The patient was in bed 3 in the emergency room.

The atmosphere of the rescue was extremely tense.

Considering that the patient was a minor, the nurse pulled the bed curtains during the rescue.

Zhang Yi came over and found that she was in shock!

He looked at the emergency doctor and said:

"This child should have an adenoma! Although I don't know why she suddenly bled, there is no other way except to remove the entire right breast! Send her to the operating room quickly!"

Wang Yufei looked up at the person who was talking in front of him, and it turned out to be Zhang Yi.

Didn't he go to the operating room with the previous patient just now?

Why did he suddenly appear in the emergency room again?


This child has an adenoma?

Wasn't he hit by a basketball like this?

Wang Yufei was confused, but he did not respond to Zhang Yi's opinion. He just said:

"Let's rescue her first, adjust the blood volume first and then do a CT scan.

The teacher just now said that she became like this after being hit by a basketball in the chest."

"Hit by a basketball?"


At this time, Zhang Yi's face suddenly showed an expression of sudden enlightenment:

"That's right! This child's chest should have developed unevenly before, and she happened to be hit by a basketball. The violent impact caused the chest to bleed heavily!

Hurry to the operating room, only the bleeding breast can be removed, so that she can stop bleeding! Only in this way can she save her life!"

The emergency doctors in front of Zhang Yi heard what Zhang Yi said.

But they didn't say anything.

After all, they followed Wang Yufei and had to wait for Wang Yufei to speak.

And Wang Yufei hesitated at this time.

Just now, he actually suspected that this girl couldn't bleed so much because of a basketball?

There must be other reasons.

But he had no idea without any examination, because the world is full of surprises.

What if the girl was really hit by a small basketball and that caused this?

Although the basketball is small, if it really fell from a high place, it could not only cause bleeding in the chest, but also kill people.

So without any examination, he could not guarantee whether it was an adenoma or just a simple injury.



Suddenly, a cry was heard outside the emergency room.

The nurse brought the family members at the door in.

"Nian Nian? Nian Nian, what's wrong with you?!"

The girl's mother cried on the bed as soon as she came in.

Looking at her daughter's pale face and responsive state, the girl's mother cried miserably.

On the side, the girl's father tried to suppress his grief and looked at the doctors in white coats in front of him and asked:

"Doctor... Why is my daughter like this?"

Wang Yufei was about to speak when the nurse from the blood bank behind him brought in blood.

The nurse quickly took the blood bag and began to transfuse the girl.

While transfusing blood, Wang Yufei explained:

"Your daughter was hit in the chest by a basketball during physical education class at school, and then her chest began to bleed and swell.

Is your daughter's breast development so abnormal before? Was one side big and the other small before?"

The girl's mother suddenly stood up and shook her head in confusion, just like the girl's father:

"We... we don't know... This child has been sleeping in a room by herself since the sixth grade of elementary school.

She took a bath alone, and I thought that girls would be shy when they grow up, so I didn't care about her..."

Looking at her daughter's breasts of completely different sizes on both sides, the girl's mother cried again.

It's all her fault!

If you are more careful, you will definitely notice it!

Wang Yufei sighed:

"So you don't know either..."

The family members don't know what the girl's chest was like before.


Forget it! Rescue first!

Once the blood pressure stabilizes, send her for a CT scan!

Sometimes hemorrhagic shock comes very fiercely. Not to mention the time for an examination, even if you rescue and transfuse blood at the same time, you may not be able to save the person.

A living life in the hospital is often gone.

It's not that the doctor didn't try his best, it's really too late.

The family members grabbed Wang Yufei's hand and begged:

"Doctor! Please save our Nian Nian, wuwu... She is only sixteen years old! Please save her!"

"That's right, doctor, please, please save my child."

Wang Yufei waved his hand and said:

"Calm down first, we are rescuing now, and we will definitely do our best

"How can the family members stay calm when they see their child dying?

The bright red blood drips into the girl's body quickly.

The nurse even built two intravenous channels to replenish her blood.

But the effect is minimal.


Because the chest is still bleeding, it is equivalent to transfusing blood while bleeding.

It didn't work after transfusing for a long time.

What should we do now?

Looking at this situation, Wang Yufei is also anxious.

Otherwise... ask Director Kang to come and see?

Just when Wang Yufei had this idea in his mind, Zhang Yi spoke again.

But this time Zhang Yi didn't talk to Wang Yufei, but communicated directly with the family members:

"You two family members have seen that the child is in a very dangerous situation now.

I suspect that your child's breasts were not developed in the same size before, and it is likely to be an adenoma.

It happened that he was hit by a basketball at school, causing the glandular blood vessels to rupture and bleed, making the whole chest swollen.

The most urgent thing now is to perform surgery to remove the bleeding adenoma, that is, her entire right chest.

After the chest is cut and the blood vessels are tied, the child may still survive.

Otherwise, she can only wait to die! "

The last sentence directly scared the child's parents, and both of them trembled at the same time.

Immediately, the girl's mother began to cry again.

While crying, she nodded and said:

"Okay, okay! Let's remove it! Losing a breast is better than losing your life!"

The girl's father also agreed with Zhang Yi's statement:

"Okay, then let's do the surgery quickly! Please, doctor!"

Since the family members agreed, Zhang Yi felt more confident. He looked at Wang Yufei and said:

"Doctor Wang, send the person to the operating room quickly, I will do the surgery!"

"! "Wang Yufei was surprised.

How can this man... be so unreasonable!

You are a cardiac surgeon and you come to our emergency department to perform surgery??

You you you you...

Seeing Wang Yufei hesitating, the family members next to him hurriedly urged:

"What are you doing? What are you still hesitating about? My daughter is already like this, what are you waiting for? !"

"That's right, hurry up and do the surgery, we can sign it right away. ”

This girl went into shock after she was put on a monitor and had an intravenous access and was given plasma to expand her blood volume.

The blood pressure dropped to 75/52mmhg.

Then a group of doctors began to rescue her and wait for blood from the blood bank.

Everything happened so fast that there is no time to check and we don’t know what is going on with her chest.

So the patient is sent directly to surgery?

What if it turns out that it is not an adenoma?

Or what if the bleeding point is not in the chest at all?

Who will take the responsibility?

Zhang Yi looked at Wang Yufei and knew what he was thinking, so he said:

"Send her to the operating room, I will take the responsibility."

Wang Yufei also looked up at Zhang Yi.


In that case, let's send her to the operating room first!

But he also has to notify Director Kang to come over.

If something really happens to this child today, Director Kang will have to solve it.

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