After the blood was shed, the patient was taken to hospital.

Xiao Long nodded repeatedly:

"Yes, he said he was curious about this patient with unexplained bleeding, and said he wanted to come and help. Then I thought that more people and more brains would help me think, so I agreed.

He came to the emergency room to see Wang Bin, and then flipped through the medical records a few times, and suspected hemophilia.

He also forced me to do a coagulation gene test. I thought what he said made sense, so I... agreed."

"He asked you to do a coagulation gene test?"


Kang Yanming pursed his lips and lowered his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Good guy!

This Zhang Yi actually came to see our emergency patients? ?

Kang Yanming gritted his teeth, not angry, not angry!

"Forget it, forget it. Has the blood been sent to the laboratory? Tell them that we are urgently checking and ask them to give the results as soon as possible."

"Okay, I will call the laboratory right away."

Kang Yanming immediately waved his hand and said:

"Forget it, I will go to the laboratory to urge them later."

As soon as the voice fell, the color of Wang Bin's drainage bag suddenly changed!

From light red to dark red!

And the flow rate in the drainage bag also increased!

Immediately, Kang Yanming and Xiao Long secretly cried out that it was not good!


Bleeding started again!

Kang Yanming immediately ordered:

"Hurry up and notify the interventional department, saying that we need to perform an emergency operation here!"

Bleeding started again, and Kang Yanming's first reaction was to use another interventional hemostasis method to block the bleeding blood vessels.

Because before the results of the coagulation gene test come out, only interventional surgery can really stop the bleeding.

Other drug treatments are completely ineffective!

"Okay..." Xiao Long just turned around and was about to make a phone call, but suddenly turned back.

Kang Yanming saw Xiao Long still standing there in a daze and immediately yelled:

"What are you doing here? Are you acting like a model? Hurry up and contact the operating room to prepare!"

Xiao Long pursed his lips and then mustered up the courage to say:

"Director Kang, how about we treat it as hemophilia? If we send it for interventional surgery now, it's possible that another blood vessel will bleed next time.

But if...if we treat it as hemophilia, we can use the plasma needed for hemophilia A and B to transfuse into Wang Bin.

That would stop the bleeding in the true sense, and the patient would not bleed again in the future."

"What did you say?!"

Kang Yanming glanced at Xiao Long up and down.

This kid is usually naive, why is he so smart now?

Trying to save a dying horse?

Gambling? ?

It doesn't seem impossible!

Since bleeding still occurs after all methods have been tried, and bleeding occurs again even after interventional surgery.

Then this patient should probably consider whether it is a rare coagulation disorder.

Since it has been suspected to this point, why not give it a try?

After hesitating for two seconds, Kang Yanming nodded and said:

"Okay, call the blood bank and ask them to bring FVIII and FIX plasma! Two hundred milliliters of each!

In addition, we still need to notify the interventional department again. In case we still can't stop the bleeding after blood transfusion, we still have to do another intervention."


Xiao Long immediately went out to make a phone call to arrange.

In the emergency room, Kang Yanming changed another piece of gauze for Wang Bin to stop the bleeding with the help of the nurse.

When the gauze in the anus was taken out, it was almost soaked with blood.

Looking at this situation, Kang Yanming already had an 80% probability of suspecting hemophilia.

Otherwise, the bleeding cannot stop, and neither drugs nor interventions work.

That can only be a coagulation disorder.

Outside the emergency room, the family members were so angry that they wanted to hit someone, but fortunately the security guard stopped them.

Xiao Long did not sign the critical illness notice in his hand.

Xiao Long had no choice but to not sign it first and wait for the rescue.

"The blood is here. You want two bags of FVIII and FIX, right?"

The nurse from the blood bank came to the emergency room with a bag of blood and asked.

"Yes, give it to me!" Xiao Long signed quickly, then took the blood and walked to the emergency room.

Outside the door, seeing the doctor's hurried steps holding the blood, the family members cried.

A man in his sixties sat on a chair and sobbed silently, crying and saying:

"Son... You can't die, my son... Your mother is gone, if you leave again, how can I live alone..."

The security guard went to comfort him, but he shook him off:

"Go away, there is no good person in your hospital!"

Security guard: ...


In the room, the nurse hung the blood bags on Wang Bin's left and right intravenous channels.

One side infused FVIII for type A, and the other side infused FIX for type B.

There must be one side that is right, right? ?

Looking at the light yellow plasma slowly flowing into the patient's body, Xiao Long looked at Kang Yanming and said:

"Wang Bin's father has always said that Wang Bin has never had unexplained bleeding since he was a child.

There is no bleeding gums due to brushing teeth, and there is no bruise on the body when it is lightly touched.

All his problems appeared after he came to the hospital to have a hemorrhoid removed.

So I infer that if Wang Bin really has hemophilia, it should be the mildest subclinical type.

A single-sided infusion of 200 ml can almost meet the subclinical type's needs for FVIII and FIX factors."

Kang Yanming turned his head and looked at Xiao Long, with some surprise in his eyes.

What's wrong with Xiao Long today?

Usually he is like a little transparent in the department, silent.

Why did you suddenly get it tonight?

"Okay, Xiao Long, your analysis is spot on."

Xiao Long raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:

"Hey, Zhang Yi told me~"

Kang Yanming:...

"Ah? Zhang Yi?"

"Yes, before he left, he told me that this person might have hemophilia, and told me to try this method if the bleeding increased.

Both sides were infused with plasma rich in coagulation factors, and one side would always work."

Kang Yanming:...

For a moment, Kang Yanming felt mixed emotions!

This Zhang Yi...

He's really got something!

But you don't come to my emergency department, but you want to come to the emergency department to make decisions? !


Do you think I will come to the cardiac surgery department to find you again?


Absolutely impossible!

Soon, the two bags of light yellow plasma were gradually empty.

Wang Bin's originally pale complexion also improved slightly because of the 400 milliliters of plasma.

In the drainage bag, the drainage fluid began to slow down at the 150 ml mark.

This means that the bleeding has really stopped! !

Xiao Long immediately let out a long sigh:

"Huh... It's stopped! The bleeding has stopped!"

Kang Yanming also shook his head and sighed:

"That's right, this person has hemophilia, fortunately it's subclinical.

If it was moderate or severe, the person would have died long ago."

Finally, after waiting for another fifteen minutes, the blood in the drainage bag did not increase.

This means that the bleeding has really stopped.

Xiao Long called the family members waiting outside the door in.

Because they had just cried, the family members' eyes were still red.

Originally, he wanted to point at the doctor's nose and scold him as soon as he came in, but when he heard that Wang Bin had been rescued and the cause of the bleeding had been found, the family member immediately changed his face.

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