The bleeding has really stopped?!" The family member asked with a kind face as when he was just admitted to the hospital. He was completely different from the look he had just had, staring at his father with eyes wide open. Kang Yanming breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yes, it has stopped. He is out of danger for the time being, but we still have to wait for the last and most important test results to confirm what disease your son has." The family member looked at Wang Bin on the bed and called him twice. Wang Bin was very weak at this time, but he was conscious. He opened his eyes to look at his father and then closed his eyes and fell asleep. "Doctor, what's the situation with my son? When will the results of the examination be released?"

The family member was very anxious. After taking a look at his son, he hurriedly asked about the situation.

Kang Yanming's expression became serious and he asked the family member:

"Let me confirm with you again. Has anyone in your family ever had bleeding when brushing teeth? Or bruises when bumped?

Or has there been abnormal bleeding??

Not only your relatives, but also the ancestors at home, and even the relatives on Wang Bin's mother's side."

The family member frowned and thought carefully for a long time.



All the ancestors were healthy.

Except for Wang Bin's grandfather who died of stomach cancer, no one else had any serious illness.


"Wang Bin's mother... died when she gave birth."

After thinking for a long time, the family member said this.

Kang Yanming's voice immediately rose several degrees:

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?? I asked you a long time ago if there were any relatives with abnormal bleeding, why didn't you tell me!"

The family member scratched the back of his head in confusion and said:

"No... didn't you ask me about abnormal bleeding? Wang Bin's mother died of dystocia during childbirth. I remember the doctor said that it was indeed due to excessive bleeding and blocked blood vessels that she couldn't be rescued.

But I think it's normal to bleed during childbirth?

Which woman doesn't bleed during childbirth? I don't think this is abnormal I didn't tell you..."

"I..." Kang Yanming rolled his eyes and almost fainted because of the stupidity of this family member.

After taking a deep breath, Kang Yanming tried to explain to the family members in a calm tone:

"Forget it, let me tell you first. We now suspect that your son has a rare genetic defect coagulation disorder, that is, hemophilia.

Because there is a lack of a coagulation factor in the gene, he kept bleeding after cutting a small hemorrhoid.

Under normal circumstances, hemorrhoids are unlikely to cause such serious consequences.

But because your son's situation is special, it is like this.

Just now your son was bleeding again, but we tried to treat him with the two gene factors that your son may lack, and now the effect is significant.

So we can basically confirm that your son has hemophilia.

It should be related to his mother. Hemophilia is generally a recessive inheritance of the mother, and most of the time it will be passed on to the son.

I guess Wang Bin's mother must have died because she couldn't stop bleeding when giving birth."

After hearing this, the family members nodded with a look of sudden enlightenment.

Although he didn't quite understand it.

But as long as his son can be rescued, he has nothing else to ask for.

"Then doctor, can my son's disease be cured?"

Kang Yanming shook his head:

"Not yet, but your son's condition is relatively mild. In the future, as long as there is no major accident or he does not go to the operating room, he will basically not bleed."

"Huh... That's good, that's good!"

The family member patted his chest and looked at the doctors and nurses in the emergency room with an embarrassed smile and said:

"I'm sorry, everyone. I've been too worried about my son these days, so sometimes I may speak a little aggressively. Sorry, I apologize to you."

Several doctors and nurses waved their hands and indicated that it was okay.

The doctors and nurses can understand the emotions of the family members.

Who comes to the hospital to let their family members go out safely?

This time, Wang Bin was sent to the operating room several times. If any of them encountered such a thing, they would get angry.

So the medical staff were not angry.

After waiting for another half an hour, the amount of blood in Wang Bin's drainage bag was still 150 ml.

Kang Yanming finally felt relieved and prepared to go home.

Because of this incident, he was watching TV with his wife at home.

As a result, Xiao Long called and Kang Yanming didn't even bother to put on his shoes. He just put on cotton slippers and came to the hospital.

But fortunately

, overtime is finally worthwhile.

At least he saved his life.

"Then I'm leaving, Xiao Long. You did a good job today. You should be smarter in the future and don't be as dull as before."

Before leaving, Kang Yanming praised Xiao Long.

Xiao Long chuckled twice: "I understand, thank you, Director."

Kang Yanming then walked upstairs to the laboratory with his hands behind his ears.

He had to use his old face to put pressure on the laboratory so that the group of people could get the results as soon as possible.

Looking at Kang Yanming's back, Xiao Long silently breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh~ It was really thrilling today. First Zhang Yi helped, and then the director helped.

I really hope that every night shift of mine will have a big guy to help me~~"

But having said that, I really have to thank Zhang Yi today.

The desperate method was unexpectedly effective.

On the other side.

Zhang Yi, who had just returned home after a full meal, received a call from Su Xiaoxiao.

Su Xiaoxiao said on the phone that Liu Luo had recovered very well and would be discharged tomorrow.

Zhang Yi also told them that as long as they took the anti-rejection drugs on time, they would be able to live like normal people in the future.

Now they both have careers and love, and their health is stable.

I believe that good days will come to them in the future!

Before hanging up the phone, Su Xiaoxiao said a little embarrassedly:

"Doctor Zhang, when the time comes, Liu Luo and I will have our wedding... please come!"

Zhang Yi smiled: "Haha, okay, I will definitely go when I have time!"

It seems that these two people are also about to get married.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yi was also very emotional.

Watching Liu Luo go from despair to wanting to commit suicide, and then regaining confidence little by little.

Step by step, he has come to the present with difficulty, and his life has finally become happy and fulfilling.

Although he had a rough childhood, Zhang Yi sincerely hopes that he can be safe and healthy in the second half of his life.

This is Zhang Yi's greatest and most sincere blessing for him.

Then, just as Zhang Yi was about to put away his phone and go into the practice room to practice surgery, WeChat suddenly rang twice.

Zhang Yi looked and saw that someone had added him as a friend?

It was added from the large group of Union Hospital.

The note was: Emergency Xiao Long.

Zhang Yi passed the verification out of courtesy.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he added, Xiao Long sent a message:

"Doctor Zhang! Thank you so much today! The patient really started bleeding after you left! But fortunately, the condition has stabilized after the transfusion of plasma containing coagulation factors."

"Thank you so much~ I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow~"

Xiao Long was quite enthusiastic.

Wanting to thank Zhang Yi is one thing.

Wanting to curry favor with Zhang Yi should be another.

Zhang Yi declined: "No need to thank me, we are all in the same hospital, you're welcome."

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