The chest closed drainage is to make a hole in the rib space on one side of the chest of a patient with traumatic pneumothorax and a lung collapse degree of about 50% or more than 50%, and then insert the drainage tube into the chest cavity and connect the water seal bottle.

In the hospital, this device must be formal and sterile.

But it is good to find these things at the scene of the car accident.

Save people first!

Zhang Yi can't take care of the girl at this time, so he can only save her mother first.

"Relax first and try to breathe less, because the more you breathe, the more uncomfortable you will feel.

I will save you first, it will be a little painful, you bear it!"

Zhang Yi squatted next to the mother and talked to her.

She was short of breath and had difficulty breathing, but she was conscious.

After hearing what Zhang Yi said, she opened her mouth and nodded in pain.

Then, Zhang Yi first lifted the mother's shirt.

Find the fifth and sixth intercostal spaces under the right armpit, and place a drainage tube at this location to drain the accumulated gas and exuded blood.

There was no disinfectant at the scene, so Zhang Yi had to take the knife and go hard!

"Hold it, don't move, I'm saving you!"

After that, Zhang Yi raised the knife and stabbed it into the intercostal skin!



The mother screamed in pain, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

"Don't move, hold it."

Zhang Yi knew that the wound was very painful, but if it didn't hurt, he couldn't save people.

Passersby around also came forward to help hold the mother's hand.

On the one hand, he encouraged her, and on the other hand, he held her down and didn't move.

At the scene, the crowd of onlookers gradually increased.

Worried about Zhang Yi's poor vision, some people spontaneously turned on their mobile phone lights to illuminate the scene.

Blood flowed out along the incision and even stained Zhang Yi's hands.

Seeing that the depth of the incision had reached the abdominal cavity, Zhang Yi pulled out the knife.

I can only say that I am lucky that this mother is not fat, otherwise the cut would be all fat instead of subcutaneous.

After pulling out the knife, Zhang Yi immediately took the rinsed straw and put it in.

The two ends of the straw, one end connected to the chest cavity, and the other end was put into the water bottle.

"Come on, everyone help, lift this big sister to the steps over there, the position of the bottle must be lower than her chest."


"I'll help!"

"I'll do it too!"

Everyone was very active.

While several people worked together, Zhang Yi controlled the position of the water bottle and the straw to prevent them from falling off.

The maintenance worker who handed the knife just now saw this scene and took out a roll of dark green tape from his bag.

"Doctor, I have some tape here to fix it."

"Okay, thank you!"

Zhang Yi took the tape and glued the straw part at the incision to the straw part in the water bottle.

This way it is more stable and more standard.

After doing all this, Zhang Yi also breathed a sigh of relief.


The tools that were pieced together were actually made!

It was not easy.

Under the gaze of everyone, the mother's breathing began to gradually stabilize.

Gas frequently came out of the water bottle connected to the straw, and even the blood that flowed out after the lung tissue in the chest was punctured was drained out.

At this time, the transparent mineral water had turned a light red.

After doing this, Zhang Yi looked back at the girl.

Subdural mass, subarachnoid hemorrhage, bleeding volume of about 15 ml.

Very dangerous, but as I said, timely surgery can save it.

Just at this time, the sound of ambulance sirens came from far away.

"Oh, here it comes, the ambulance is finally here."

"Great, there is hope now that the ambulance is here."

The mother lying on the steps also heard the sirens. She turned her head and looked at Zhang Yi in front of her and asked:

"Thank you... Doctor, may I ask... what is your name?"

"My name is Zhang Yi."

"I wonder which hospital you work in, Doctor Zhang? I must thank you very much when I am discharged from the hospital."

Zhang Yi waved his hand quickly:

"No, no, it is the doctor's duty to save people, no need to thank me."

Soon, the ambulance stopped at the scene.

Just at this time, the police car also came.

Those who save people save people, and those who record records record.

Anyway, the red sports car that ran away from the accident will definitely not be held responsible.

In broad daylight, with so many surveillance cameras and so many eyes, where can the car run?

It's just pitiful for the mother and daughter, especially the little girl


Zhang Yi originally wanted to quietly retreat with the crowd.

But thinking about the little girl's injuries, he still planned to talk to the emergency doctors.

As soon as he turned around, he found that the girl had been sent to the car.

This guy is really fast.

In less than a few minutes, the mother and daughter were sent to the ambulance and carried away.

That's right, the emergency doctors in the capital should be better than Tianhe in terms of first aid knowledge and the level of disease diagnosis.

So after seeing that the girl had a problem with her brain, he rushed back to the hospital without saying a word.

At the scene, Zhang Yi looked at his bloody hands and prepared to go back and wash them quickly.

Otherwise, passers-by would think that he had done something with blood on his hands.

Suddenly, he looked up and a wet tissue appeared in front of him.

"Doctor Zhang, here you go~"

The one who handed over the wet tissue was the girl who helped with the straw just now.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Actually, I recognized you at first sight, but you were rescuing someone so I didn't bother you."

"Really? Thank you for the straw just now. Without your straw, I really couldn't have saved the person." Zhang Yi chatted with the girl while wiping his hands.

The ambulance left, the police car also left, and the passers-by who were watching around slowly dispersed.

"Um... Doctor Zhang, I'm actually your fan. Can I... take a photo with you?"

Zhang Yi looked at her in surprise: "My fan?"

The girl nodded like a chicken pecking at rice:

"Yes! Actually... I'm also a student in the medical school. I admire your doctor very much~

Can I take a photo with you? Just as... just as a thank you for giving you the straw today and helping with the rescue work~"

The girl blinked her eyes, looking like she wanted to act like a spoiled child.

But Zhang Yi really doesn't like taking pictures.

"Thank you very much, but I'm sorry, I don't like taking photos.

Also... the purpose of helping the straw was to save the injured at the scene. If you want a reward, it should be the injured person, right?"

"Sorry, I have something else to do. Thank you for the wet wipes."

After saying that, Zhang Yi turned around and left.

The girl called Zhang Yi several times from behind, but he didn't turn back.

If she just wanted to take a photo, Zhang Yi might agree.

But this woman just asked for a reward on the grounds of saving people?

Then Zhang Yi didn't like it a bit.

And she didn't help Zhang Yi, she wanted to save the injured.

What does it have to do with him, Zhang Yi, and he actually wants to take a photo.

Humph, no!


At the same time.

At the gate of the Emergency Medicine Department of the Imperial Capital Union Hospital.

An ambulance with the Union Hospital logo stopped here.

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