The weather was cold, but the weather was not bright.

It was so cold, and you came to the hospital before it was completely light?

Just to help a patient check for pathogens?


Too much!

Zhang Yi is so much!

You are going to kill us!

You did a good job in the operation, and you are so kind and dedicated!

Oh my god, if you are like this, what are we doing...

In short, the people around the emergency department looked at Zhang Yi with a confused expression and gave him a thumbs up to show their respect.

Aside, Cai Yuanpei's expression became solemn.

What the hell? ?

So Zhang Yi came to the hospital early in the morning? ?

So, Zhang Yi was faster than him?

Did Zhang Yi find the blue-shaped bacteria Marneffei before him, and even did the drug sensitivity test? !

When Cai Yuanpei thought of this, he felt his blood pressure rise a lot!

Good guy, he rushed so hard, but he was still one step behind Zhang Yi!

He even stayed up all night without sleeping!

I didn't expect that he was still one step behind!

Now... Kang Yanming will definitely give the position of assistant director to Zhang Yi legitimately.

And no one in the emergency department will oppose him this time.

Cai Yuanpei got a headache when he thought of this!

Damn it.

He has been in the emergency department for nearly ten years, but he didn't expect that Zhang Yi has surpassed him in the past ten years in less than a month!

Not only Cai Yuanpei.

The other old employees standing next to Cai Yuanpei also had a change in their hearts for a while.

It was not a fleeting change, but a real change.

At this moment, they all felt that Zhang Yi seemed to be a really capable person.

In addition to being good at surgery, Zhang Yi also has a strong ability to observe.

He is also very dedicated and responsible.

Although Kang Yanming asked them to help check this patient.

But Zhang Yi was so concerned that he got up from his bed and went to the hospital in a temperature close to several degrees below zero.

Then he went to the laboratory to find out the fungus, and even arranged the next step of the drug sensitivity test in advance.

It must be said that Zhang Yi's ability is far more than what they see now.

In the emergency office, the scene was slightly awkward.

Chen Fang stood behind Zhang Yi and said in a very low voice:

"Look at Cai Yuanpei's face, he is almost black with anger~"

Zhang Yi looked up and found that it was true.


This person just provoked him with his eyes.


Now he is silent?


Just a blue fungus of Marneffei, you think you can stop me?

This time, Zhang Yi didn't rely on the system prompts, but figured out the answer by thinking on his own.


I hope the rewards from the system will be more powerful later~

Kang Yanming didn't bother to care about the little tricks between these competitors.

He laughed heartily and said:

"Zhang Yi, you and Cai Yuanpei both found the pathogen.

But you are one step ahead of him, so..."

Kang Yanming looked at everyone in the department:

"Listen, everyone. From now on, Zhang Yi will be the assistant director of our department. Don't argue about it.

Although Zhang Yi is young, he really deserves the title.

He is very strong in both surgical operations and observation and judgment of rare diseases.

I hope everyone will sincerely accept Zhang Yi in the future. If you have nothing to do, you can also ask him about his suturing operations.

To be honest, Zhang Yi's suturing is one of the best suturing I have seen so far.

You won't suffer if you learn from him."

After Kang Yanming finished speaking, he patted Zhang Yi's shoulder to show his affirmation.

Other people around nodded.

Originally, at least half of them supported Cai Yuanpei.

But today, Cai Yuanpei was indeed one step slower.

It may not matter if you are a step slower in other things.

But in the face of unknown diseases, even one second faster can save a person's life.

So at this moment, those old employees who supported Cai Yuanpei also shut up silently.

"Zhang Yi, how did you find out? Tell me the details?"

Kang Yanming walked out of the office first and prepared to make rounds.

Zhang Yi followed and explained:

"I also looked up information and found two papers.

The paper only briefly introduced this pathogen, but I found that all the symptoms of this disease matched those of Li Xiaojun.

So I just suspected it, but in order to verify my guess, I came to the laboratory early in the morning and asked Dr. Liu to help

I checked it out.

I didn't expect that Li Xiaojun's pathogenic bacteria were exactly the same as Marneffei's blue bacteria!

So I was able to confirm that Li Xiaojun was indeed infected with Marneffei's blue bacteria.

I also asked Dr. Liu to do a drug sensitivity test.

Ketoconazole, fluconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole, amphotericin B, and caspofungin were all tested.

Use the most sensitive one, or you can combine drugs based on the results. "

"Not bad, not bad, what time did you come to the hospital in the morning? Did you stay up all night looking up information?"

Zhang Yi smiled and said:

"About the same time, but it's okay, I can just make up for it after get off work."

This made Kang Yanming appreciate Zhang Yi even more.

Stay up all night for the patient at such a young age.


So dedicated!

"Although you are young, you should also pay attention to rest.

By the way, how did this patient get infected? Did you ask?"

When Kang Yanming and Zhang Yi were talking, everyone around them pricked up their ears and listened.

"I asked. The patient had indeed never been abroad, but he had been to Guanghong City. When he was talking about business with his partners, the other party asked him if he wanted to eat bamboo rats specially raised by Yue State.

The patient didn't eat it either, but that's the problem."

"He did not eat bamboo rat meat, but he drank the soup!"

"And the main transmission channel of the infection route of the blue-shaped bacteria of Marneffei is the respiratory tract or the digestive tract.

Otherwise, it is damaged skin and mucous membranes.

Moreover, this pathogen is not pathogenic at room temperature, that is, below 30 degrees.

Only at around 37 degrees will it change from a non-pathogenic form to a latent period.

So the first thing I did when I went to the laboratory was to ask the doctor Liu on duty to raise the temperature.

After adjusting to 37 degrees, this guy really changed.

From a flower shape very similar to tuberculosis bacteria to an oval shape.

Then this oval shape is only in the incubation period, not the final pathogenic form.

If it is to become a pathogenic form, it needs to produce a yeast reaction.

The medium for producing a yeast reaction is ethanol!

I dropped another drop of ethanol in, and the oval pathogenic bacteria began to grow tentacles.

This shape is highly similar to the pathogenic form of the blue-shaped bacteria of Marneffei that I saw in the literature.

Combined with the fact that the patient did drink alcohol shortly after taking bamboo rat soup.

And the time period when the symptoms appeared was also a few days after drinking, fever, nausea, swollen lymph nodes, etc.

So I quickly asked Dr. Liu to do the drug sensitivity test.

The earlier the antidote is found, the earlier the patient can be discharged from the hospital. "

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