The next second, a very strange lung CT image appeared on the projection screen.

This is a...

Lung CT with round holes.

In other words, the patient's lungs are being corroded by unknown bacteria!

If it gets worse, the lungs may lose their respiratory function!

The doctors present all showed a serious expression.

"The next one is the whole body bone scan of the current patient. When I got the report, I was surprised to find that this kind of bacteria seems to corrode even bones!"

Huang Qi said as he clicked on the next picture.

They are the seventh and eighth ribs on the right side of the patient, and the tibia on the right side of the calf.

There are different degrees of reduced shadow density.

Everyone was palpitating!

"Why is this patient more seriously ill than the one named Chen Tian?"

"Yes, I remember that Chen Tian didn't seem to have all his bones corroded, right?"

The doctors who came for consultation began to discuss among themselves.

However, the more heavyweight and shocking pictures have not been released yet...

"Doctors, this patient is much more seriously ill than Chen Tian before. The following pictures were taken this morning before we sent this patient to the isolation ward.

The main content is the corroded parts of this patient's body."

Huang Qi continued while playing:

"The most seriously corroded parts are the chest skin and calves, followed by the arms and lower back."

In the projection screen, a naked man was naked.

But his body can be described as completely bruised!

If the patient's lung CT can be described as a muddy ground with potholes and pits after being hit by heavy rain.

Then the patient's skin now looks like a patient with oral ulcers, except that this ulcer is not in the mouth, but on the body!

And yellow pus can be seen on the corroded surface!

This scene can only be described as shocking!

"At first, the infectious disease hospital didn't know what the disease was. They did an examination, various bacterial cultures and drug sensitivity tests.

They also took a part of the lung tissue for biopsy to rule out viral infection and tumor.

The drugs used were also penicillin, cephalosporin, adamantane and clotrimazole, but the treatment effect was not good.

Until the day before the transfer to our hospital, the cause was still not found.

But the doctor there said that bacterial or viral infection is still suspected at present, and it is recommended that we go to Union Hospital for further examination in this direction."

In the corner, Wei Li, deputy director of the laboratory department, suddenly asked:

"Director Huang, have all the tests for this patient been done?

For example, skin exudate slides, fungal culture, periodic acid staining (PAS), Wright staining, hexamine silver staining "After the consultation, I will send the patient's medical records in the hospital group in the form of a file, and all the directors can take a look.

The medical records of what kind of examinations were done at the infectious disease hospital are all written in the medical records, including medication and treatment, etc. "

Kang Yanming, who had been thinking, suddenly spoke:

"Have you done a bone marrow biopsy smear?"

Huang Qi shook his head:

"This one hasn't been done yet, what's wrong? Dean Kang, do you want me to do one?"

"Yes, since the bacteria have begun to erode the bones, then I suspect that there may be problems all over his body, including the bone marrow.

What do the bacteria on the patient look like?"

Huang Qi immediately switched to a picture, which showed the shape of bacteria under a microscope.

This result is still from the infectious disease hospital, and the results of their Union Hospital inspection have not come out yet.

In the picture, there is a kind of bacteria that looks like a 'big red rose' of tuberculosis bacteria.

This is what tuberculosis bacteria look like under a microscope.

When seeing this picture, a doctor immediately said:

"Isn't this tuberculosis? Does this patient have tuberculosis?!"

Huang Qi shook his head:

"It shouldn't be that simple. The infectious disease hospital has used anti-tuberculosis drugs for treatment, but the effect is minimal."

Huang Qi's words broke the little hope of the doctors present.

But after looking at this picture, it looks like it.

This look is too similar to tuberculosis bacteria!

How could it not be tuberculosis?

It's incredible!

But after thinking about it carefully, combined with the patient's current symptoms, it seems that it is not as simple as tuberculosis.


It's definitely not tuberculosis!

Otherwise, the patient is not

There may be so much corrosion and pus.

"The patient's initial symptoms were swollen lymph nodes, followed by coughing, dizziness, and a little difficulty breathing.

The local hospital diagnosed him with tuberculosis, but the treatment was ineffective.

However, he began to have redness and swelling, and skin ulcers, and then he was transferred to the Imperial Capital Infectious Disease Hospital.

After being transferred to the Infectious Disease Hospital, the hospital also gave a suspected diagnosis of tuberculosis after an examination.

But after the tuberculosis drug combined with antibacterial and antiviral infection treatment, the effect was still not alleviated at all.

The patient's condition even worsened!

During the three months of illness, the patient lost 20 kilograms, a fast speed To shock.

Since the patient was admitted to the hospital last night, all the tests that can be done have been done, and the current situation is almost like this. "

After thinking about it, the doctor of the infectious department said:

"This disease should not be contagious. He has been losing weight for a few months. There is no sign of infection in the family members, right?"

In the consultation room, the family members choked and shook their heads:

"No, doctor, we are fine, but I don't know what happened to my husband... He turned out to be like this now. He was very healthy before."

The family member who spoke was the patient's wife.

She was only about 27 or 28 years old, and her belly was a little round.

Everyone knew at a glance that this woman was pregnant.

The pregnancy period was at most four or five months.

The infectious disease doctor quickly comforted her:

"Don't get excited yet, be careful that your emotions will affect the child.

Since this person has been ill for so long and no human transmission has been found, then this disease is probably not an infectious disease.

How about this, we can't discuss anything sitting here.

Why don't we go to the ward first?

The situation is too special now. I suggest observing the patient himself and then looking at the medical records. How about we discuss it together?"

Everyone agreed with the infectious disease doctor's proposal.

At present, after looking at these examination sheets, we can only know how bad the patient's condition is.

But it is still confusing, and the laboratory department can't find the direction of how to check.

For a while, we can only look at the patient first and then compare the medical records to explore.

"Okay! The patient is in the isolation ward, everyone follow me."

Huang Qi did not waste time and immediately brought a large number of doctors to the door of the ward.

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