Soon, the girl was sent to the emergency operating room.

Before entering the operating room, Zhang Yi asked the nurse to call the blood bank and ask them to send another 1,000 milliliters of blood.

If the girl's nipples continued to bleed, even if Zhang Yi's operation was good and fast, it might not save her life.

In the face of hemorrhagic shock, ensuring blood volume and stabilizing blood pressure are life-saving measures.


The nurse nodded hesitantly and turned to make a phone call.

At this time, Wang Yufei also quickly came to Kang Yanming's office.

It turned out that he was not there!

"Oh no, where is Director Kang?"

I quickly took out my mobile phone to call and found out that Kang Yanming went to Group 2 to talk to Tian Feilong about something.

However, upon hearing Wang Yufei's anxious voice on the phone, Kang Yanming hung up the phone and rushed to the emergency room.

"What's wrong? What's the matter? What patient?"

As soon as he came in, Kang Yanming hurriedly asked.

Wang Yufei hurriedly explained everything to Kang Yanming.

"What? Zhang Yizhen went into the operating room?! He operated alone? Who was his assistant?"

"I asked Li Yong to go in with him to rescue."

Kang Yanming had a gloomy face and said nothing. He walked to the door of the emergency operating room angrily.

Just as he was about to go in, he saw two family members waiting at the door and the big-eyed female teacher.

"They are the girl's family members." Wang Yufei reminded.

Kang Yanming turned his head and looked at them. After thinking about it, he walked up to them and asked:

"Your daughter's breasts were different in size before, and you didn't notice it at all?"

The family looked up at the work card on Kang Yanming's chest. The director of the department is here? !


For a moment, the two parents felt even more guilty.

"I... We are usually too busy at work, and sometimes we don't pay attention to the child when we get off work late... I..."

Kang Yanming was speechless to the parents.

His daughter is in the developmental period, and the mother doesn't know what's going on with her breasts? ?

Of course, based on what Wang Yufei just said, he was more inclined to Zhang Yi's statement.

Adenoma is a benign tumor of the breast.

It often occurs in women of childbearing age between 20-39 years old.

The chance of this sixteen-year-old girl getting this disease is very rare, but it cannot be said that there is no chance.

It is indeed necessary to wait for a CT scan or take a biopsy of the tissue directly during the operation to know what the situation is.

After all, it is impossible for the chest to bleed so badly just because it was hit by a basketball.

It should be that the girl's breasts have problems themselves, and the basketball is just a trigger.

"Forget it, I'll go in and take a look. The bleeding is serious, and your family members should also prepare for the worst."

After speaking, Kang Yanming went in.

At the door, the two family members and the teacher looked worried.

The teacher also felt guilty, after all, the child's accident happened at school.

Regardless of whether basketball caused the bleeding or not, since the child had an accident at school, the school and the teacher are both responsible.


Anyway, let's wait until the child has a smooth operation!

In the operating room.

Two doctors and two nurses were looking at Zhang Yi nervously.

At this moment, the girl on the operating table was completely in a coma.

Fortunately, after blood transfusion and rescue, her blood pressure rose to 98/65mmhg.

At present, there is no danger to life for the time being.

But it is still unknown whether the operation can stop the bleeding.

"Number 10 scalpel!"


"Surgical forceps!"


"Ant-style straight forceps!"


Zhang Yi moved very quickly because there was no time to waste.

When cutting the skin around the breast, the nipple was still bleeding.

At this moment, Zhang Yi could not care about anything else. He could only solve the problem faster than circumcising the little boy.

After opening the chest skin, he first blocked several large blood vessels supplying the mammary gland.

After clamping with ant-type straight forceps, the amount of bleeding really decreased!

Although the adenoma is rich in blood vessels, its blood supply is still mainly from the thoracoacromial artery, the lateral perforators of the intercostal arteries, and the branches of the lateral thoracic artery.

As long as these blood vessels are temporarily clamped, the bleeding can be temporarily controlled.

But it is only a temporary control.

If you want to completely control it, you still have to remove the entire breast.

This move undoubtedly made one side of the girl's chest completely lose its function.

But in order to save his life, Zhang Yi cut a little bit with this knife.

Without any emotion.

Cut the bottom layer of Cooper's ligament along the skin opening.

The breast is currently swollen very much, and the assistant has to help lift it while cutting.

This is what Kang Yanming saw as soon as he walked in.

"Zhang Yi!"

Kang Yanming shouted angrily.

Zhang Yi looked up, looked at him calmly, and then lowered his head to continue swimming.

While swimming, he said:

"Director Kang, you have so much clinical experience, you can come and take a look, this is probably a fibroadenoma, right?"

Kang Yanming frowned the whole time, and continued to scold while walking to the operating table:

"Zhang Yi, you are so brave! Even if it is an adenoma..."

He stopped halfway through his words.

This lump of bright red tissue in front of him...

How could it be so...


This really looks like an adenoma!

Having worked in the emergency department for decades, breast adenoma is not a rare disease.

Kang Yanming has seen at least 80 cases if not 100, and has performed countless emergency surgeries.

Seeing the swollen tissue that Zhang Yi had removed, Kang Yanming was stunned.

Seeing Kang Yanming's expression, Zhang Yi curled his lips slightly and said:

"Right, Director Kang? I should be right, this is breast fibroadenoma!

Otherwise, how could this child bleed profusely just because of being hit by a basketball?

And the entire right breast is swollen like this?

I guess the main reason for the problem may not be the basketball, but the girl herself!"

Kang Yanming's eyes flashed with surprise and shock!

Good man, this guy's judgment is really strong!

How did he do it?

If a doctor who has worked in the emergency department for more than ten or twenty years can make a quick judgment, then he has nothing to be surprised about.

But this kid, it is said that he has only been working for less than a year? ?

He can make a diagnosis so decisively and perform surgery? !

How confident must this guy be in his judgment to make such a decision so quickly?

For a moment, Kang Yanming really changed his mind about Zhang Yi.

This girl did have adenoma, and according to his experience as the director of the emergency department, it must be good.

But this 25-year-old young man in front of him could actually judge it so quickly.

It's really not easy!

Now, Kang Yanming didn't say anything.

He just stood aside and watched Zhang Yi perform the operation.

The whole operating room was extremely quiet.

The other doctors next to him didn't dare to say anything, after all, Director Kang was standing here watching.

Director Kang didn't say whether to stop or not, so they could only bite the bullet and continue the operation with Zhang Yi.

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