The 200-year-old man was buried in a well.

Some pathogens are red liquids, while others become transparent solids after two or three weeks of culture.

In short, the culture bottles at room temperature in the entire hospital are basically here.

"By the way, the infectious ones are not here. These are all ordinary strains. Don't worry."

The female doctor looked at Zhang Yi and explained.

Infectious strains and ordinary strains are not in the same room.

And the culture room for infectious strains cannot be entered casually.

"Okay, thank you."

Soon, the female doctor took out a few culture bottles from the counter next to her.

"These are all from Li Xiaojun, but the culture time has not yet arrived. If you want to see them, you probably won't see anything."

The female doctor didn't know why Zhang Yi was so concerned about this patient.

But he still persuaded her kindly:

"The current culture time is too short. At least we have to wait another three to five days to see any abnormalities."

Zhang Yi bent over and carefully observed the culture bottles and answered:

"No, there is enough time."

For the blue fungus of Marneffei to change from the non-pathogenic form of red flowers to the oval latent form, it only needs to raise the ambient temperature to about 37 degrees.

The time is very fast, just a few minutes.

And if you want it to change from the latent form to the oval pathogenic form with tentacles, you only need to drop ethanol.

The higher the ethanol concentration, the faster the deformation!

This is the characteristic of the blue fungus of Marneffei!

It can change from the non-pathogenic form to the pathogenic form very quickly!

But it takes several days to change from the pathogenic form back to the non-pathogenic form.

The female doctor in the laboratory department didn't understand what Zhang Yi meant and asked:

"Ah? Enough time? How can time be enough? This culture bottle has only been in for one day, and nothing can be seen at all."

"Here are strong acids and strong bases and weak acids and weak bases. Do you have a culture bottle without acid and alkali test water? I need it urgently!"

"Ah? Doctor Zhang... You came to the laboratory early in the morning to do an experiment?"

The female doctor opened her mouth, not knowing whether she should agree to Zhang Yi's request.

Although she could take Zhang Yi into the culture room.

But professional things should be done by professionals.

You can't do whatever you want just because you are a doctor, right?

Zhang Yi turned his head and glanced at the female doctor.

After thinking about it, he really couldn't be too presumptuous.


"That... I am also thinking about the patient, so I want to ask you for a favor. I suspect that this pathogen needs to adjust the temperature to be detected.

So... please help me. The sooner it is detected, the sooner the patient can be discharged, right?"

Zhang Yi's tone became gentler, not as anxious as before.

The female doctor's cheeks turned red!

Good guy, is Zhang Yi using the beauty trap? ?


"You mean you suspect that this pathogen needs to be detected by adjusting the temperature?"

She definitely didn't agree because Zhang Yi was so handsome and spoke so gently.

She agreed for the sake of the patient!

"Yes, try adjusting the temperature to 37 degrees!"

"37 degrees? What kind of pathogen needs to be adjusted so high?" The female doctor also became curious.

"Have you heard of the blue-shaped bacteria of Marneffei?"

"Hmm? Marneffei? Blue-shaped bacteria? I remember that most blue-shaped bacteria seem to be non-pathogenic."

Zhang Yi nodded:

"Yes, most blue-shaped bacteria are non-pathogenic, but this Marneffei is pathogenic!"

The female doctor hesitated for a while, and finally nodded:

"Okay, follow me."

Then the female doctor took Zhang Yi into another smaller laboratory with air conditioning.

"Are you sure it's 37 degrees?"

The female doctor asked again before adjusting the temperature.

During this period, the outdoor temperature in the capital is as high as 5° and as low as minus 3°.

Indoors, especially in hospitals, there is central heating, so the temperature in the laboratory is basically around 22-25° all day long.

At this temperature, the blue-shaped bacteria of Marneffei belong to the red flower form.

That is, the non-pathogenic form, which is very similar to tuberculosis bacteria.

"Sure!" Zhang Yi nodded.

After raising the temperature in the laboratory, the female doctor brought two more culture bottles.

"This one is from the bone marrow biopsy last night, and this one is from the emergency test the night before yesterday, which is the pus from the wound. Which one do you want?"

"Bone marrow!"

Soon, the temperature in this small laboratory became higher and higher.

The female doctor listened to Zhang Yi

, took out some bone marrow from the culture bottle and put it under the lens of the optical microscope.

"In theory, this pathogen will change its shape at around 37 degrees and become oval. Check it out."

The female doctor nodded helplessly and did what Zhang Yi said.


Sister, I still have a lot of blood tests outside...

If you weren't handsome, I wouldn't help you~!

Then, the female doctor leaned her eyes on the eyepiece of the microscope.

As the temperature got higher and higher, the two people in the laboratory gradually began to feel hot.

Zhang Yi was still wearing a thin down jacket under his white coat, and the sweat on his back was hot.

"How is it? Has it changed its shape?" Zhang Yi asked.

The female doctor stared at the camera with her left eye, muttering:

"The temperature has risen, why didn't it happen as you said..."


The next second!

The expression of the female doctor was wrong!


"Fuck?! It's changed! It's really changed!"

The female doctor said a few Chinese quintessences repeatedly, and Zhang Yiyi came over excitedly.

"Really? Let me see!"

The female doctor made way and gave the camera to Zhang Yi.

In Zhang Yi's sight, as the temperature continued to change, the blue-shaped bacteria of Marneffei actually decomposed!

Is this how it reproduces? !

The decomposed bacteria gradually evolved into an oval shape!

Now, Zhang Yi was almost certain that Li Xiaojun's disease was caused by the blue-shaped bacteria of Marneffei! !

Of course, there was one last step!


"Doctor Zhao, please bring me the 75% alcohol in your department!"

After saying this, the female doctor next to her panicked before she reacted.

"Ah? Oh... Oh! OK!"

The female doctor smiled awkwardly and hurried to get the alcohol.


It's all because Zhang Yi is too handsome!

When Zhang Yi leaned over to look at the microscope just now, the distance between the two was so close that she could smell the fragrance of Zhang Yi.

It was not the kind of strong perfume smell, but a very clean and refreshing smell.

There was also a little fragrance of laundry detergent in it.


Do all single young men smell so good?

Plus Zhang Yi's beautiful profile...

This almost made her lose her mind...

The female doctor in the laboratory shook her head, trying to make herself more sober.

This is work!

Don't be tempted by beauty, you know? !

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