The patient was bleeding again.

"Doctor Wang, the hemorrhoid patient is bleeding again, the amount of bleeding is about 200 milliliters!"

The nurse rushed to the office and said in a hurry.

Wang Yufei stood up with his eyebrows wrinkled.

"What? Bleeding again? Didn't you just take the gauze last night? Why is it bleeding again?"

The nurse hurriedly said:

"This time, the blood came out when I went to the toilet to defecate!"

Wang Yufei immediately got up and walked to the ward, and asked Li Yong to call the doctor of anorectal surgery to come down for consultation.

This patient is really problematic, and a specialist must come to check again.

"How is the patient now? Does he have anemia?"

The nurse shook her head:

"No, he is fine, but he was a little upset after he found himself bleeding again..."

Wang Yufei nodded, he could understand this.

After all, it is very difficult to bleed twice for a small hemorrhoid surgery.

As a result, he really bled twice, and it is normal to have emotions.

But he felt something was wrong with this situation...

This person should have other hidden diseases that they have not yet checked out!

Thinking of this, Wang Yufei's pace towards the ward also quickened a little.

In the ward, in addition to this patient, there were two other ordinary infusion patients.

As soon as he came in, he saw this hemorrhoid patient lying on his side on the bed, looking at the door with an angry and helpless expression.

"Wang Bin, how are you? Does your anus hurt?"

The patient turned his head and rolled his eyes at Wang Yufei who rushed over:

"You are a doctor at Union Medical College after all! I see on your work badge that you are still a doctoral student! You are also an attending physician!

Why am I bleeding again?!

How much time have I wasted on a small hemorrhoid and I am still not discharged??!"

The patient yelled angrily, but Wang Yufei was not angry and just comforted him:

"We have called a doctor from the anorectal surgery department to come and see you, don't worry.

A hemorrhoid will definitely not cause repeated bleeding. It should be that you have other hidden diseases that have not been checked out.

How about this, you call your family first. You are bleeding a lot now. You can't stay in the ordinary ward. You have to go to the intensive care unit to avoid more bleeding."

"What? Call your family again?"

The patient hesitated.

He didn't want to call his family.

"Yes, you have to stay in the ICU before finding out the cause of the bleeding. It's better to ask your family to take care of you during this period."

After the previous operation, the patient had been hospitalized alone.

Wang Yufei was worried that the bleeding would worsen this time. If something really happened, it would be better to ask a family member to come over.

The patient complained and stood up slowly:

"What's the matter! It's been so long since I was discharged from the hospital after cutting a hemorrhoid. It's almost been a week! It's so annoying!"

Faced with the patient's complaints, Wang Yufei was a little embarrassed, but he didn't say anything.

Soon, the doctor from the anorectal surgery department came over.

The one who came was Hu Yejun, the deputy director of the anorectal surgery department.

"Director Hu, this patient was originally going to be hospitalized in your department, but there were no beds available at the time, so we discussed having a hemorrhoid surgery in our emergency department.

Now, less than a week has passed, and he has bled twice.

The first time was on the third day after the operation, and the gauze had just been removed, and the patient bled when defecating on his own.

But the amount was not much, only 50 milliliters, so an urgent colonoscopy was performed at the time, and the colonoscopy results are here.

The second time was today, and the gauze was also removed last night, but he bled again this morning.

The amount of bleeding is still 200 milliliters."

As soon as Hu Yejun entered the ward, he began to examine the patient while listening to Wang Yufei's explanation of the situation.

"Bleeding twice? Still 200 milliliters today?"

Hu Yejun frowned.

It is quite rare to bleed 200 milliliters after hemorrhoid surgery.

Because the wound of hemorrhoids is not large, and many of them are ligated.

That is, the root is sutured and then removed, and the amount of bleeding during the operation is very small, not to mention after the operation.

This patient obviously has a problem.

Hu Yejun took off the patient's pants and looked at the anus.

The underwear was dry and not stained with blood.

The area around the anus was also clean, but I didn't know what was going on inside the intestines.

"Let's do a colonoscopy and angiography to find out where the bleeding is."

Based on Hu Yejun's experience,

, it is very strange that hemorrhoids bleed so much.

So he ordered a contrast examination directly.

Contrast examination is to inject contrast agent into a specific blood vessel, and then check whether any blood vessel is leaking under CT scan.

In this way, the bleeding point can be found more accurately.

Later, the patient had no choice but to notify his family. The man who came was a man in his fifties, who should be his father.

After explaining it in detail to the family, the family was also confused.

"There is no genetic disease in our family? How can the bleeding not stop?"

Wang Yufei comforted:

"Don't worry, let's do a colonoscopy to see what the problem is."

The family didn't understand either, so they could only nod and listen to the doctor.

Soon the unlucky young man was sent to the colonoscopy room again.

This time the colonoscopy was more careful and longer than the last time.

Wang Yufei stared at the screen without blinking, for fear of missing something.

Suddenly, a very strange protruding malformed blood vessel was found in the position of the sigmoid colon? ?

And there is a small bleeding spot on this deformed blood vessel? ?

"Huh?! There was no vascular malformation here last time? How could a vascular malformation suddenly appear?? Did we not see it clearly last time?"

Wang Yufei asked the doctor who was doing the colonoscopy next to him to observe the colonoscopy again and again.

Wang Yufei remembered that there was no malformation in this position before.

What's going on?

Wang Yufei was also confused.

After the colonoscopy, Wang Yufei sent the examination form to the doctor in the anorectal surgery department.

Kang Yanming happened to be in the office at this time, so Wang Yufei told Kang Yanming about it.

Kang Yanming was also puzzled after hearing this:

"A hemorrhoid surgery caused bleeding twice? And there was no malformation in the last colonoscopy, but a vascular malformation appeared this time?

You mean the bleeding last time might have been caused by the patient's own too much force when defecating.

Is the bleeding this time caused by that vascular malformation?"

Wang Yufei nodded:

"Yes, this vascular malformation has a bleeding point. I guess this time it must be the problem of this vascular malformation."

Kang Yanming nodded and said:

"Then this guy has to solve the vascular malformation quickly, otherwise he will bleed again later."

Just then, the anorectal surgery department also received news that the vascular malformation had to be removed immediately, otherwise there might be a risk of increased bleeding.

The patient and his family were both confused and scared when they heard this.

"Why did so many things happen when I came to the hospital to remove hemorrhoids? Not to mention the bleeding, this time I was found to have vascular malformations?"

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