbidden City presents different and vivid scenery in each season of the year.

It's worth a trip.

And the Great Wall.

Climbing the Great Wall is still a bit tiring!

But seeing the longing and excitement on the faces of his two cousins, Zhang Yi didn't feel tired.

After two days of eating, drinking and having fun with his family, the classmates in the group kept sending him messages to treat him to dinner.

Zhang Yi ignored them.

Even Wang Haiqing was bombarding him with WeChat messages. Zhang Yi replied that he was accompanying his family to visit the capital and would meet again in two days.

Wang Haiqing didn't say anything.

"Uncle, I have to go to work early tomorrow morning. If you want to play in the capital, you can go by yourself. If you want to go back, just buy a plane ticket."

In the evening, Zhang Yi took his uncle's family to eat the famous special dish of the capital, roast duck.

At the dinner table, Zhang Yi said his parting advice.

"Dad, I still want to play~ I don't want to go back, let's go to the amusement park tomorrow, okay, Dad?"

My little cousin Feifei is very active. As a child, playing is her nature.

Xu Changyuan pinched her nose and said helplessly:

"Okay, it's a rare trip, so let's play for another day. Remember, there is only one day, and you must go back tomorrow night, okay?"

"Yeah! Got it!" Feifei laughed excitedly.

Zhang Yi looked at them, then took out his mobile phone and transferred 100,000 yuan to Xu Changyuan's mobile phone.

"Take this money and have fun, take the two kids shopping, buy some nice clothes and shoes, etc."

Xu Changyuan was slightly stunned when he saw the money in his phone, and quickly returned it:

"No, no! I didn't use the 500,000 yuan you gave us before, why give me money again, keep it for yourself.

You are in the capital now, which is not like Yundu and Tianhe, where the consumption is not as high as the capital.

It's hard for you doctors to earn money, and although your aunt and I didn't say it, we feel sorry for you in our hearts.

Spend the money you earn yourself, what if... what if you have a girlfriend one day~?

Just buy your girlfriend a few more new clothes, don't worry about us, we are fine."


I didn't expect Xu Changyuan not to take the money, but to ask about his girlfriend at the end.


It seems that all parents in the world love to gossip about their children's emotional problems...

Zhang Yi sighed helplessly:

"Well... I don't have a girlfriend yet. When I have one, I will buy her a gift. You can use this money to go shopping tomorrow.

Tingting has grown up now. Girls love beauty. Buy some nice and quality clothes.

It's cold, so you two should buy a thick and warm down jacket."

Zhang Yi then gave the returned money to his cousin Tingting.

Tingting didn't know whether to accept it for a while.

On one hand, her own father asked her to return it, and on the other hand, her own brother asked her to accept it...

This, this, this...

To accept or to return it...

The stalemate lasted until they finished their meal and were about to go back to the hotel to rest, and they were still arguing.

One didn't want the money, and the other insisted on giving it.

It seemed like they were arguing, but Tingting felt so happy~


It's great to be a family~!

Just then!

Suddenly, a sharp brake sound was heard!

The next second, screams, dull collisions, and the sound of foreign objects falling to the ground were heard from the intersection ahead!

Zhang Yi paused, and subconsciously thought that there must be a car accident!

After the sound disappeared briefly, the roar of the engine was heard again!

Then a red supercar was seen passing through the intersection, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye!

At this time, my cousin Tingting was the first to speak:

"Oh my God, there seems to be a car accident ahead, and it seems that there was a hit-and-run!


At this time, Zhang Yi had no time to look at the escaped car. As a doctor, he should go to the scene first.

He ran forward in three or two steps and found that the faces of the onlookers at the intersection in front were all frightened!

Just now!

It happened right under their noses!

A sports car ran a red light and hit a mother and daughter riding an electric bike!

And it didn't take responsibility after hitting people, and actually ran away!

There were not many onlookers around, about a dozen.

All patted their chests and looked scared.

As if to say that it was a good thing that they didn't cross the road just now...

Otherwise, they would be lying on the ground now...

At this moment, in addition to the broken electric bike, there was also a mother and daughter lying on the ground.

The mother's gray-blue uniform jacket was stained with a lot of mud and dust, and the knees and the pants on the right leg were worn out.

I don't know where the forehead hit, and it was bleeding from the temple.

This is just the injury seen on the surface.

Zhang Yi hadn't checked the internal injuries yet.

At this moment, she struggled to get up from the ground and prepared to look for her daughter.

And the person lying on the ground three or four meters away from her was her daughter.

She looked ten years old, about the same age as Feifei.

Because she didn't wear a safety helmet and was sitting on the back seat of the electric bike, she was thrown away a little far.

And unfortunately, she hit the back of her head.

Zhang Yi hurried over to take a look. The child had a cerebral contusion and ruptured cerebral cortical veins.

And there was continuous bleeding!

Because cerebral contusion sounds simple, but it is a real damage to the brain's blood vessels and cortex.

There will definitely be a subdural mass in less than two minutes!

This child's situation is more dangerous than her mother! We must stop the bleeding and reduce the intracranial pressure quickly!

But where is the medicine now!

Zhang Yi hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call 120 for emergency treatment. He couldn't tell the specific location, so he could only ask the passers-by next to him.

"The big intersection in front of Shuncheng Road, here at the Flying Fish Hotel! Come quickly, a mother and daughter were in a car accident!"

After hanging up the phone, the passerby handed the phone to Zhang Yi and said:

"They said they would send a car right away!"

Zhang Yi nodded, but he was still very anxious.

He was not optimistic about the bleeding of this little girl.

Behind him, his uncle and others were also standing in the crowd and watching Zhang Yi silently.

They knew that Zhang Yi was a doctor, and he should stay here when something like this happened.

Tang Xiaohe covered Feifei's eyes to prevent her from seeing the scene.

And Tingting also frowned tightly and looked a little scared.

Zhang Yi walked up to them:

"Uncle, why don't you go back to the hotel first, I will stay here and wait for the ambulance to come to deal with the two injured people, don't let Tingting and Feifei be scared. "

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