After listening to this, Jin Zhenglun raised his hand and pointed at Gong Wei and said: "You are on duty today, right? Go down and take a look." After that, he turned to look at Zhang Yi: "I will go out for a meeting later, and I will not be in the hospital all day today. You should follow Gong Wei today and get familiar with the consultation process of Union Hospital. Then follow him down and take a look." Zhang Yi nodded: "Okay, I understand." After that, Jin Zhenglun changed his clothes and left the Department of Cardiac Surgery. He is the vice president of Union Hospital and holds several positions. It is normal for him to be away from the hospital because he often runs between the two places. Gong Wei came over: "Come on, Zhang Yi, come with us to take a look."


Gong Wei, Chen Fang, and Zhang Yi came to the emergency room together.

Although Zhang Yi was not familiar with the consultation process of Union Hospital, it was almost the same in hospitals.

When a patient came to the emergency room, we first distinguished the situation and which department it belonged to, and then called the corresponding department upstairs to come down for consultation while rescuing the patient.

If it was a general light emergency, there was no need for consultation, and it could be treated directly in the emergency room.

In the emergency room, lying on the bed was an old man in his seventies.

He was sweating profusely, gasping for air, and his expression was also very painful.

Zhang Yi took a look and found that it was indeed an anterior wall myocardial infarction, and he had to dissolve the blood clots quickly.

Just at this time, the various examination reports of this old man came out.

Electrocardiogram: The ST segment of leads V1-V3 was arched upward.

The blood routine showed that myocardial enzymes, C-reactive protein, and cardiac troponin were all elevated.

Gong Wei immediately frowned and said:

"It is indeed myocardial infarction! And the ST segment of V1-V3 leads is elevated. It may be an anterior myocardial infarction. Let's go to the operating room first! Where are the family members? Hurry up and sign to send the person up."

Patients with myocardial infarction cannot be delayed. It is best to get treatment within one hour of onset.

After more than two hours, the infarction area will increase, and the difficulty of treatment will increase, and the possibility of survival will also decrease.

The family member is also a man in his forties. After hearing what the doctor said, he nodded with red eyes and hurriedly signed.

Just as Zhang Yi was about to follow them into the operating room, a hurried ambulance sounded outside the emergency room.

The next second, a pale and short-breathing little girl was carried down on a stretcher.

Zhang Yi originally planned to take a look, because this level of shock can most likely be rescued with the treatment level of Union Hospital.

But when he noticed the girl's chest, his pupils shrank instantly!

I knock!


What is going on? ?

How can a girl's breasts look like this? ?

Zhang Yi immediately realized that there was definitely something wrong with this breast!

It should be an adenoma!

"Zhang Yi, what are you looking at? Aren't you going to the operating room?"

Chen Fang reminded Zhang Yi when he saw that he was lost in thought.

"I... I'm not going, you go first, I'll go back to the cardiac surgery department later."

"Ah?" Chen Fang was slightly stunned.

Gong Wei glanced at Zhang Yi and said:

"Forget it, saving lives is the most important thing."

Then they sent the old man with myocardial infarction to the operating room first.

In Zhang Yi's eyes, the old man had a myocardial infarction, and as long as he went to the operating room for thrombolysis, he would have a high chance of surviving.

But this girl is not necessarily the case!

Emergency department.

From the moment the little girl was lifted down from the ambulance by the doctor, her entire upper body was stained red with blood.

When she got off the car, the nurse put a white sheet on her again.

In less than three minutes, the white sheet was soaked with blood again!

In the emergency room, the doctor who received the patient was Wang Yufei from the first group.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the doctors immediately drew blood for testing and put her on monitoring and rehydration.

First, do the most basic rescue measures to facilitate rescue later.

When the white sheet was lifted and the girl's school uniform was cut open.

This scene shocked all the doctors at the scene.

This... is obviously just a sixteen-year-old high school student!

But her left and right breasts are completely different sizes!

The left side is a normal development shape (small bun).

But the right side is swollen like a winter melon!

No, winter melon is not appropriate enough, it looks more like a long pumpkin!

And the nipple is still bleeding!

"It turns out that the bleeding point is on the chest, but why is her chest so strange? Where are the family members?" Wang Yufei said hurriedly.

On the side, a young woman wearing glasses who came with the ambulance raised her hand and said:

"I... I'm her class teacher. Her family hasn't come yet, but I've called them and they should be here soon."

The class teacher was also frightened by the situation and was trembling when she spoke.

Wang Yufei frowned and shouted to the nurse next to him:

"Expand the volume! Replace the plasma first! Push the rescue vehicle over first!"


With such a heavy bleeding, Wang Yufei was worried that she would go into shock!

"Teacher, was her chest like this before in school? Why did it bleed suddenly?"

While the doctors and nurses were doing the rescue work, Wang Yufei asked:

The teacher said in a crying voice:

"I heard from my classmates that she was accidentally hit by a basketball player during physical education class.

Then it happened that the second class was my physics class. I was in class and her deskmate raised her hand to tell me about this. I walked closer and found that the child looked pale and something was wrong.

Then I called 120 and called his parents.

As soon as I finished the call, I turned around and saw that the child's school uniform was covered in blood.

Oh... I was really scared..."

The teacher was also a young woman in her twenties and under 30s.

I had never seen a student bleed so much in front of me.

I must have been scared.

Wang Yufei asked again: "Was it the basketball that hit her chest?"


Wang Yufei was a little unbelievable.

It's impossible for a basketball to cause such a big swelling and so much blood, right? ?

This is a bit unreasonable!

It's too big.

The girl is only sixteen years old. Logically, her breasts should be developing. It's impossible for a basketball to cause such a big problem.

Is there another reason? ?

"Has the blood type come out?!"

Seeing that the girl's chest was still bleeding and spurting, Wang Yufei shouted anxiously.

At this rate of bleeding, blood transfusion is necessary.

If blood transfusion is not done, she will die of shock!

"Teacher, please go and pay the fee first. We will take the child to do a CT scan to see what's going on in the chest."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

The teacher ran very actively.

Although she was also nervous and worried, and her body was stained with blood, the child's parents were not here at this time, and the teacher was the child's parent.

As soon as the teacher left, an alarm sounded on the monitor!

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Blood pressure dropped! Heart rate also dropped!

"Epinephrine 1 mg IV! Nikethamide 1.5 ml IV!"

Wang Yufei immediately started to rescue.

Excessive blood loss is worrying about shock.

Unexpectedly, shock still occurred!

"Has the matching result been found? Ask the blood bank to send blood quickly. We need plasma, whole blood, and hemoglobin!"

"Okay! I'll call the blood bank right away!"

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