The two of them were in the same class.

If I go to Group 1, what will Tian Feilong from Group 2 think?

If I go to Group 1, what will Kang Yanming from Group 2 think?


It's really hard to be fair!

On the side, Chen Fang saw Zhang Yi's hesitation.

After thinking for a while, he took out a 50-cent coin he had picked up from his bag.

"Now, don't worry about it. If the coin falls on the front side, I'll go to Group 1, and if it falls on the back side, I'll go to Group 2. How about that?"

Zhang Yi looked at Chen Fang with a little surprise:

"Teacher Chen, you still have a way."


After a while, the coin was thrown to the ground.

It landed on the front side, so I went to Group 1.

Well, I have to let Director Tian down first.

Then, Zhang Yi turned around and went to the office of Group 1.

As soon as he came in, many people in the office were already there to hand over their shifts.

After seeing Zhang Yi, some people were excited and happy, while others were expressionless and pretended not to care.

Zhang Yi also saw it.

Some people like him and some hate him~

But it doesn't matter, because Zhang Yi doesn't care.

"Zhang Yi is here! Haha, you actually came to our group to hand over your shift? I guess Director Tian must be very angry."

"It's good that you're here, it's good that you're here! Welcome!"

Xiao Long was the happiest person in the entire emergency department.

This guy just wanted to cling to Zhang Yi's thigh.

He is also a very perceptive person.

The most uncomfortable one is Wang Yufei.

His bright future began to waver after Zhang Yi appeared.

Originally, he only wanted to pass the position of deputy director the year after next.

After Kang Yanming retires in another eight years, he will most likely be promoted.

But now...

Wang Yufei feels that he is in trouble.

After exchanging pleasantries with his colleagues in the emergency department and introducing each other, he prepared to hand over the shift.

After the handover, it was time to announce Zhang Yi's transfer to the emergency department again.

Although everyone already knew most of it, Kang Yanming still asked them to introduce themselves.

"Hello, everyone, my name is Zhang Yi. I just came to Union Hospital not long ago. This is my second department. Let's teach each other."

"Hello, everyone, I am Chen Fang, Zhang Yi's assistant."

Immediately, there was a burst of applause and whispers in the emergency department.

"Assistant? Zhang Yi actually has an assistant?!"

"I haven't heard of it before. Who would bring an assistant to the emergency department?"

"He didn't bring an assistant to the emergency department. He brought the assistant when he came to our Union Hospital. Wherever Zhang Yi goes, the assistant goes."

"Oh, why haven't I heard of this?"

"Although he is very good, to be honest, this privilege is too much..."

After all, Union Hospital is still a gathering place for high-tech talents.

All of them are graduates of top universities or overseas students.

There are even many big guys who have published academic papers in journals.

Especially young people like Zhang Yi, between the ages of 25 and 35, there are many awesome doctors in this age group.

But none of them have such exaggerated and outrageous privileges as Zhang Yi.

So even though they know that Zhang Yi is very good and has good skills.

But seeing that he has so many privileges and the leaders like him so much, everyone will be more or less unhappy.

It can be said to be jealousy or envy, in short, it is unhappy.

I am not bad, why can't I get this treatment?

Kang Yanming took in everyone's reactions, coughed and then announced:

"We will be colleagues in the future. Zhang Yi must be unfamiliar with the emergency department when he first came to the emergency department. Please help him.

There is one more thing... It is about the assistant director of our emergency department group.

The candidate for the assistant director has been decided a few days ago. I decided with the hospital leaders."

As soon as the words came out, all the doctors in the group raised their heads.

There was anticipation and nervousness in their eyes!

Is the assistant director who has not been decided finally going to be officially announced? ?

Even the nurses became nervous.

Who will be the new director of the emergency department? !

Wang Yufei?

It is possible, but unlikely.

After all, there are Cai Yuanpei and He Xiao who have been working for a long time and have passed the examination for deputy director before him.

With these people with high titles, Wang Yufei, the attending physician, is not good enough for the time being.

Cai Yuanpei?

Well, he has a high chance!

Cai Yuanpei graduated from Shanghai Medical University and went to Harbin Medical University to study emergency and critical care medicine.

Back nine years ago

to work at Peking Union Medical College.

He passed the examination for the title of deputy director in the second year, and published two academic papers on critical and emergency diseases in the Chinese Science Citations.

All these achievements seem to indicate that Cai Yuanpei is the right person to be the assistant director.

He Xiao?

He Xiao is also possible, and he is also a highly educated talent.

He has a lot of experience, titles, academic qualifications, and academic papers.

So the possibility of He Xiao is also very high.

At this time, almost everyone glanced back and forth at these two people.

Moreover, the slightly tense facial muscles of these two people also showed that they were a little nervous at the moment.

Oh my God!

It's not easy!

After working for so many years, I'm finally going to be promoted!


Kang Yanming avoided their fiery eyes...

"Ahem, I announce that the chief assistant of our group is... Zhang Yi."


"Oh my god!"


"Zhang Yi?! Chief assistant? He is the chief assistant as soon as he arrives?!"

"Oh my god, why? Why does he have so many privileges as soon as he arrives?!"

"Yes! No matter how powerful you are, you shouldn't have such good special treatment, right?"

"Director Kang, I don't accept it!"

"That's right, I don't accept it either! It's okay to bring an assistant, but to become an official as soon as you arrive? And in terms of academic qualifications, work experience and even academic papers, how can I not compare with him?"

Cai Yuanpei is already 38 this year.

He thinks he is not bad.

He won't be outdone by a young doctor who just graduated from undergraduate school.

No matter how powerful Zhang Yi is, he should not be the chief assistant in the face of the hospital rules and common sense.

Even if we take a step back and talk about work experience alone, Zhang Yi is not as rich as him.

Assistant to the director is to manage the department when the director is not there.

Zhang Yi is so young, not even 26 years old, what does he know?

Can he manage the emergency department with so many people?

So at this moment, he mustered up the courage to stand up and oppose!

Seeing that an old employee like Cai Yuanpei opposed it, half of the people in the emergency department also opposed it.

Zhang Yi is awesome, but when it comes to management, they still think Cai Yuanpei is more suitable.

Half of the people in the emergency department opposed Zhang Yi.

The remaining half abstained and half supported Zhang Yi.

Xiao Long:

"That... Although I have only known Zhang Yi for a short time, I think he is actually a doctor who is good at commanding and responsible..."

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