The patient was in a state of panic, and the patient was in a state of panic.

Outside the isolation ward, a group of doctors wore isolation suits to see the patient.

The temperature and humidity in the ward were specially controlled.

At this moment, the patient was only covered with a thin sheet, and the whole person looked very bad.

Because the bacteria corroded the lungs and caused some holes, he had difficulty breathing.

Although there was oxygen to help, his entire chest was still rising and falling very quickly.

It seemed that he could not breathe enough oxygen.

But fortunately, he was conscious, able to communicate and respond.

Seeing the doctor coming, his eyes, which were as dead as ashes, rekindled a little hope.

He asked in a hoarse voice:

"Doctor... Can I... Can I still live?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole ward was dead silent.

This question was too serious, and no doctor on the scene dared to answer it.

Huang Qi was his attending physician, and he could only bite the bullet and comfort him:

"Li Xiaojun, don't think too much, you are now in Union Hospital, Union Hospital is the best hospital in the country, don't worry, we will definitely find a way to cure you."

Li Xiaojun nodded with emotion, and the light in his eyes became brighter.

Then, Huang Qi put on a pair of gloves, lifted the sheets and explained to the patient:

"All the people who came in are the backbones of various departments of Union Hospital, and they are experienced.

Don't be nervous, we will come to see you and give you a basic examination."

"Okay..." Li Xiaojun nodded.

Then, the scene that made people frown appeared.

There were wounds with ulcers and pus on the entire skin surface.

This is more shocking than looking at pictures in the consultation room.

Kang Yanming didn't say much during the whole process.

At this moment, he also put on the glasses that he always kept in his bag.

In order to see the corroded wound clearly, he even got closer to observe.

The pus is yellow-white, colorless and odorless, and it can stick to the gloves with a light touch.

It is so similar to the child Chen Tian back then...

Exactly the same wound, exactly the same corroded lungs...

Kang Yanming didn't feel very good.

He stood up and asked Huang Qi:

"How is the patient's immune system? Have you done AIDS and genetic tests?"

"There is no problem with AIDS, but the genetic test has not been done."

Kang Yanming immediately said:

"Let's do a genetic test to see if there is a lack of a certain gene that causes immune deficiency."


Huang Qi wrote it down.

I will have to do a bone marrow biopsy smear and genetic test later.

"He is so seriously infected that I suspect he may have an immune deficiency."

Not only Kang Yanming thought so, other doctors also had this idea after seeing the patient's condition.

But the patient doesn't have AIDS.


It's really strange!

"Did the infectious disease hospital check for a long time and still couldn't find out what kind of bacterial infection it was?" Kang Yanming asked.

"Yes, they still only found the 'rose-like' tuberculosis bacteria, so they had no choice but to transfer him to our Union Hospital. I hope we can find the real pathogen."

Kang Yanming's face darkened a little more.

He remembered that Chen Tian's situation was the same at that time.

From a lower-level hospital to Union Hospital.

I thought Union Hospital was the place where the problem could be solved in the end.

But I didn't expect that a young and vibrant life would be left here.

After only one week in the hospital, Chen Tian's condition deteriorated rapidly and was completely out of control.

At the final autopsy, except for the brain, the cavities in the entire lung were as big as a fist.

There were even pustules around the spine.

It is definitely not the case with the current patient. It is just a mud pit hit by raindrops, and the corrosion is only on the surface, without damaging the spine.

However, Kang Yanming feels that Li Xiaojun will soon.

If the real culprit of the disease is not found quickly, the result of this person and Chen Tian will be the same.

Will die.

And he didn't even know the cause of death, and just left like this.

For a moment, Kang Yanming felt heavy and depressed.

He suddenly thought, did God give him another chance?

This time...

Maybe he can change the result?


This time he doesn't have to have regrets, nor does he have to be chased by the family members and scolded as a useless dean.

Of course, this is just Kang Yanming's beautiful fantasy.

He hopes that the patient can get better, but he still needs to work hard in the process.

After checking Li Xiaojun's whole body again, everyone slowly left the ward.

At present

It seems that Li Xiaojun's condition is not as serious as Chen Tian's.

But the situation is still not optimistic.

The most important thing now is to get checked.

After thinking for a while, Kang Yanming suggested:

"Director Huang, tuberculosis can be ruled out at present. Let's change the tuberculosis medication to a combination of antibiotics.

See if the patient is sensitive to this drug.

In addition, the drug sensitivity test of the laboratory department should not be stopped, and several antibacterial drugs should be tried.

The speed should be fast. Once the patient's condition develops, there will be no time for you to do drug sensitivity tests.

Once the deterioration accelerates, the death rate is very fast.

There is no time for us to think about what pathogens are causing it.

So you should work overtime in the next two days to get the results.

Also, ask the family members if the patient has suffered any trauma or where he has been before he became ill.

The cause should be found from both internal and external aspects."

"Okay! I'll do it right away."

The doctor in the laboratory department also responded quickly:

"No problem, Director Kang, I'll ask them to work overtime in the next few days and give the results as soon as possible."

With Kang Yanming's command, things finally have some clues.

Soon, a medical record from the Department of Respiratory Medicine appeared in the hospital's group chat.

Huang Qi from the Department of Respiratory Medicine:

"Dear colleagues, this medical record is of a patient who was recently admitted to our department.

If you are interested, please help take a look. The hospital-wide consultation has ended.

Before discussing the best treatment plan, everyone can come to help and find out the cause of the patient's illness."

Union Hospital is full of highly educated talents.

After hearing what Huang Qi said, the doctors with strong competitive spirit responded:

"Okay, no problem, Director Huang, I'll help take a look."

"Wow, the ulcer on the surface of the skin is so serious? It must be either bacterial or viral infection."

"Oh my God, what's the situation with this lung CT? Is it rotten or corroded? How can it be so strange!"

"I don't understand, the laboratory results clearly show that the pathogen is tuberculosis? Why does it say in the medical record that tuberculosis treatment is ineffective?"

"Haha, this medical record is interesting, it successfully attracted my attention!"

At this moment, Zhang Yi just came out of the emergency treatment room.

A worker's finger was crushed by a machine.

Zhang Yi gave him a simple bandage, and he would have to do a limb replantation surgery immediately.

The next second, he saw Chen Fang walking towards him with a mobile phone in hand.

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