Soon, the alcohol was brought.

Zhang Yi took a drop and dropped it on the sampled marrow fluid...

Sure enough!!

In less than a minute!

The originally oval-shaped bacteria changed and grew tentacles!

It's like a sea cucumber, but the tentacles of this thing are much longer than those of a sea cucumber!

For a moment, Zhang Yi got goose bumps when he saw this scene.

Good guy!

Although it is known that so far, humans may have discovered less than one percent of the microorganisms in nature.


This feeling of watching biological evolution in person can really give people goose bumps all over their body!

Seeing Zhang Yi's shocked expression, the female doctor quickly came over curiously:

"What does it look like? Let me see?"

"Oh my god! It has tentacles?! It actually has tentacles!"

The female doctor also screamed in surprise.

This scene also scared her so much that she broke out in a cold sweat!

"This can definitely be used as a specimen by our director and can be included in the textbook he is writing!"

After reading it, the female doctor sighed again and again.

"Does your Director Bai write textbooks?"

"Yes, many directors of our hospital are professors of medical schools, and some directors are invited to compile textbooks."

"I see, now we can basically conclude that the patient Li Xiaojun is infected with this pathogen.

This pathogen is too cunning, it changes again and again, and the conditions for changing its form are very high.

No wonder it has not been found for so long.

This pathogen is almost non-existent in our country.

It has only been found in Southeast Asian countries, but not many.

Of course, it is also possible that we discovered it late or did not wait to find out the cause, and the patient died because of the worsening of the disease. .

This kind of pathogen is very resistant to drugs, so you must choose the most sensitive antifungal drug.

Otherwise, this guy will easily develop drug resistance. Once drug resistance is developed, it means that the patient's treatment failure rate is high!

Let's do this. Take this form of pathogens to do drug sensitivity test.

Remember, the temperature can only be around 37 degrees, and the temperature must not be adjusted.

Keep this temperature to do drug sensitivity test to be effective.

Ketoconazole, fluconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole, amphotericin B, caspofungin...

And berberine!

Try these drugs first to see how the drug sensitivity effect is. "

The female doctor was stunned.

She only saw Zhang Yi's mouth opening and closing, and he talked a lot.

But she understood the last sentence of drug sensitivity test.

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

After the laboratory was done, Zhang Yi hurried to the respiratory department again.

Looking at Zhang Yi's hurriedly leaving back, the female doctor in the laboratory couldn't help shaking her head and said:

"To be honest, Zhang Yi is really handsome and responsible.

This patient is not from their emergency department, but he is so concerned? It's rare."

No wonder so many sisters in the hospital have a crush on Zhang Yi.


The charm is really great~!


Department of Respiratory Medicine.

It was exactly 7:30 in the morning.

The doctors and nurses on the morning shift had already come to the department to start work.

When Zhang Yi came to the Department of Respiratory Medicine in a hurry, a sharp-eyed nurse immediately walked over and asked him:

"Doctor Zhang? Why did you come to our Department of Respiratory Medicine?"

"I found the cause of Li Xiaojun's illness! Where is the doctor on duty? Where is he?"

"Ah? Found it? Found it so quickly?!"

Hearing the conversation, the doctor on duty also walked out of the observation room next to him.

"What did you say? You... found the cause of Li Xiaojun's illness? What is it?"

The doctor on duty couldn't believe it.

How could it be so fast? !

Found it in just one day?

"It's the blue fungus of Marneffei!"

"What? Blue fungus of Marneffei?! Hiss... I feel like I've heard of this blue fungus. It seems to be a rare pathogenic species among blue fungi, right?"

Zhang Yi nodded affirmatively: "Yes, that's it!"

"Oh my gosh! I remember it! I saw it in a foreign paper. The blue fungus of Marneffei seems to be in the shape of a flower.


This thing doesn't look like the shape of tuberculosis bacteria?"

The doctor on duty had heard of this pathogenic bacteria, but didn't know it well.

Because it's rare, many doctors have only heard of this microorganism, or seen picture cases.

They haven't really seen it.

"No, it's very similar. Its state below 30° is very similar to that of tuberculosis bacteria.

Very similar.

Only at 37° will it be different! "

"Damn, are you saying this thing will really change shape? ? "

"Yes, I have just confirmed this in the laboratory, and they have started to do drug sensitivity tests.

Now I come to you to ask the patient and his family again, to see how he was infected with this disease. "

"Okay, I'll take you to the ward. "

After saying that, the doctor on duty immediately took Zhang Yi to the ward to see the patient.

The patient's family set up a bed for the patient outside the sterile ward.

Seeing the doctor walk in with a nervous look on his face, they could only watch helplessly.

They couldn't help at all.


In the ward, the patient just woke up.

It's not that he just woke up, but he didn't sleep much because of the torment of the wound all night.

Although the situation has improved a little after changing the medicine, the wounds all over his body are real.

For a while, he is still in this state of pain.

"Li Xiaojun, are you awake? How do you feel today? "The doctor on duty asked.

Li Xiaojun opened his eyes, and the nurse who was on duty next to him was doing facial care for him.

"It still hurts... It was a little better last night, but I took a nap... After I woke up... I still feel pain now..."

Because his lungs were severely corroded, Li Xiaojun had to wear an oxygen mask all day long.

Otherwise he would be short of oxygen.

At this moment, he spoke intermittently.

"We came here to ask about your condition. Can you tell me where you went before the symptoms appeared? Or did you eat something unclean?

We now suspect that you are infected with a very rare pathogen.

This kind of pathogen is very rare in our country, but it is very common in Southeast Asian countries. "

Zhang Yi asked the question, and Li Xiaojun, who was lying on the bed, frowned and said:

"I... I haven't been anywhere... I ate... I ate very ordinary meals..."


Never went out?

Never eaten unclean food?

Now, it was Zhang Yi's turn to frown.

Then how did he get infected with the blue fungus Marneffei?

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yi asked again:

"Have you ever been in contact with unclean small animals? For example... wild animals or bats, mice, etc.?"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Xiaojun's eyes lit up!

The whole person was excited, and he supported the edge of the bed and wanted to sit up!

"I... I... I... I have! It's a mouse... a mouse!"

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