The patient was so upset that he wanted to cry.

What a mess!

And the doctor said that the surgery required cutting a small section of the intestine.

Because the vascular malformation attached to the intestinal wall cannot be removed alone, it can only be cut together with the section of the intestine to stop bleeding and prevent bleeding.

If only that part of the malformation is cut, it is easy to cause heavy bleeding.

This guy, a small hemorrhoid surgery turned into a major surgery that required opening the abdomen to remove the intestine in the blink of an eye.

The patient finally couldn't help but explode.

Enduring the pain from his asshole, he stood at the door of the emergency office and scolded Wang Yufei for more than half an hour before he felt relieved.

As a result, he started to have bloody stools again as soon as he returned to the ward.

The amount of bleeding this time was estimated to be about 100 ml again.

Seeing that something was not right, the family members hurried to call the doctor again.

Wang Yufei and Kang Yanming hurried to the ward to check the situation.

Looking at the blood in the toilet, Kang Yanming knew that the operation could not be delayed.

At this bleeding rate, the patient would sooner or later suffer from anemia, and in severe cases, shock.

Kang Yanming immediately turned around and called the anorectal surgery department, saying that the patient was bleeding again. They performed emergency surgery directly in the emergency department.

Kang Yanming performed the operation himself.

When Hu Yejun heard that Kang Yanming was going to do the operation himself, he had nothing to worry about.

After all, he was the director of the emergency department.

How could he be the director without any skills?

Preoperative infusion, anticoagulation and volume expansion, and blood test for hemoglobin.


Fortunately, although about 300 ml of blood was lost, the patient has not yet developed anemia.

The family also signed their consent for the operation, and the patient was soon sent to the operating room.

The operation was performed laparoscopically.

A hole was made around the umbilicus, and the camera was inserted into the abdominal cavity, and then the colonoscope was used to accurately find the location of the vascular malformation.

To ensure accuracy, Kang Yanming also extended his index finger to touch it.

There was indeed a lump in the place where the vascular malformation was located.

After confirming the location, Kang Yanming cut off about three centimeters of intestine around the vascular malformation.

After the cutting, the intestinal tube was re-anastomosed.

The operation was performed by the chief of the emergency department, which not only reassured other doctors, but also comforted the family members.

The operation was very successful.

After the vascular malformation was cut off, it was shown to the family member.

There was indeed a protruding blue blood vessel, which looked scary.

"Thank you, doctor."

The family members were very polite and thanked Kang Yanming.

Kang Yanming waved his hand and said:

"Many patients have complicated conditions, and sometimes the disease is dangerous. We doctors only have a pair of eyes, and it is impossible to see everything.

So I also hope that you patients and their families can understand more."

The family nodded: "Okay, okay, I understand, thank you for your hard work."

Before the operation, his son stood at the door of the office and scolded for so long. Although he was relieved, the result was that they still had to come to the rescue again.


The operation was successful, and the patient was sent back to the emergency intensive care unit for observation.

As soon as he came out, Tian Feilong took his apprentice to see the patient in the emergency room.

Seeing Kang Yanming coming back, he didn't forget to joke:

"Hey? What happened to your group one these two days? Why did I see a patient scolding you at the door just now?"

Kang Yanming looked at Tian Feilong with a fake smile:

"It's none of your group two's business."

Tian Feilong also laughed twice, and then took a patient in the emergency room back to their group two.

After the operation, Wang Yufei finally felt relieved to see that the patient was safe.

He had been confused by this patient.

Now that Director Kang performed the operation himself, there must be no problem.

Wang Yufei felt much more relieved after the problem was solved.

These days, Zhang Yi has been going back and forth between the cardiac surgery and ENT clinics.

Following Jin Zhenglun, he has performed a lot of cardiac surgery operations, and in addition to cleft lip and palate patients, there are also many other anonymous patients in his clinic.

For example, those who have stomach discomfort, stomach problems, and dizziness who can't find the cause all come to Zhang Yi for treatment.

At present, Zhang Yi's outpatient appointment at Union Hospital has been scheduled until the next week.

According to Zhang Yi's two to three days of consultation a week, there are at least four or five hundred patients waiting for Zhang Yi to see them.

"Zhang Yi, come with me to the VIP ward over there in the afternoon to see a patient."

Jin Zhenglun said to Zhang Yi

He came over and said.

"VIP ward?"

"Yes, you haven't been in there yet, right? It's a building built by Union Hospital specifically for VIP patients. There's a building for these VIPs to live in."

Zhang Yi saw it when he came to Union Hospital on the first day. The VIP ward has five floors and is on the right side of the No. 1 inpatient building.

There is no canteen or laboratory building to disturb it, so it's quite quiet.

Zhang Yi only took a rough look outside before, and he really hadn't been in.

I heard that this kind of VIP ward is for the really rich people, or for the officials who are serious.

One person per room, and there are special doctors and nurses to take care of them.

Of course, the price of staying here for a day is completely different from the price in the inpatient building.

Ordinary inpatient beds cost fifty or sixty yuan a day, and higher-level beds may cost seventy or eighty or even a hundred yuan.

But Union Hospital's VIP ward is a special building, and the environment and decoration inside are completely different.

I heard from Gong Wei that the lowest price there is five hundred yuan a day.

The most expensive one is 3,000 a day.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but be amazed at the time.

Is this the world of the rich?

Hospitalization is so expensive when you are sick.

But it is normal to think about it, after all, this is in the imperial capital.

Aren't there few rich people?

They just pay for services, there is nothing wrong with that.

As long as you have money and are willing, the hospital can also provide you with a better environment and medical services.

"Okay, when do you go in the afternoon? Who is the patient?"

Jin Zhenglun patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder:

"It is a patient who has been in the hospital for almost a year, in his forties.

He has extensive myocardial infarction caused by severe multi-vessel coronary artery disease."

Zhang Yi heard it and immediately realized why this person had been in the hospital for a year.

"Is this person waiting for a heart?"

Jin Zhenglun nodded:

"Yes, this family is rich, and they are staying here waiting for a heart."

Extensive myocardial infarction caused by multiple coronary artery disease is generally accompanied by refractory heart failure and arrhythmia.

It can also be said to be a kind of ischemic cardiomyopathy.

It is completely useless to rely on drugs and simple coronary artery bypass grafting to treat this degree.

Heart transplantation is the only option.

And in situ heart transplantation can be considered.

While Zhang Yi was thinking, Jin Zhenglun continued:

"The family called me this morning and said that there is a suitable heart source in Lishui City. If it works, the operation can be performed immediately in the afternoon.

When the time comes, you will go with me to see the patient's condition, and then wait for the notice from Lishui.

If the family is willing to donate, you can go to Lishui with the adjuster to get the heart source after lunch."

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