The doctor came to see me.

"Doctor Zhang, it's Doctor Wen from the VIP ward who wants to see you."

"VIP ward?" Zhang Yi frowned, thinking that maybe something happened to Zhang Wanqing?

Her sister had agreed to match the blood type before, and after calculating the time, it seemed that the results would be out today.

"Okay, I know, I'll go there right away."

After that, Zhang Yi stopped chatting with the cardiac surgery staff.

He turned around and came to the VIP ward.

Wen Hui, the doctor on duty at the VIP side, was also in the ward.

After seeing Zhang Yi coming, he quickly handed the matching results in his hand to Zhang Yi.

"Doctor Zhang, the two sisters have different blood types, but there are eight sites of the same leukocyte antigen."

Zhang Yi nodded.

Listening and observing.

The only requirement missing from bone marrow transplantation and other organ transplantation is that the blood types of the donor and the recipient can be different.


Because patients who need bone marrow transplantation are basically people whose hematopoietic stem cells have gone on strike.

Such patients need to undergo increased doses of chemotherapy before transplantation to kill and clear all the hematopoietic cells in the body.

Then the new hematopoietic stem cells are transplanted in.

It means that before the operation, the patient's body has no hematopoietic function and hematopoietic cells at all.

Maybe he was type A before the operation, and the donor's blood type was type O.

Then after the operation, the patient's blood type will also become type O.

So in the matching of bone marrow transplantation, the blood types do not necessarily have to be the same.

The important thing is that the HLA antigens must be the same.

HLA, major histocompatibility complex.

This test looks at genes. As long as the HLA score is high, the operation can be done even if the blood types are different.

Some brothers and sisters may have blood types like the mother and the father.

But as long as eight or six HLA sites are consistent, it means that the genes are compatible.

Bone marrow transplantation can be performed.

HLA refers to the detection of five gene sites, A, B, C, D2, and DQ, each of which has two alleles, that is, it is necessary to see whether ten sites are compatible.

If there are half of the same sites, such as half of the same between parents and children, it is half compatible, and full compatibility is ten out of ten, that is, ten sites are completely compatible.

Bone marrow transplantation is best to have a high score match, that is, more than eight sites are the same.

This will reduce postoperative complications.

The success rate of re-hematopoiesis will also be much higher.

Zhang Wanqing and her sister just happen to have a high score match.

Although the blood types are different, one is type A and the other is type O, it doesn't matter.

Their genes are almost compatible, and the rejection reaction of bone marrow transplantation will be very, very small.

Zhang Yi raised his head, and his eyes couldn't help revealing a hint of excitement.

"This result is fine. You can prepare to increase the dose of chemotherapy! After all the hematopoietic stem cells in the body are killed, you can do the transplant!"

Hearing Zhang Yi say this, Zhao Jin and Zhang Wanqing both burst into tears of joy.

I have been waiting for so many days.

I have been worried for so long, and I can't eat or sleep well every day.

Now I finally see hope!

On the side, Zhang Wenqing sat on the bedside, with a face that was very similar to Zhang Wanqing, but the smile did not reach the bottom of her eyes, and she did not cry.

Zhang Yi looked at her and asked:

"Family, are you willing to donate bone marrow? If you are willing, then your sister can increase the dose of chemotherapy starting today."

For a moment, all the doctors and nurses in the ward, as well as Zhang Wanqing and Zhao Jin, set their eyes on Zhang Wenqing.

Zhang Wenqing felt pressured.

After waiting for a while, she nodded slowly and said:

"Okay... I can donate."

"Wait a minute, doctor, this... donating bone marrow will really not have any effect on me, right? I... I haven't married or had children yet..."

Without waiting for everyone to be happy, Zhang Wenqing hurriedly asked again.

It can be seen that she is very worried.

Zhang Yi gave her a reassuring look:

"Bone marrow transplantation has no sequelae that will prevent you from having children. It is very similar to the process of drawing blood. Most people have no symptoms at all. Don't be too anxious.

Donating bone marrow is not as scary as you think, don't worry.

In addition, you should also eat a little better during this period.

Crude fiber, high protein, don't eat too greasy food, keep your body healthy.

You can eat some blood-enriching food in advance, and you may draw about 400 milliliters of blood at that time."

Zhang Wenqing raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Yi: "Okay... I know."

At this time, Zhao Jin dared to shout excitedly, and grabbed Zhang Wenqing's hand and said gratefully:

"Wenqing! Thank you Wenqing! Thank you for donating bone marrow to your sister! Don't worry, I will definitely give you the money! This... you take it first!"

Zhao Jin took out a card from his bag.

This time Zhang Yi saw it clearly, it was a bank savings card, and it was a member's card.

"There are more than four million in the card, but don't think it's too little.

It's just that I don't have much cash flow at the moment.

When your sister gets better and is discharged from the hospital, I will transfer half of the company's shares to you!"

When Zhang Wenqing saw the money, a strange light appeared in his eyes.

"Okay, thank you brother-in-law..."

Zhang Wenqing put the card handed over by Zhao Jin into his bag.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Yi didn't know what to say.


It's other people's family affairs, and Zhang Yi can't control it.

With a confirmed bone marrow donor, Zhang Wanqing's condition became clear.

The chemotherapy drugs were increased the next day.

It takes about 15-30 days from the day the dose was increased to the complete elimination of hematopoietic stem cells.

The side effects of the drugs during this period are also quite large.

A series of reactions such as hair loss, bleeding, nausea, vomiting, etc. will follow.

But Zhang Yi also told Zhang Wanqing in advance.

If you want to live, you have to persevere.

Although Zhang Wanqing looks fragile, she is actually a very strong woman.

She endures the pain and discomfort.

Once a person has faith, he will work towards his goal with great determination.

Zhang Yi saw everything about this patient.

The only thing he could do to help was to do a good job of the subsequent bone marrow transplant.

Three days later, that is, Monday.

It was the day when Zhang Yi packed up and went to the emergency room.

These days, the hospital has been much calmer.

Because the maker of the rumor that "the two emergency department directors fought over Zhang Yi and got bloody" was not found.

Jin Zhenglun was furious about this.

So everyone has been very quiet these days.

Fearing to offend the leader...

Deducting money is a small matter, but being fired is a disaster.

Early in the morning, Zhang Yi and Chen Fang came to the emergency department with clothes.

However, when they just reached the intersection of the first and second group offices, Zhang Yi stopped.


On this first day of work in the emergency department, should I go to the first group? Or go to the second group?

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