The disease is still spreading.

"So that's why. No wonder the previous tests showed that the pathogen only has one flower form!

It turns out that this guy is so cunning that he needs to change the temperature to change his form."

"I've learned a lot. I'll go back tonight and search for similar literature."

After listening to Zhang Yi's explanation, the colleagues in the emergency department who knew little about the blue-shaped bacteria of Marneffei nodded belatedly.

In the corner, Cai Yuanpei had a gloomy face.


He knew all this!

It's just that he came to the hospital a few hours late!

All the credit was taken away by Zhang Yi...

Cai Yuanpei was angry, but he couldn't get angry now.

Although he didn't think he was inferior to Zhang Yi.

But one thing that convinced Cai Yuanpei was that they all stayed up all night to look up information and literature for this patient.

But Cai Yuanpei did not come to the hospital immediately after finding the information, but took a nap at home for more than an hour.

Zhang Yi was different.

He dared to come to the hospital to do experiments directly after finding the information.

Cai Yuanpei was convinced on this point.

It shows that Zhang Yi's sense of responsibility is stronger than his.

Of course, if he had to choose again, Cai Yuanpei would definitely not make up for the sleep.

Instead, he would come to the hospital to do experiments immediately like Zhang Yi.

In this way, maybe the position of assistant director could be replaced by himself...

Cai Yuanpei was in a bad mood all morning.

He worked in the emergency department for ten years, but he didn't expect to get a promotion.

But he would not give up. If there is a chance later, he will still try his best to fight for it.

"Excuse me, is Dr. Zhang Yi in the office?"

Suddenly, someone knocked at the door of the doctor's office.

Everyone looked up and found that it was the foreign patient named Rosen and his family members who came.

The translator who had been helping them translate and Mr. Wang were also with them.

Zhang Yi was talking to a few interns when he heard someone calling him at the door.

He turned around and saw that it was the Rosen family.

"What's wrong? Aren't you all discharged from the hospital? Why are you back again?"

Mr. Wang smiled and explained:

"You don't know, Dr. Zhang, he will go back to Putaoya in two days.

But before leaving, he asked again and said that our China is a country that pays attention to etiquette, so he asked me if I need to give you a small gift before leaving.

I said that Dr. Zhang is not the kind of person who will accept gifts.

If you really want to give it, you can give a banner.

Then they really listened to my advice and customized a banner for you.

Hehe, but this banner is a bit special!"

The eyes of the whole office were focused on the door.

Oh my~

The patient came to give Zhang Yi a banner? ?

I'm not envious, I'm not envious at all~!

"Special? How special?" Zhang Yi glanced at the red velvet wrapped in Rosen's hand.

What's so special about the banner?

The translator said something in Rosen's ear.

Then Rosen opened the banner in his hand.


It's really special!

It's printed in Grape Ya language!

Zhang Yi took a look and saw a regular blessing:

May God bless you and may the benefactor be happy.

——Rosen family, TO Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi was slightly moved and quickly thanked the Rosen family in Grape Ya language.

"No, no, no, we should thank you. My son's surgery is difficult, but you, Doctor Zhang, solved it so easily.

Our family is very grateful to you. Mr. Wang said you don't like expensive things.

So we made a banner for you, I hope you like it."

Rosen's mother is a typical foreign beauty with outstanding temperament.

Her tone is also very gentle when she speaks.

"Thank you, I like it very much. Of course, you must remember to urge Rosen to lose weight after you return to Putao Ya.

If he doesn't lose weight, fatty liver, blood lipids, blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, etc. will soon appear.

You must be determined to lose weight and stay healthy."

Rosen is about the same age as Zhang Yi.

He is so fat in his twenties. Fortunately, he is not born obese. He should be able to lose weight if he is a little ruthless.

"Okay, Doctor Zhang, I will try to control my weight after I go back."

Before leaving, Mr. Wang also made an appointment with Zhang Yi.

Last time, Mr. Wang kept urging Zhang Yi to do something about the medical device.

Yi went to see the physical production line.

If Zhang Yi agreed, then the equipment they produced could be promoted a little by using Zhang Yi's fame.

Although Zhang Yi is not a nationally famous star now.

But he is already very famous in the medical industry.

And the reason why Mr. Wang asked Zhang Yi to take such a good job was entirely because of this.

"No problem, I will contact you when I take a vacation at the beginning of the month."

"Okay, no problem, then we will leave first, Dr. Zhang!"

After saying goodbye to the Rosen family, Zhang Yi took the banner in his hand and gestured a little on the wall of the office.

Oh my~

Where should such a conspicuous banner be hung so that people in the department can see it 24 hours a day?

"Sure, Zhang Yi, how long have you been in Union Hospital, and a patient has given you a banner?"

Chen Fang asked loudly with envy.

He deliberately spoke so loudly just to let other people in the department hear.

Did you see it~

Zhang Yi has just arrived and there is a banner, but many of you doctors don't have one yet~!

Zhang Yi looked up at Chen Fang and naturally knew why he spoke so loudly.

But Zhang Yi didn't say anything, just asked:

"Where should I hang it?"

Just at this time, Kang Yanming came over.

After seeing the banner in Zhang Yi's hand, his eyes lit up:

"Hey? Zhang Yi, did a family member give you a banner?"

"Yes, it was given by Rosen's family."

"Haha, foreigners also know how to give doctors banners? It's really rare."

Then Kang Yanming pointed to the wall by the window of the department and said:

"Hang it there, our department's banners are all there."

There are also many banners in the emergency department, but most of them have been put away.

The ones that can be hung are those given by patients with more commemorative significance.

Zhang Yi's, Kang Yanming thinks this is the first time that a foreigner has given a Chinese doctor a banner in the emergency department.

It is worth promoting, so Kang Yanming plans to hang this banner in the most conspicuous place.

As expected.

Zhang Yi's banner is different from other banners once it is hung.

Because it is the only banner with foreign language written on it.

"Haha, not bad, not bad, you all should follow Zhang Yi's example, he is younger than some of your doctors.

But he has received no less honor than you!"

Kang Yanming looked at the banner with satisfaction and said to everyone in the office.



Everyone nodded with a fake smile.

Especially Cai Yuanpei, he couldn't laugh at all.


I don't envy! Not at all!

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