The two girls were so busy that they had to wait for the next few days.

Xu Changyuan glanced at his two daughters and nodded.

He turned around and took his wife and daughter back to the hotel.

Zhang Yi is a doctor. It is his duty to stay here to save people. Xu Changyuan's family understands and supports him.

It was completely dark at this time, and there was no trace of blood on the asphalt road.

The lights at the intersection were not bright enough. Many passers-by who wanted to help were holding flashlights and trying to move the little girl to the side of the road.

Zhang Yi quickly stopped them:

"Don't move her! She has a head injury. Don't move!"

Zhang Yi stepped forward and tilted the little girl's head to one side to prevent her from choking due to tongue falling back.

Apart from this action, do not touch other parts to avoid secondary injury.

At this time, when Zhang Yi noticed the little girl's brain condition again, his pupils could not help but shrink slightly!

There is a lump!

The location of the lump is between the pia mater and the arachnoid membrane.

This is a lump caused by blood flowing into the pia mater after cortical venous bleeding!

It is also called subarachnoid hemorrhage!

The skull to brain tissue is divided into skull, dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater, and brain tissue.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage is a very dangerous brain hemorrhage that can be both traumatic and internal.

Even if the operation is successful, the prognosis is not ideal, the mortality rate is still as high as 45%, and most patients will be left with disability sequelae.

Zhang Yi squatted down and looked at the little girl in front of him with anxious eyes.

She was already in a coma, her whole face was extremely pale, and there were serious abrasions in other places, but none of them were fatal.

This subarachnoid hemorrhage is the most deadly!

Zhang Yi could only pray that the ambulance would come quickly and send the little girl to the hospital for surgery.

At this time, the mother who had been sitting next to the little girl and crying looked at Zhang Yi, endured the pain and asked:

"Are you...are you a doctor..."

Zhang Yi nodded affirmatively:

"Yes! I am a doctor! Don't talk first, you are also injured, lie down and wait for the ambulance to come."

" my her, please, doctor..."

The mother looked at her daughter lying on the ground motionless, feeling panicked and sad.

She could only beg Zhang Yi.

But to be honest, Zhang Yi had no other choice at this time.

It's best not to move the injured, he has neither a scalpel nor an operating room.

He wanted to save her!

But he had nothing in his hand, it's hard for a good cook to cook without rice!


It's really urgent!

Come to the ambulance!

But at this moment, the mother who had been able to bear the pain just now suddenly began to gasp for air!

And her inhalation was long and her exhalation was short.

It seemed that she couldn't exhale after inhaling air.

Zhang Yi immediately reacted, this woman wouldn't have pneumothorax? !

After a closer look, it was true!

Oh my, I just paid attention to the girl's injury and ignored the mother!

It turned out that she had a closed pneumothorax!

That is, a traumatic closed pneumothorax. After the ribs were hit and broken, the broken ends pierced the lung tissue.

The air inhaled by the injured person flowed freely into the chest cavity from the damaged lung tissue.

This type of closed pneumothorax must be opened for ventilation and drainage in time.

Otherwise, the gas in the chest cavity will accumulate more and more, which will cause the lung tissue to be squeezed, and it will be impossible to exhale or inhale, and it will also cause the lung to collapse.

At the beginning, the injured person may not realize it, and the emergency doctor may also easily ignore this tiny difference.

But when the gas in the chest cavity accumulates more and more, the victim will experience shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.

Under normal circumstances, the body can absorb small areas of accumulated gas by itself.

But large areas, or pneumothorax that has caused lung collapse, must be drained immediately.

Draining the gas in the chest cavity can relieve the patient's symptoms of difficulty breathing.

At this moment, Zhang Yi couldn't see how much gas had accumulated in the mother's chest.

But he could see the degree of lung collapse!

Patients with a collapse degree of less than 30% have no obvious symptoms.

When the collapse reaches 50%, there will be slight difficulty breathing.

If it is more than 50%, there will be symptoms of hypoxemia such as chest tightness and shortness of breath.

Worse, suffocation and death.

And the mother in front of me is very close to 50%.

We must find a way to drain it quickly!

Although this disease is a common disease in emergency critical illness, as long as the patient is rescued in time, his life will not be in danger.

But on the other hand, if the drainage is not timely, the patient will also die!

At this time, ten minutes had passed since Zhang Yi called 120 for emergency treatment.

The ambulance had not arrived yet!

But the situation of the mother and daughter was getting worse and worse!

The little girl had a cerebral hemorrhage and was unconscious, and the girl's mother had pneumothorax and collapsed lung.

What to do!

How to save her without tools? ?

Seeing the mother lying on the ground gasping for air as if she was about to suffocate, passers-by around her couldn't help but be scared.

"Oh... what happened to her? Oh, ambulance is coming!"

"Young man, are you a doctor? Think of a way to save her."

"Yes, yes, this mother and daughter are so pitiful, that damn driver actually ran away!"

"Don't worry, the driver can't run away, there are surveillance cameras everywhere, where can he run?"

People around were talking.

The street lights were dim at night, and no one recognized Zhang Yi.

Suddenly, Zhang Yi looked at the mother who was about to suffocate, and a bold idea popped into his mind.

Zhang Yi suddenly raised his head and asked the onlookers:

"Does anyone have a knife? Any fruit knife will do!

And straws, the kind of bendable straws for drinking beverages or milk, if you have any, please give them to me!

And mineral water! Bottled mineral water, if you have any, please give it to me! I'm here to save people!"

Zhang Yi's words instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone heard the conversation between Zhang Yi and the mother just now.

Zhang Yi personally admitted that he was a doctor. I believe that at this critical moment, no one would pretend to be a doctor to gain a sense of presence here, right?

So everyone present believed Zhang Yi.

"I have mineral water in my car!" A takeaway boy took a bottle of mineral water out of his yellow trunk and handed it to Zhang Yi.

"I have this kind of knife in my bag, do you think it's okay?"

A passing maintenance worker took a tool knife that can slide up and down.

Zhang Yi took a look and nodded to accept it.

One straw is missing!

At this time, a young girl passing by looked at the milk tea in her hand and asked weakly:

"Doctor, is my used straw... ok?"

Zhang Yi took a look and found it was a bendable straw!

"Yes! It can still be used after rinsing in special circumstances!"

Now it's ok!

The knife, straw, and water bottle are all there!

Next, Zhang Yi's bold move is to use these three things directly to make the simplest closed chest drainage device!

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